I have the latest SQZ Server and have included the latest SPOTTY plugin
from the list of plugins
I have gone through the process of enabling it through another web
instance of Spotify.
When I enable it and run a music scan, I get this error and music
library does not scan anymore.
ANy help please

[22-02-12 08:58:56.2453] Slim::Music::Import::runImporter (578) Starting
Plugins::Spotty::Importer scan
[22-02-12 08:58:58.0351] main::main (338) Error: Failed when running
main scan: [Can't use string ("   0:     0x7ff70a8586de - ]
[22-02-12 08:58:58.0354] main::main (339) Error: Skipping post-process &
Not updating lastRescanTime!

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