d6jg wrote: 
> Tony said that the user / group and permissions on a non working folder
> are identical to a working folder when looked at with WinSCP.  If that
> is really correct from top level down then LMS should be able to see
> them but apparently it can’t.
> Although Tony doesn’t say so explicitly the QNAP must be fairly old -
> top level being called Qmultimedia not Multimedia as it is on latest
> models - but in order to run LMS must be using digimaster’s package and
> must be fairly powerful. One thing that has changed in recent firmware
> is a nag that tells you when you are using the default admin account and
> suggests you change it. Tony - did you follow that advice?
> I don’t use LMS directly on my QNAP and haven’t done for years largely
> for this sort of reason. I can’t run digimaster’s package as my QNAP
> isn’t powerful enough but it is perfectly good as a file store. Hence I
> run LMS on another machine and point it at the files on the NAS. I also
> have a Pi4 running pCP as a dev server pointed at the QNAP so I would
> totally endorse the suggestion that Jim makes in this regard.
> However as you say it was working ok so something has changed and it
> probably is really simple. It may be a good idea to seek advice in
> digimaster’s QNAP thread. My money is still on a subtle change on the
> QNAP in relation to user or group rights and how the files have been
> written from Windows to the QNAP.
> Nevertheless It is possible that the files themselves have been created
> differently and aren’t valid in Linux terms but are to Windows.
> To upload a couple put them in a Zip file.
> Just to recap. 
> 1. If you run a clear and rescan you get exactly the same results? Yes,
> have cleared and rescanned several times without success
> 2. If you place a non working file into a working folder can LMS see and
> play the file? No it cannot be seen
> 3. What is your folder path structure - Qmultimedia/Music/Artist/Album -
> or are there sub folders between Music and Artist? My original file structure 
> was Qrecordings/MUSIC/FLAC and
Qrecordings/MUSIC/MP3. When new files were missing I consolidated all
MUSIC files into one folder, Qmultimedia/MUSIC. All files visible and
playable except for newly added files.
Coincidentally,when trying to fallback to my original file path
Qrecordings/ MUSIC/ XXXX, it now appears that MUSIC in Qrecordings is
not selectable in LMS?

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