
    Several committed, pending, and upcoming trunk changes revolve
around ConnStateData-related classes. Audit disagreements, unaudited
commits, and blocked changes in that area make progress painfully slow.
This email proposes answers to the following blocking questions:

  Q1. What is ConnStateData?
  Q2. Where does the pending Downloader class belong?
  Q3. Where does the future Http::Two::Server class belong?
  Q4. What to do with the existing src/servers/Server.h?

The answers are summarized at the end of this email if you do not want
to read the whole thing, but you may want to at least scan the BB1-3
definitions immediately below because they are used in the answers.

I will start with several "obvious" Building Blocks or Squid parts with
well-understood overall functionality that should not need much
discussion and should not cause any controversy:

BB1: Servers or protocol request receivers [and response senders]:
  * HTTP/1 Server (existing Http::One::Server and misplaced code)
  * HTTP/2 Server (future Http::Two::Server)
  * FTP server (existing Ftp::Server and misplaced code)

BB2: Protocol-agnostic request routing code:
  * doCallouts() for access control, StoreID, ICAP, etc.
  * HIT/MISS detection in client_side_*.cc
  * FwdState

BB3: Clients or protocol request senders [and response receivers]:
  * HTTP/1 Client (existing HttpStateData == future Http::One::Client)
  * HTTP/2 Client (future Http::Two::Client)
  * FTP Client (existing Ftp::Client)

The above list is not exhaustive (there are more major building blocks,
of course) or 100% precise (e.g., some routing code does use originating
protocol information so it is not purely protocol-agnostic), but this
list is sufficient to answer questions Q1-4.

Q1. What is ConnStateData (and related client_side.* code)?

Today, the ConnStateData and related client_side.* code plays many,
often rather different roles related to a single user connection
handling, including:

  * some new connection acceptance logic
  * high-level user connection processing logic:
    - sequential request handling (pause/resume)
    - request pipelining (control pipelining depth)
  * some HTTP/1 parsing (belongs to Http::One::Server)
  * HTTP/2 rejecting
  * PROXY protocol handling
  * some user connection reading/writing
  * some SSL Bumping
  * error delaying
  * transaction logging (access.log)

This heavy mixture and fuzzy boundaries (e.g., all those "some" words)
complicate analysis and lead to design mistakes. It will take years to
perfect this code, but I believe that there is actually a simple way to
define ConnStateData in such a way that will immediately yield answers
to many questions.

Using the building blocks described above, I propose the following two
rules for defining ConnStateData boundaries and responsibilities:

  C1. ConnStateData is the code shared among all Servers (BB1).
  C2. ConnStateData ends where request routing code (BB2) begins.

[ N.B. To avoid misunderstanding, when we talk about class XYZ, we
generally talk about "class XYZ" itself combined with all its parent
classes (e.g., "class X" and "class YZ") (if any) unless noted
otherwise. This rule applies here as well -- when I say "ConnStateData
is", I do _not_ wish to distinguish that class definition from all its
parent classes, if any; I am talking about what the _combination_ of
parents and ConnStateData is. ]

The current code more-or-less obeys both rules C1 and C2. Yes, there are
some violations. For example, ConnStateData contains some non-shared
HTTP/1- and FTP-specific code that should be moved to protocol-specific
Servers. However, those violations usually do not have far-reaching side
effects outside ConnStateData and can usually be ignored for the purpose
of this discussion.

Q2. Where does the pending Downloader class belong?

The Downloader class[1] fetches SBuf-storable things for other Squid
components/transactions using internal requests. For example, it is used
to fetch missing intermediate certificates when validating origin server
certificate chains.

The preview patch[1] implemented Downloader as a ConnStateData kid which
triggered a request[2] to implement it as a Client kid. At the time, I
could not fully reconcile those diametrically opposed ideas[3]. Now, I
am ready to conclude that both designs were wrong:

* Since Downloader does not receive http/ftp_port requests and does not
send responses, it is not a Server. It was wrong to build it on top of
ConnStateData as [1] did. Yes, Downloader creates an HTTP[S] request to
be routed through Squid, but that does not qualify it to be a
ConnStateData kid. Other things can (and already do) initiate requests
that are routed through Squid -- ConnStateData does not hold a monopoly
on that.

* Since Downloader does not care about origin server communication and
does not even require one (in case of cache hits), but can benefit from
the usual REQMOD adaptations/hooks, it would also be wrong to make it a
Client kid as [2] suggested. However, [2] was absolutely correct that
there is no need to drag Server into Downloader!

[1] Factory "Fetch missing certificates" preview on squid-dev at

[2] Amos' review of [1] at

[3] Alex's response to [2] at

So where does the Downloader class belong then? Downloader is a
stand-alone class. Just like ConnStateData, it is a "routing client"
class or a thing that creates internal requests to be routed through
Squid using the BB2 building block. The three such classes in existence
that I know of are:

  - ConnStateData
  - ESIInclude
  - Downloader

but I suspect that more old code should be on that list if things were
implemented correctly (e.g., DigestFetchState). In the future, all these
classes may gain a common RoutingClient parent and become formal siblings.

Q3. Where does the future Http::Two::Server class belong?

Http::Two::Server is a natural Http::One::Server sibling. That is, the
two classes should have the same parent class (possibly among other
parent classes). Both Http::One::Server and Http::Two::Server classes
are servers and both are HTTP servers, so they will want to share a lot.
Some of that sharing will most likely come through their common parent.

Ftp::Server is an existing Http::One::Server sibling which proves that
it is possible to implement Http::Two::Server as such a sibling as well.
Moreover, if Ftp::Server and Http::One::Server are siblings but
Http::One::Server and Http::Two::Server are not, then something clearly
went wrong because FTP is no more "closer" to HTTP/1 than HTTP/2 is!

Today, that common parent for the two siblings is ConnStateData.
Tomorrow, we may split and/or rename ConnStateData, of course, but
Http::One::Server and Http::Two::Server classes are likely to remain
siblings with a common base that contains the code they share.

Q4. What to do with the existing src/servers/Server.h?

Today, that class is a nuisance:

* It is not a common base for all servers (its stated purpose).

* It does not fully encapsulate connection-managing code of its kids
(its stated usage).

* It is essentially unused (it is not used as an API by others and has
only one kid).

* It owns the pipeline object but only uses it to abort pending requests
after I/O errors, and even that is done inconsistently.

* It forces new code to add pure virtual methods that ConnStateData then
overrides and implements, reminding me of the old Store class that
slowly accumulated dozens of such methods because we needed to add
something that one of the Store kids implemented.

Overall, it shows many symptoms of premature encapsulation -- when the
final purpose/boundaries are still fuzzy, and the new code can be added
or excluded without any significant penalty; everything "works", both
correct solutions and incorrect ones.

Most likely this class will not be able to preserve its current overall
purpose/API as HTTP/2 support adds more specific requirements. Keeping
this class until it is needed only increases development overheads and
developer confusion.

I recommend merging it back into ConnStateData until Squid actually
needs it (or needs something like it). Merging it into ConnStateData
would preserve all code improvements we have done after it was split. If
somebody finds that useful, we can even keep its method definitions
inside Server.cc, at least for a while.

Executive Summary:

  Q1. What is ConnStateData?
      Code shared among all Server (BB1) classes.
      ConnStateData does not do routing (that is what BB2 code does).

  Q2. Where does the pending Downloader class belong?
      It is a stand-alone class generating internal requests for BB2,
      just like ConnStateData and ESI do.

  Q3. Where does the future Http::Two::Server class belong?
      It will be an Http::One::Server sibling.

  Q4. What to do with the existing src/servers/Server.h?
      Merge back into ConnStateData until it is actually needed.

Which of the above four questions would you answer differently?

Thank you,


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