mherger wrote: 
> > BUT...with the radio(s) a foot away, I cannot get a wireless
> connection
> > working (I've been running 3 radios on WIFI), either by the
> pushbutton
> > protocol OR entering in the router password.
> Are you saying that none of the Radios would connect? Maybe the new 
> router's wifi is only using newer protocols, while the Radio is a bit 
> stuck on the past. Maybe you find other fellow Verizon users who know 
> the router? It might be crucial to configure it correctly in order to 
> still support the Radios.
> Please search the forum for Verizon specific issues, or start a new 
> thread (as this most likely is not related).

I think this is Phil from NJ, who participated in the "three radios lost
wifi connection" thread starting here:

>From what I remember he was running 3 radios on LMS on an old mac, and
also wanted spotty to work. We went through quite a few "what if"s and
addressed the mac, networking, etc. I think the last we left off he had
gotten a new isp an/or router and maybe (?) had some success connecting
to, but not LMS. I remember he decided to order a new mac.
Perhaps this has arrived and he still needs help.

Phil, I agree with Michael. Start a new thread in the logitech media
server section (or general if you think the radios are at fault). Please
reference both this thread, and the one that I linked above. That way,
the people that have been helping you to date can have their memory
refreshed. :).

Also, please try to be as concise as possible as to what you have done,
and what remains to be resolved. 



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