On 29/01/2016 4:54 a.m., Alex Rousskov wrote:
> On 01/28/2016 06:55 AM, Amos Jeffries wrote:
>> This patch demonstrates my proposed helpers/ shuffling by updating the
>> demo certificate validator.
>> * creates src/security/certv/ for certificate validation helpers.
>>  To distinguish from certificate generator helpers which would be in
>> src/security/certg/.
> Please consider using more than one letter to distinguish directories
> (e.g., cert_gen and cert_validators).


>> +(C) 2012 The Measurement Factory, Author: Tsantilas Christos
> If it helps, you may use the standard Squid boilerplate for Factory
> files and avoid a special CREDITS mention.


I was actually going to follow up with a request that it be changed to
the BSD 3-clause like the other 'fake' helpers I wrote. That license
better allows/encourages third-party validators to be created from our
helper template than the Squid GPL one, but still need a CREDITS entry.

I'd like to keep license changes separate anyway. And since you have
commit access please do whichever ASAP.

>> +    <p>One <em>fake</em> helper that it does not actually perform any
>> +       certificate checks is provided for testing and example code for 
>> writing
>> +       custom helpers.
> s/that it does/that does/
> s/and example code for/and as an example for/
> s/custom helpers/real validators/

Oops, (shame). Thank you.

> I did not audit the path but have no objections (with or without the
> above polishing touches).
> Thank you,
> Alex.

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