
hoping to find some help here on how to set up sample rate conversion on
Squeezeserver 8.3.0 running Linux.

I acquired MiniDSP DDRC-24 Dirac box to run Dirac based DRC on my

This MiniDSP and Dirac works great so far, but according to information
published on audio science review DDRC-24 internally resamples
everything to 48kHz and does it very badly, so it is recommended to run
sample rate conversion before DDRC-24 and feed it with 48000Hz signal.

I have dedicated an old Squeezebox Classic for this task and would like
to perform sample rate conversion for all data types it receives on
squeezebox server.

What I already managed is to assemble a custom-convert.conf (thanks to
information I found here) containing the conversion below for Flac
files, which are a majority of my library.

flc flc * 00:0:00:00:00:00
        # FT:{START=--skip=%t}U:{END=--until=%v}D:{RESAMPLE=-r %d}
        [flac] -dc --totally-silent $START$ $END$ -- $FILE$ | [sox] -q -t wav -
-t flac -C 0 - rate 48000

It works wonderfully for Flac so far, resamples all sampling rates on
the fly for the defined mac address, in track scrolling works as well,
so all good with Flac.

Now there are couple more formats in my library, so i am looking for
help to roll the conversion out for this formats as well.

These formats are in particular:
- mp3 (all aver the place rewarding bit rate, VBR, CBR etc.)
- aac (mostly 256 CBR I guess)
- dff/cue
- dsf

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Just some side notes regarding DSD.
I have DSDPlayer (v1.07) installed, unfortunately it only downsamples to
44100Hz when sending the stream to Classic. I would like to keep it
installed for other devices like Touch. I also don't want to convert DSD
files to PCM permanently, as my main system (PicorePlayer and Teac
UD-501) can play did natively just fine.
I have tried C3PO plug in, but found the results to be erratic and gave
up in lack of progress.


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