I was wondering to myself about it for a while now.
A client can fetch http:/x/y using a regular netcat using squid or in the case it wants to use squid for a TCP connection it will use a CONNECT request. But squid doesn't allow clients to use it as a fully trusted https proxy, IE to send the next request to squid:
GET https://www.secured.example.com/ HTTP/1.1
Host: www.secured.example.com
Other-Headers: ...

..and possibly a body
##END OF Request

I do have a proxy program that supports this feature and one usage case I do have in mind is some trusted\secured automated closed environment which uses the proxy to access the external world and that the proxy is the admin delegated ssl enforcement authority.

I know that browsers do not implement this kind of a feature but I think it should be a feature.

I am looking for pros and cons of enabling such a feature.
- Allows full ssl delegation without any addition implications in the client side ssl implementation.

- Being transmitted over a non secured channel(IE plain text)

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