Patch description

Many web servers do not have complete certificate chains. Many browsers use certificate extensions of the server certificate and download the missing intermediate certificates automatically from the Internet.
This patch add this feature to Squid.

The information for missing issuer certificates provided by the Authority Information Access X509 extension. This describes the format and location of additional informations provided by the issuer of the certificate.


A preview of this patch was discussed under the mail thread:
 "[PREVIEW] Fetch missing certificates"

The part of the original patch, which implemented the new SSL handshake messages parser has already applied to trunk as a separate patch.

This patch includes a Downloader class which implemented as independent AsyncJob class (in the initial patch was a ConnStateData kid).

Currently runs an other related discussion under the mail thread "Care and feeding of ConnStateData", but I believe that this discussion does not affect a decision about applying or not the Downloader class. It is related to a FUTURE design for the ConnStateData/Esi/Downloade classes (under a common parent class or not)

More detailed description can be found in patch preamble.

This is a Measurement Factory project
Fetch missing certificates

Many web servers do not have complete certificate chains. Many browsers use
certificate extensions of the server certificate and download the missing
intermediate certificates automatically from the Internet.
This patch add this feature to Squid.

The information for missing issuer certificates provided by the Authority
Information Access X509 extension. This describes the format and the location
of additional information provided by the issuer of the certificate.

This patch:
  - Implements an Downloader class as an independed AsyncJob class. This new
    class can be used by internal squid subsystems to download objects from
  - Modify Ssl::PeerConnector class to use new Downloader class to
    retrieve missing certificates from the net. The URIs of missing
    certificates from the Authority Information Access X509 extension.
  - Implements a new basic certificates parser based on openSSL for the
    SSL handshake messages parser.
  - Modify the Ssl::ServerBio class to:
     * Buffer the Server Hello message and not pass it to the openSSL library
       until downloading missing certificates, if any, is finished.
     * Extract server certificates from server hello message.
       This is required to check if there are missing certificates, and if yes
       give the chance to squid to download missing certificates and complete
       certificate chains before pass them for processing to openSSL

This is a Measurement Factory project

=== added file 'src/'
--- src/	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ src/	2016-07-11 15:24:53 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+#include "squid.h"
+#include "client_side.h"
+#include "client_side_request.h"
+#include "client_side_reply.h"
+#include "ClientRequestContext.h"
+#include "Downloader.h"
+#include "http/one/RequestParser.h"
+#include "http/Stream.h"
+/// Used to hold and pass the required info and buffers to the
+/// clientStream callbacks
+class DownloaderContext: public RefCountable
+    CBDATA_CLASS(DownloaderContext);
+    typedef RefCount<DownloaderContext> Pointer;
+    DownloaderContext(Downloader *dl, ClientHttpRequest *h):
+        downloader(cbdataReference(dl)),
+        http(h)
+        {}
+    ~DownloaderContext();
+    void finished();
+    Downloader* downloader;
+    ClientHttpRequest *http;
+    char requestBuffer[HTTP_REQBUF_SZ];
+    debugs(33, 5, HERE);
+    cbdataReferenceDone(downloader);
+    if (http)
+        finished();
+    delete http;
+    http = NULL;
+Downloader::Downloader(SBuf &url, AsyncCall::Pointer &aCallback, unsigned int level):
+    AsyncJob("Downloader"),
+    url_(url),
+    callback(aCallback),
+    status(Http::scNone),
+    level_(level)
+    debugs(33 , 2, HERE);
+Downloader::doneAll() const
+    return (!callback || callback->canceled()) && AsyncJob::doneAll();
+static void
+downloaderRecipient(clientStreamNode * node, ClientHttpRequest * http,
+                    HttpReply * rep, StoreIOBuffer receivedData)
+    debugs(33, 6, HERE);
+     /* Test preconditions */
+    assert(node != NULL);
+    /* TODO: handle this rather than asserting
+     * - it should only ever happen if we cause an abort and
+     * the callback chain loops back to here, so we can simply return.
+     * However, that itself shouldn't happen, so it stays as an assert for now.
+     */
+    assert(cbdataReferenceValid(node));
+    assert(node-> == NULL);
+    DownloaderContext::Pointer context = dynamic_cast<DownloaderContext *>(node->data.getRaw());
+    assert(context != NULL);
+    if (!cbdataReferenceValid(context->downloader))
+        return;
+    context->downloader->handleReply(node, http, rep, receivedData);
+static void
+downloaderDetach(clientStreamNode * node, ClientHttpRequest * http)
+    debugs(33, 5, HERE);
+    clientStreamDetach(node, http);
+    const HttpRequestMethod method = Http::METHOD_GET;
+    char *uri = strdup(url_.c_str());
+    HttpRequest *const request = HttpRequest::CreateFromUrl(uri, method);
+    if (!request) {
+        debugs(33, 5, "Invalid FTP URL: " << uri);
+        safe_free(uri);
+        return false; //earlyError(...)
+    }
+    request->http_ver = Http::ProtocolVersion();
+    request->header.putStr(Http::HdrType::HOST, request->;
+    request->header.putTime(Http::HdrType::DATE, squid_curtime);
+    request->flags.internalClient = true;
+    request->client_addr.setNoAddr();
+    request->indirect_client_addr.setNoAddr();
+    request->my_addr.setNoAddr();   /* undefined for internal requests */
+    request->my_addr.port(0);
+    request->downloader = this;
+    ClientHttpRequest *const http = new ClientHttpRequest(NULL);
+    http->request = request;
+    HTTPMSGLOCK(http->request);
+    http->req_sz = 0;
+    http->uri = uri;
+    context_ = new DownloaderContext(this, http);
+    StoreIOBuffer tempBuffer;
+ = context_->requestBuffer;
+    tempBuffer.length = HTTP_REQBUF_SZ;
+    ClientStreamData newServer = new clientReplyContext(http);
+    ClientStreamData newClient = context_.getRaw();
+    clientStreamInit(&http->client_stream, clientGetMoreData, clientReplyDetach,
+                     clientReplyStatus, newServer, downloaderRecipient,
+                     downloaderDetach, newClient, tempBuffer);
+    // Build a ClientRequestContext to start doCallouts
+    http->calloutContext = new ClientRequestContext(http);
+    // Do not check for redirect, tos,nfmark and sslBump
+    http->calloutContext->redirect_done = true;
+    http->calloutContext->tosToClientDone = true;
+    http->calloutContext->nfmarkToClientDone = true;
+    http->calloutContext->sslBumpCheckDone = true;
+    http->al->ssl.bumpMode = Ssl::bumpEnd; // SslBump does not apply; log -
+    http->doCallouts();
+    return true;
+    if (!buildRequest()) {
+        status = Http::scInternalServerError;
+        callBack();
+    }
+Downloader::handleReply(clientStreamNode * node, ClientHttpRequest *http, HttpReply *reply, StoreIOBuffer receivedData)
+    // TODO: remove the following check:
+    DownloaderContext::Pointer callerContext = dynamic_cast<DownloaderContext *>(node->data.getRaw());
+    assert(callerContext == context_);
+    bool existingContent = reply ? reply->content_length : 0;
+    bool exceedSize = (existingContent > -1 && (size_t)existingContent > MaxObjectSize) || 
+        ((object.length() + receivedData.length) > MaxObjectSize);
+    if (exceedSize) {
+        status = Http::scInternalServerError;
+        callBack();
+        return;
+    }
+    debugs(33, 4, "Received " << receivedData.length <<
+           " object data, offset: " << receivedData.offset <<
+           " error flag:" << receivedData.flags.error);
+    if (receivedData.length > 0) {
+        object.append(, receivedData.length);
+        http->out.size += receivedData.length;
+        http->out.offset += receivedData.length;
+    }
+    switch (clientStreamStatus (node, http)) {
+    case STREAM_NONE: {
+        debugs(33, 3, HERE << "Get more data");
+        StoreIOBuffer tempBuffer;
+        tempBuffer.offset = http->out.offset;
+ = context_->requestBuffer;
+        tempBuffer.length = HTTP_REQBUF_SZ;
+        clientStreamRead (node, http, tempBuffer);
+    }
+        break;
+        debugs(33, 3, HERE << "Object data transfer successfully complete");
+        status = Http::scOkay;
+        callBack();
+        break;
+        debugs(33, 3, HERE << "Object data transfer failed: STREAM_UNPLANNED_COMPLETE");
+        status = Http::scInternalServerError;
+        callBack();
+        break;
+    case STREAM_FAILED:
+        debugs(33, 3, HERE << "Object data transfer failed: STREAM_FAILED");
+        status = Http::scInternalServerError;
+        callBack();
+        break;
+    default:
+        fatal("unreachable code");
+    }
+    debugs(33, 7, this);
+    context_->finished();
+    context_ = NULL;
+    Must(done());
+    // Not really needed. Squid will delete this object because "doneAll" is true.
+    //deleteThis("completed");
+     CbDialer *dialer = dynamic_cast<CbDialer*>(callback->getDialer());
+     Must(dialer);
+     dialer->status = status;
+     if (status == Http::scOkay)
+         dialer->object = object;
+     ScheduleCallHere(callback);
+     callback = nullptr;
+     // Calling deleteThis method here to finish Downloader
+     // may result to squid crash.
+     // This method called by handleReply method which maybe called
+     // by ClientHttpRequest::doCallouts. The doCallouts after this object
+     // deleted, may operate on non valid objects.
+     // Schedule a fake call here just to force squid to delete this object.
+     CallJobHere(33, 7, CbcPointer<Downloader>(this), Downloader, downloadFinished);

=== added file 'src/Downloader.h'
--- src/Downloader.h	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ src/Downloader.h	2016-07-11 15:28:46 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+#include "base/AsyncCall.h"
+#include "base/AsyncJob.h"
+#include "cbdata.h"
+#include "defines.h"
+#include "http/StatusCode.h"
+#include "sbuf/SBuf.h"
+class ClientHttpRequest;
+class StoreIOBuffer;
+class clientStreamNode;
+class HttpReply;
+class DownloaderContext;
+typedef RefCount<DownloaderContext> DownloaderContextPointer;
+/// The Downloader class fetches SBuf-storable things for other Squid
+/// components/transactions using internal requests. For example, it is used
+/// to fetch missing intermediate certificates when validating origin server
+/// certificate chains.
+class Downloader: virtual public AsyncJob
+    CBDATA_CLASS(Downloader);
+    /// Callback data to use with Downloader callbacks.
+    class CbDialer {
+    public:
+        CbDialer(): status(Http::scNone) {}
+        virtual ~CbDialer() {}
+        SBuf object;
+        Http::StatusCode status;
+    };
+    Downloader(SBuf &url, AsyncCall::Pointer &aCallback, unsigned int level = 0);
+    virtual ~Downloader();
+    /// Fake call used internally by Downloader.
+    void downloadFinished();
+    /// The nested level of Downloader object (downloads inside downloads).
+    unsigned int nestedLevel() const {return level_;}
+    /* AsyncJob API */
+    virtual bool doneAll() const;
+    void handleReply(clientStreamNode * node, ClientHttpRequest *http, HttpReply *header, StoreIOBuffer receivedData);
+    /* AsyncJob API */
+    virtual void start();
+    /// Initializes and starts the HTTP GET request to the remote server
+    bool buildRequest();
+    /// Schedules for execution the "callback" with parameters the status
+    /// and object.
+    void callBack();
+    /// The maximum allowed object size.
+    static const size_t MaxObjectSize = 1*1024*1024;
+    SBuf url_; ///< the url to download
+    AsyncCall::Pointer callback; ///< callback to call when download finishes
+    Http::StatusCode status; ///< the download status code
+    SBuf object; ///< the object body data
+    const unsigned int level_; ///< holds the nested downloads level
+    /// Pointer to an object that stores the clientStream required info
+    DownloaderContextPointer context_;

=== modified file 'src/'
--- src/	2016-03-25 20:11:29 +0000
+++ src/	2016-05-23 17:05:38 +0000
@@ -1,36 +1,37 @@
  * Copyright (C) 1996-2016 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors
  * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes
  * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations.
  * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details.
 /* DEBUG: section 73    HTTP Request */
 #include "squid.h"
 #include "AccessLogEntry.h"
 #include "acl/AclSizeLimit.h"
 #include "acl/FilledChecklist.h"
 #include "client_side.h"
 #include "dns/LookupDetails.h"
+#include "Downloader.h"
 #include "err_detail_type.h"
 #include "globals.h"
 #include "gopher.h"
 #include "http.h"
 #include "http/one/RequestParser.h"
 #include "http/Stream.h"
 #include "HttpHdrCc.h"
 #include "HttpHeaderRange.h"
 #include "HttpRequest.h"
 #include "log/Config.h"
 #include "MemBuf.h"
 #include "sbuf/StringConvert.h"
 #include "SquidConfig.h"
 #include "Store.h"
 #include "URL.h"
 #include "auth/UserRequest.h"
@@ -233,40 +234,42 @@
     // This may be too conservative for the 204 No Content case
     // may eventually need cloneNullAdaptationImmune() for that.
     flags = aReq->flags.cloneAdaptationImmune();
     errType = aReq->errType;
     errDetail = aReq->errDetail;
     auth_user_request = aReq->auth_user_request;
     extacl_user = aReq->extacl_user;
     extacl_passwd = aReq->extacl_passwd;
     myportname = aReq->myportname;
     forcedBodyContinuation = aReq->forcedBodyContinuation;
     // main property is which connection the request was received on (if any)
     clientConnectionManager = aReq->clientConnectionManager;
+    downloader = aReq->downloader;
     notes = aReq->notes;
     sources = aReq->sources;
     return true;
  * Checks the first line of an HTTP request is valid
  * currently just checks the request method is present.
  * NP: Other errors are left for detection later in the parse.
 HttpRequest::sanityCheckStartLine(const char *buf, const size_t hdr_len, Http::StatusCode *error)
     // content is long enough to possibly hold a reply
     // 2 being magic size of a 1-byte request method plus space delimiter
     if (hdr_len < 2) {
         // this is ony a real error if the headers apparently complete.
         if (hdr_len > 0) {

=== modified file 'src/HttpRequest.h'
--- src/HttpRequest.h	2016-03-25 20:11:29 +0000
+++ src/HttpRequest.h	2016-05-23 17:05:38 +0000
@@ -17,40 +17,41 @@
 #include "HttpMsg.h"
 #include "Notes.h"
 #include "RequestFlags.h"
 #include "URL.h"
 #include "auth/UserRequest.h"
 #include "adaptation/History.h"
 #include "adaptation/icap/History.h"
 #include "eui/Eui48.h"
 #include "eui/Eui64.h"
 class ConnStateData;
+class Downloader;
 /*  Http Request */
 void httpRequestPack(void *obj, Packable *p);
 class HttpHdrRange;
 class HttpRequest: public HttpMsg
     typedef RefCount<HttpRequest> Pointer;
     HttpRequest(const HttpRequestMethod& aMethod, AnyP::ProtocolType aProtocol, const char *aUrlpath);
     virtual void reset();
     void initHTTP(const HttpRequestMethod& aMethod, AnyP::ProtocolType aProtocol, const char *aUrlpath);
@@ -195,39 +196,42 @@
     static void httpRequestPack(void *obj, Packable *p);
     static HttpRequest * CreateFromUrl(char * url, const HttpRequestMethod &method = Http::METHOD_GET);
     ConnStateData *pinnedConnection();
      * Returns the current StoreID for the request as a nul-terminated char*.
      * Always returns the current id for the request
      * (either the effective request URI or modified ID by the helper).
     const SBuf storeId();
      * The client connection manager, if known;
      * Used for any response actions needed directly to the client.
      * ie 1xx forwarding or connection pinning state changes
     CbcPointer<ConnStateData> clientConnectionManager;
+    /// The Downloader object intiated the HTTP request if exist
+    CbcPointer<Downloader> downloader;
     /// forgets about the cached Range header (for a reason)
     void ignoreRange(const char *reason);
     int64_t getRangeOffsetLimit(); /* the result of this function gets cached in rangeOffsetLimit */
     mutable int64_t rangeOffsetLimit;  /* caches the result of getRangeOffsetLimit */
     virtual void packFirstLineInto(Packable * p, bool full_uri) const;
     virtual bool sanityCheckStartLine(const char *buf, const size_t hdr_len, Http::StatusCode *error);
     virtual void hdrCacheInit();
     virtual bool inheritProperties(const HttpMsg *aMsg);

=== modified file 'src/'
--- src/	2016-06-13 07:46:59 +0000
+++ src/	2016-07-07 08:01:23 +0000
@@ -255,40 +255,42 @@
 	CompletionDispatcher.h \
 	CommRead.h \ \ \
 	ConfigParser.h \ \
 	CpuAffinity.h \ \
 	CpuAffinityMap.h \ \
 	CpuAffinitySet.h \ \
 	Debug.h \
 	defines.h \
 	fs_io.h \ \
 	dlink.h \ \
+	Downloader.h \
+ \
 	enums.h \
 	err_type.h \
 	err_detail_type.h \ \
 	errorpage.h \ \
 	ETag.h \ \
 	event.h \
 	EventLoop.h \ \ \
 	ExternalACL.h \ \
 	ExternalACLEntry.h \
 	FadingCounter.h \ \
 	fatal.h \ \
 	fd.h \

=== modified file 'src/base/'
--- src/base/	2016-01-01 00:12:18 +0000
+++ src/base/	2016-04-14 09:40:18 +0000
@@ -107,42 +107,43 @@
                call << " canot reenter the job.");
         return call.cancel("reentrant job call");
     return true;
 void AsyncJob::callStart(AsyncCall &call)
     // we must be called asynchronously and hence, the caller must lock us
     Must(!inCall); // see AsyncJob::canBeCalled
     inCall = &call; // XXX: ugly, but safe if callStart/callEnd,Ex are paired
     debugs(inCall->debugSection, inCall->debugLevel,
            typeName << " status in:" << status());
-AsyncJob::callException(const std::exception &)
+AsyncJob::callException(const std::exception &ex)
+    debugs(93 , 2, ex.what());
     // we must be called asynchronously and hence, the caller must lock us
 void AsyncJob::callEnd()
     if (done()) {
         debugs(93, 5, *inCall << " ends job" << status());
         AsyncCall::Pointer inCallSaved = inCall;
         void *thisSaved = this;
         delete this; // this is the only place where the object is deleted
         // careful: this object does not exist any more
         debugs(93, 6, HERE << *inCallSaved << " ended " << thisSaved);

=== modified file 'src/'
--- src/	2016-06-02 09:49:19 +0000
+++ src/	2016-07-07 08:01:23 +0000
@@ -2104,96 +2104,91 @@
     } else {
         localTempBuffer.length = body_size; = body_buf;
     /* TODO??: move the data in the buffer back by the request header size */
     clientStreamCallback((clientStreamNode *)http->client_stream.head->data,
                          http, reply, localTempBuffer);
 clientReplyContext::sendMoreData (StoreIOBuffer result)
     if (deleting)
     StoreEntry *entry = http->storeEntry();
-    ConnStateData * conn = http->getConn();
+    if (ConnStateData * conn = http->getConn()) {
+        if (!conn->isOpen()) {
+            debugs(33,3, "not sending more data to closing connection " << conn->clientConnection);
+            return;
+        }
+        if (conn->pinning.zeroReply) {
+            debugs(33,3, "not sending more data after a pinned zero reply " << conn->clientConnection);
+            return;
+        }
-    // too late, our conn is closing
-    // TODO: should we also quit?
-    if (conn == NULL) {
-        debugs(33,3, "not sending more data to a closed connection" );
-        return;
-    }
-    if (!conn->isOpen()) {
-        debugs(33,3, "not sending more data to closing connection " << conn->clientConnection);
-        return;
-    }
-    if (conn->pinning.zeroReply) {
-        debugs(33,3, "not sending more data after a pinned zero reply " << conn->clientConnection);
-        return;
+        if (reqofs==0 && !http->logType.isTcpHit() && Comm::IsConnOpen(conn->clientConnection)) {
+            if (Ip::Qos::TheConfig.isHitTosActive()) {
+                Ip::Qos::doTosLocalMiss(conn->clientConnection, http->request->hier.code);
+            }
+            if (Ip::Qos::TheConfig.isHitNfmarkActive()) {
+                Ip::Qos::doNfmarkLocalMiss(conn->clientConnection, http->request->hier.code);
+            }
+        }
+        debugs(88, 5, "clientReplyContext::sendMoreData:" <<
+               conn->clientConnection <<
+               " '" << entry->url() << "'" <<
+               " out.offset=" << http->out.offset);
     char *buf = next()->;
     if (buf != {
         /* we've got to copy some data */
         assert(result.length <= next()->readBuffer.length);
         memcpy(buf,, result.length);
-    if (reqofs==0 && !http->logType.isTcpHit() && Comm::IsConnOpen(conn->clientConnection)) {
-        if (Ip::Qos::TheConfig.isHitTosActive()) {
-            Ip::Qos::doTosLocalMiss(conn->clientConnection, http->request->hier.code);
-        }
-        if (Ip::Qos::TheConfig.isHitNfmarkActive()) {
-            Ip::Qos::doNfmarkLocalMiss(conn->clientConnection, http->request->hier.code);
-        }
-    }
     /* We've got the final data to start pushing... */
     flags.storelogiccomplete = 1;
     reqofs += result.length;
     assert(reqofs <= HTTP_REQBUF_SZ || flags.headersSent);
     assert(http->request != NULL);
     /* ESI TODO: remove this assert once everything is stable */
            && cbdataReferenceValid(http->client_stream.head->data));
     debugs(88, 5, "clientReplyContext::sendMoreData: " << http->uri << ", " <<
            reqofs << " bytes (" << result.length <<
            " new bytes)");
-    debugs(88, 5, "clientReplyContext::sendMoreData:"
-           << conn->clientConnection <<
-           " '" << entry->url() << "'" <<
-           " out.offset=" << http->out.offset);
     /* update size of the request */
     reqsize = reqofs;
     if (errorInStream(result, reqofs)) {
     if (flags.headersSent) {
         pushStreamData (result, buf);
     if (sc)

=== modified file 'src/security/'
--- src/security/	2016-05-18 17:22:44 +0000
+++ src/security/	2016-05-25 08:56:18 +0000
@@ -309,40 +309,41 @@
     Must(currentContentType == ContentType::ctHandshake);
     const Handshake message(tkMessages);
     switch (message.msg_type) {
     case HandshakeType::hskClientHello:
         Must(state < atHelloReceived);
         state = atHelloReceived;
         done = "ClientHello";
     case HandshakeType::hskServerHello:
         Must(state < atHelloReceived);
         state = atHelloReceived;
     case HandshakeType::hskCertificate:
         Must(state < atCertificatesReceived);
+        parseServerCertificates(message.msg_body);
         state = atCertificatesReceived;
     case HandshakeType::hskServerHelloDone:
         Must(state < atHelloDoneReceived);
         // zero-length
         state = atHelloDoneReceived;
         done = "ServerHelloDone";
     debugs(83, 5, "ignoring " << message.msg_body.length() << "-byte type-" <<
            message.msg_type << " handshake message");
     Must(currentContentType == ContentType::ctApplicationData);
     skipMessage("app data [fragment]");
@@ -517,47 +518,79 @@
     try {
         if (!expectingModernRecords.configured())
         // data contains everything read so far, but we may read more later
         tkRecords.reinput(data, true);
         while (!done)
         debugs(83, 7, "success; got: " << done);
         // we are done; tkRecords may have leftovers we are not interested in
         return true;
     catch (const Parser::BinaryTokenizer::InsufficientInput &) {
         debugs(83, 5, "need more data");
         return false;
     return false; // unreached
+Security::HandshakeParser::ParseCertificate(const SBuf &raw, Security::CertPointer &pCert)
+    typedef const unsigned char *x509Data;
+    const x509Data x509Start = reinterpret_cast<x509Data>(raw.rawContent());
+    x509Data x509Pos = x509Start;
+    X509 *x509 = d2i_X509(nullptr, &x509Pos, raw.length());
+    Must(x509); // successfully parsed
+    Must(x509Pos == x509Start + raw.length()); // no leftovers
+    pCert.resetAndLock(x509);
+Security::HandshakeParser::parseServerCertificates(const SBuf &raw)
+    Parser::BinaryTokenizer tkList(raw);
+    const SBuf clist = tkList.pstring24("CertificateList");
+    Must(tkList.atEnd()); // no leftovers after all certificates
+    Parser::BinaryTokenizer tkItems(clist);
+    while (!tkItems.atEnd()) {
+        Security::CertPointer cert;
+        ParseCertificate(tkItems.pstring24("Certificate"), cert);
+        serverCertificates.push_back(cert);
+        debugs(83, 7, "parsed " << serverCertificates.size() << " certificates so far");
+    }
 /// A helper function to create a set of all supported TLS extensions
     // optimize lookup speed by reserving the number of values x3, approximately
     Security::Extensions extensions(64);
     // Keep this list ordered and up to date by running something like
     // egrep '# *define TLSEXT_TYPE_' /usr/include/openssl/tls1.h
     // TODO: Teach OpenSSL to return the list of extensions it supports.
 #if defined(TLSEXT_TYPE_server_name) // 0
 #if defined(TLSEXT_TYPE_max_fragment_length) // 1
 #if defined(TLSEXT_TYPE_client_certificate_url) // 2
 #if defined(TLSEXT_TYPE_trusted_ca_keys) // 3
 #if defined(TLSEXT_TYPE_truncated_hmac) // 4
@@ -607,32 +640,26 @@
      * OpenSSL does not support these last extensions by default, but those
      * building the OpenSSL libraries and/or Squid might define them.
     // OpenSSL may be built to support draft-rescorla-tls-opaque-prf-input-00,
     // with the extension type value configured at build time. OpenSSL, Squid,
     // and TLS agents must all be built with the same extension type value.
 #if defined(TLSEXT_TYPE_opaque_prf_input)
     // Define this to add extensions supported by your OpenSSL but unknown to
     // your Squid version. Use {list-initialization} to add multiple extensions.
     return extensions; // might be empty
     return Extensions(); // no extensions are supported without OpenSSL

=== modified file 'src/security/Handshake.h'
--- src/security/Handshake.h	2016-05-18 18:12:17 +0000
+++ src/security/Handshake.h	2016-05-25 08:56:18 +0000
@@ -1,34 +1,35 @@
  * Copyright (C) 1996-2016 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors
  * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes
  * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations.
  * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details.
 #include "anyp/ProtocolVersion.h"
 #include "base/YesNoNone.h"
 #include "parser/BinaryTokenizer.h"
+#include "security/forward.h"
 #include <unordered_set>
 namespace Security
 class TlsDetails: public RefCountable
     typedef RefCount<TlsDetails> Pointer;
     /// Prints to os stream a human readable form of TlsDetails object
     std::ostream & print(std::ostream &os) const;
     AnyP::ProtocolVersion tlsVersion; ///< The TLS hello message version
     AnyP::ProtocolVersion tlsSupportedVersion; ///< The requested/used TLS version
     bool compressionSupported; ///< The requested/used compressed  method
     SBuf serverName; ///< The SNI hostname, if any
     bool doHeartBeats;
@@ -51,69 +52,74 @@
     return details.print(os);
 /// Incremental TLS/SSL Handshake parser.
 class HandshakeParser
     /// The parsing states
     typedef enum {atHelloNone = 0, atHelloStarted, atHelloReceived, atCertificatesReceived, atHelloDoneReceived, atNstReceived, atCcsReceived, atFinishReceived} ParserState;
     /// Parses the initial sequence of raw bytes sent by the TLS/SSL agent.
     /// Returns true upon successful completion (e.g., got HelloDone).
     /// Returns false if more data is needed.
     /// Throws on errors.
     bool parseHello(const SBuf &data);
     TlsDetails::Pointer details; ///< TLS handshake meta info or nil.
+    Security::CertList serverCertificates; ///< parsed certificates chain
     ParserState state; ///< current parsing state.
     bool resumingSession; ///< True if this is a resuming session
     bool isSslv2Record(const SBuf &raw) const;
     void parseRecord();
     void parseModernRecord();
     void parseVersion2Record();
     void parseMessages();
     void parseChangeCipherCpecMessage();
     void parseAlertMessage();
     void parseHandshakeMessage();
     void parseApplicationDataMessage();
     void skipMessage(const char *msgType);
     bool parseRecordVersion2Try();
     void parseVersion2HandshakeMessage(const SBuf &raw);
     void parseClientHelloHandshakeMessage(const SBuf &raw);
     void parseServerHelloHandshakeMessage(const SBuf &raw);
     bool parseCompressionMethods(const SBuf &raw);
     void parseExtensions(const SBuf &raw);
     SBuf parseSniExtension(const SBuf &extensionData) const;
     void parseCiphers(const SBuf &raw);
     void parseV23Ciphers(const SBuf &raw);
+    void parseServerCertificates(const SBuf &raw);
+    static void ParseCertificate(const SBuf &raw, CertPointer &cert);
     unsigned int currentContentType; ///< The current TLS/SSL record content type
     const char *done; ///< not nil if we got what we were looking for
     /// concatenated TLSPlaintext.fragments of TLSPlaintext.type
     SBuf fragments;
     /// TLS record layer (parsing uninterpreted data)
     Parser::BinaryTokenizer tkRecords;
     /// TLS message layer (parsing fragments)
     Parser::BinaryTokenizer tkMessages;
     /// Whether to use TLS parser or a V2 compatible parser
     YesNoNone expectingModernRecords;

=== modified file 'src/security/forward.h'
--- src/security/forward.h	2016-01-01 00:12:18 +0000
+++ src/security/forward.h	2016-05-25 08:56:18 +0000
@@ -41,33 +41,35 @@
 typedef Security::LockingPointer<X509, X509_free_cpp, CRYPTO_LOCK_X509> CertPointer;
 CtoCpp1(gnutls_x509_crt_deinit, gnutls_x509_crt_t)
 typedef Security::LockingPointer<struct gnutls_x509_crt_int, gnutls_x509_crt_deinit, -1> CertPointer;
 typedef void * CertPointer;
 CtoCpp1(X509_CRL_free, X509_CRL *)
 typedef LockingPointer<X509_CRL, X509_CRL_free_cpp, CRYPTO_LOCK_X509_CRL> CrlPointer;
 CtoCpp1(gnutls_x509_crl_deinit, gnutls_x509_crl_t)
 typedef Security::LockingPointer<struct gnutls_x509_crl_int, gnutls_x509_crl_deinit, -1> CrlPointer;
 typedef void *CrlPointer;
 typedef std::list<Security::CrlPointer> CertRevokeList;
+typedef std::list<Security::CertPointer> CertList;
 CtoCpp1(DH_free, DH *);
 typedef Security::LockingPointer<DH, DH_free_cpp, CRYPTO_LOCK_DH> DhePointer;
 typedef void *DhePointer;
 class KeyData;
 } // namespace Security

=== modified file 'src/ssl/'
--- src/ssl/	2016-05-18 16:26:16 +0000
+++ src/ssl/	2016-05-25 08:56:18 +0000
@@ -1,54 +1,57 @@
  * Copyright (C) 1996-2016 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors
  * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes
  * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations.
  * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details.
 /* DEBUG: section 83    TLS Server/Peer negotiation */
 #include "squid.h"
 #include "acl/FilledChecklist.h"
 #include "comm/Loops.h"
+#include "Downloader.h"
 #include "errorpage.h"
 #include "fde.h"
+#include "http/Stream.h"
 #include "HttpRequest.h"
 #include "security/NegotiationHistory.h"
 #include "SquidConfig.h"
 #include "ssl/bio.h"
 #include "ssl/cert_validate_message.h"
 #include "ssl/Config.h"
 #include "ssl/helper.h"
 #include "ssl/PeerConnector.h"
 Ssl::PeerConnector::PeerConnector(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &aServerConn, AsyncCall::Pointer &aCallback, const AccessLogEntryPointer &alp, const time_t timeout) :
-    useCertValidator_(true)
+    useCertValidator_(true),
+    certsDownloads(0)
     // if this throws, the caller's cb dialer is not our CbDialer
     debugs(83, 5, "Peer connector " << this << " gone");
 bool Ssl::PeerConnector::doneAll() const
     return (!callback || callback->canceled()) && AsyncJob::doneAll();
 /// Preps connection and SSL state. Calls negotiate().
@@ -343,42 +346,63 @@
     case SSL_ERROR_SSL:
         ssl_lib_error = ERR_get_error();
         // proceed to the general error handling code
         // no special error handling for all other errors
     // Log connection details, if any
     noteSslNegotiationError(ret, ssl_error, ssl_lib_error);
-    setReadTimeout();
     const int fd = serverConnection()->fd;
+    Security::SessionPtr ssl = fd_table[fd].ssl.get();
+    BIO *b = SSL_get_rbio(ssl);
+    Ssl::ServerBio *srvBio = static_cast<Ssl::ServerBio *>(b->ptr);
+    if (srvBio->holdRead()) {
+        if (srvBio->gotHello()) {
+            if (checkForMissingCertificates())
+                return; // Wait to download certificates before proceed.
+            srvBio->holdRead(false);
+            // schedule a negotiateSSl to allow openSSL parse received data
+            Ssl::PeerConnector::NegotiateSsl(fd, this);
+            return;
+        } else if (srvBio->gotHelloFailed()) {
+            srvBio->holdRead(false);
+            debugs(83, DBG_IMPORTANT, "Error parsing SSL Server Hello Message on FD " << fd);
+            // schedule a negotiateSSl to allow openSSL parse received data
+            Ssl::PeerConnector::NegotiateSsl(fd, this);
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    setReadTimeout();
     Comm::SetSelect(fd, COMM_SELECT_READ, &NegotiateSsl, this, 0);
     const int fd = serverConnection()->fd;
     Comm::SetSelect(fd, COMM_SELECT_WRITE, &NegotiateSsl, this, 0);
 Ssl::PeerConnector::noteSslNegotiationError(const int ret, const int ssl_error, const int ssl_lib_error)
 #ifdef EPROTO
     int sysErrNo = EPROTO;
     int sysErrNo = EACCES;
@@ -472,20 +496,121 @@
 Ssl::PeerConnector::status() const
     static MemBuf buf;
     // TODO: redesign AsyncJob::status() API to avoid this
     // id and stop reason reporting duplication.
     buf.append(" [", 2);
     if (stopReason != NULL) {
         buf.append("Stopped, reason:", 16);
     if (serverConn != NULL)
         buf.appendf(" FD %d", serverConn->fd);
     buf.appendf(" %s%u]", id.Prefix, id.value);
     return buf.content();
+/// CallDialer to allow use Downloader objects within PeerConnector class.
+class PeerConnectorCertDownloaderDialer: public CallDialer, public Downloader::CbDialer
+    typedef void (Ssl::PeerConnector::*Method)(SBuf &object, int status);
+    PeerConnectorCertDownloaderDialer(Method method, Ssl::PeerConnector *pc):
+        method_(method),
+        peerConnector_(pc) {}
+    /* CallDialer API */
+    virtual bool canDial(AsyncCall &call) { return peerConnector_.valid(); }
+    void dial(AsyncCall &call) { ((&(*peerConnector_))->*method_)(object, status); }
+    virtual void print(std::ostream &os) const {
+        os << '(' << peerConnector_.get() << ", Http Status:" << status << ')';
+    }
+    Method method_; ///< The Ssl::PeerConnector method to dial
+    CbcPointer<Ssl::PeerConnector> peerConnector_; ///< The Ssl::PeerConnector object
+Ssl::PeerConnector::startCertDownloading(SBuf &url)
+    AsyncCall::Pointer certCallback = asyncCall(81, 4,
+                                            "Ssl::PeerConnector::certDownloadingDone",
+                                            PeerConnectorCertDownloaderDialer(&Ssl::PeerConnector::certDownloadingDone, this));
+    // XXX: find a way to link HttpRequest and Downloader, the following always fails.
+    const Downloader *csd = dynamic_cast<const Downloader*>(request->downloader.valid());
+    Downloader *dl = new Downloader(url, certCallback, csd ? csd->nestedLevel() + 1 : 1);
+    AsyncJob::Start(dl);
+Ssl::PeerConnector::certDownloadingDone(SBuf &obj, int downloadStatus)
+    certsDownloads++;
+    debugs(81, 5, "Certificate downloading status: " << downloadStatus << " certificate size: " << obj.length());
+    // get ServerBio from SSL object
+    const int fd = serverConnection()->fd;
+    Security::SessionPtr ssl = fd_table[fd].ssl.get();
+    BIO *b = SSL_get_rbio(ssl);
+    Ssl::ServerBio *srvBio = static_cast<Ssl::ServerBio *>(b->ptr);
+    // Parse Certificate. Assume that it is in DER format.
+    const unsigned char *raw = (const unsigned char*)obj.rawContent();
+    if (X509 *cert = d2i_X509(NULL, &raw, obj.length())) {
+        char buffer[1024];
+        debugs(81, 5, "Retrieved certificate: " << X509_NAME_oneline(X509_get_subject_name(cert), buffer, 1024));
+        const Security::CertList &certsList = srvBio->serverCertificatesIfAny();
+        if (const char *issuerUri = Ssl::uriOfIssuerIfMissing(cert,  certsList)) {
+            urlsOfMissingCerts.push(SBuf(issuerUri));
+        }
+        Ssl::SSL_add_untrusted_cert(ssl, cert);
+    }
+    // check if has uri to download from and if yes add it to urlsOfMissingCerts
+    if (urlsOfMissingCerts.size() && certsDownloads <= MaxCertsDownloads) {
+        startCertDownloading(urlsOfMissingCerts.front());
+        urlsOfMissingCerts.pop();
+        return;
+    }
+    srvBio->holdRead(false);
+    Ssl::PeerConnector::NegotiateSsl(serverConnection()->fd, this);
+Ssl::PeerConnector::checkForMissingCertificates ()
+    // Check for nested SSL certificates downloads. For example when the
+    // certificate located in an SSL site which requires to download a
+    // a missing certificate (... from an SSL site which requires to ...).
+    // XXX: find a way to link HttpRequest with Downloader.
+    // The following always fails:
+    const Downloader *csd = dynamic_cast<const Downloader*>(request->downloader.valid());
+    if (csd && csd->nestedLevel() >= MaxNestedDownloads)
+        return false;
+    const int fd = serverConnection()->fd;
+    Security::SessionPtr ssl = fd_table[fd].ssl.get();
+    BIO *b = SSL_get_rbio(ssl);
+    Ssl::ServerBio *srvBio = static_cast<Ssl::ServerBio *>(b->ptr);
+    const Security::CertList &certs = srvBio->serverCertificatesIfAny();
+    if (certs.size()) {
+        debugs(83, 5, "SSL server sent " << certs.size() << " certificates");
+        Ssl::missingChainCertificatesUrls(urlsOfMissingCerts, certs);
+        if (urlsOfMissingCerts.size()) {
+            startCertDownloading(urlsOfMissingCerts.front());
+            urlsOfMissingCerts.pop();
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
+    return false;

=== modified file 'src/ssl/PeerConnector.h'
--- src/ssl/PeerConnector.h	2016-04-08 10:58:07 +0000
+++ src/ssl/PeerConnector.h	2016-05-23 17:05:38 +0000
@@ -1,39 +1,40 @@
  * Copyright (C) 1996-2016 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors
  * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes
  * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations.
  * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details.
 #include "acl/Acl.h"
 #include "base/AsyncCbdataCalls.h"
 #include "base/AsyncJob.h"
 #include "CommCalls.h"
 #include "security/EncryptorAnswer.h"
 #include "ssl/support.h"
 #include <iosfwd>
+#include <queue>
 class HttpRequest;
 class ErrorState;
 class AccessLogEntry;
 typedef RefCount<AccessLogEntry> AccessLogEntryPointer;
 namespace Ssl
  * Connects Squid to SSL/TLS-capable peers or services.
  * Contains common code and interfaces of various specialized PeerConnectors,
  * including peer certificate validation code.
  * The caller receives a call back with Security::EncryptorAnswer. If answer.error
  * is not nil, then there was an error and the SSL connection to the SSL peer
  * was not fully established. The error object is suitable for error response
@@ -107,40 +108,52 @@
     /// Performs a single secure connection negotiation step.
     /// It is called multiple times untill the negotiation finish or aborted.
     void negotiateSsl();
     /// Called after SSL negotiations have finished. Cleans up SSL state.
     /// Returns false if we are now waiting for the certs validation job.
     /// Otherwise, returns true, regardless of negotiation success/failure.
     bool sslFinalized();
     /// Called when the SSL negotiation step aborted because data needs to
     /// be transferred to/from SSL server or on error. In the first case
     /// setups the appropriate Comm::SetSelect handler. In second case
     /// fill an error and report to the PeerConnector caller.
     void handleNegotiateError(const int result);
     /// Called when the openSSL SSL_connect fnction request more data from
     /// the remote SSL server. Sets the read timeout and sets the
     /// Squid COMM_SELECT_READ handler.
     void noteWantRead();
+    /// Run the certificates list sent by the SSL server and check if there
+    /// are missing certificates. Adds to the urlOfMissingCerts list the 
+    /// URLS of missing certificates if this information provided by the
+    /// issued certificates with Authority Info Access extension.
+    bool checkForMissingCertificates();
+    /// Start downloading procedure for the given URL.
+    void startCertDownloading(SBuf &url);
+    /// Called by Downloader after a certificate object downloaded.
+    void certDownloadingDone(SBuf &object, int status);
     /// Called when the openSSL SSL_connect function needs to write data to
     /// the remote SSL server. Sets the Squid COMM_SELECT_WRITE handler.
     virtual void noteWantWrite();
     /// Called when the SSL_connect function aborts with an SSL negotiation error
     /// \param result the SSL_connect return code
     /// \param ssl_error the error code returned from the SSL_get_error function
     /// \param ssl_lib_error the error returned from the ERR_Get_Error function
     virtual void noteSslNegotiationError(const int result, const int ssl_error, const int ssl_lib_error);
     /// Called when the SSL negotiation to the server completed and the certificates
     /// validated using the cert validator.
     /// \param error if not NULL the SSL negotiation was aborted with an error
     virtual void noteNegotiationDone(ErrorState *error) {}
     /// Must implemented by the kid classes to return the Security::ContextPtr object to use
     /// for building the SSL objects.
     virtual Security::ContextPtr getSslContext() = 0;
     /// mimics FwdState to minimize changes to FwdState::initiate/negotiateSsl
@@ -158,31 +171,40 @@
     /// Called after negotiation finishes to record connection details for
     /// logging
     void recordNegotiationDetails();
     HttpRequestPointer request; ///< peer connection trigger or cause
     Comm::ConnectionPointer serverConn; ///< TCP connection to the peer
     AccessLogEntryPointer al; ///< info for the future access.log entry
     AsyncCall::Pointer callback; ///< we call this with the results
     PeerConnector(const PeerConnector &); // not implemented
     PeerConnector &operator =(const PeerConnector &); // not implemented
     /// Process response from cert validator helper
     void sslCrtvdHandleReply(Ssl::CertValidationResponsePointer);
     /// Check SSL errors returned from cert validator against sslproxy_cert_error access list
     Ssl::CertErrors *sslCrtvdCheckForErrors(Ssl::CertValidationResponse const &, Ssl::ErrorDetail *&);
     /// A wrapper function for negotiateSsl for use with Comm::SetSelect
     static void NegotiateSsl(int fd, void *data);
+    /// The maximum allowed missing certificates downloads.
+    static const unsigned int MaxCertsDownloads = 10;
+    /// The maximum allowed nested certificates downloads.
+    static const unsigned int MaxNestedDownloads = 3;
     AsyncCall::Pointer closeHandler; ///< we call this when the connection closed
     time_t negotiationTimeout; ///< the SSL connection timeout to use
     time_t startTime; ///< when the peer connector negotiation started
     bool useCertValidator_; ///< whether the certificate validator should bypassed
+    /// The list of URLs where missing certificates should be downloaded.
+    std::queue<SBuf> urlsOfMissingCerts;
+    unsigned int certsDownloads; ///< the number of downloaded missing certificates
 } // namespace Ssl
 #endif /* USE_OPENSSL */

=== modified file 'src/ssl/'
--- src/ssl/	2016-05-19 13:14:46 +0000
+++ src/ssl/	2016-05-23 17:05:38 +0000
@@ -186,42 +186,44 @@
     if (!rbuf.isEmpty()) {
         int bytes = (size <= (int)rbuf.length() ? size : rbuf.length());
         memcpy(buf, rbuf.rawContent(), bytes);
         return bytes;
     } else
         return Ssl::Bio::read(buf, size, table);
     return -1;
 Ssl::ServerBio::ServerBio(const int anFd):
+    holdRead_(true),
+    parseError(false),
 Ssl::ServerBio::stateChanged(const SSL *ssl, int where, int ret)
     Ssl::Bio::stateChanged(ssl, where, ret);
 Ssl::ServerBio::setClientFeatures(Security::TlsDetails::Pointer const &details, SBuf const &aHello)
     clientTlsDetails = details;
     clientHelloMessage = aHello;
 Ssl::ServerBio::read(char *buf, int size, BIO *table)
@@ -254,40 +256,47 @@
 /// Read and give everything to our parser.
 /// When/if parsing is finished (successfully or not), start giving to OpenSSL.
 Ssl::ServerBio::readAndParse(char *buf, const int size, BIO *table)
     const int result = readAndBuffer(table);
     if (result <= 0)
         return result;
     try {
         if (!parser_.parseHello(rbuf)) {
             // need more data to finish parsing
             return -1;
         parsedHandshake = true; // done parsing (successfully)
     catch (const std::exception &ex) {
         debugs(83, 2, "parsing error on FD " << fd_ << ": " << ex.what());
         parsedHandshake = true; // done parsing (due to an error)
+        parseError = true;
+    }
+    if (holdRead_) {
+         debugs(83, 7, "Hold flag is set, retry latter. (Hold " << size << "bytes)");
+         BIO_set_retry_read(table);
+         return -1;
     return giveBuffered(buf, size);
 /// Reads more data into the read buffer. Returns either the number of bytes
 /// read or, on errors (including "try again" errors), a negative number.
 Ssl::ServerBio::readAndBuffer(BIO *table)
     char *space = rbuf.rawSpace(SQUID_TCP_SO_RCVBUF);
     const int result = Ssl::Bio::read(space, rbuf.spaceSize(), table);
     if (result <= 0)
         return result;
     rbuf.forceSize(rbuf.length() + result);
     return result;
 /// give previously buffered bytes to OpenSSL

=== modified file 'src/ssl/bio.h'
--- src/ssl/bio.h	2016-05-18 17:22:44 +0000
+++ src/ssl/bio.h	2016-05-25 08:56:18 +0000
@@ -121,65 +121,79 @@
     /// The ServerBio version of the Ssl::Bio::write method
     /// If a clientRandom number is set then rewrites the raw hello message
     /// "client random" field with the provided random number.
     /// It may buffer the output packets.
     virtual int write(const char *buf, int size, BIO *table);
     /// The ServerBio version of the Ssl::Bio::read method
     /// If the record flag is set then append the data to the rbuf member
     virtual int read(char *buf, int size, BIO *table);
     /// The ServerBio version of the Ssl::Bio::flush method.
     /// Flushes any buffered data
     virtual void flush(BIO *table);
     /// Sets the random number to use in client SSL HELLO message
     void setClientFeatures(Security::TlsDetails::Pointer const &details, SBuf const &hello);
     bool resumingSession();
     /// The write hold state
     bool holdWrite() const {return holdWrite_;}
     /// Enables or disables the write hold state
     void holdWrite(bool h) {holdWrite_ = h;}
+    /// The read hold state
+    bool holdRead() const {return holdRead_;}
+    /// Enables or disables the read hold state
+    void holdRead(bool h) {holdRead_ = h;}
     /// Enables or disables the input data recording, for internal analysis.
     void recordInput(bool r) {record_ = r;}
     /// Whether we can splice or not the SSL stream
     bool canSplice() {return allowSplice;}
     /// Whether we can bump or not the SSL stream
     bool canBump() {return allowBump;}
     /// The bumping mode
     void mode(Ssl::BumpMode m) {bumpMode_ = m;}
     Ssl::BumpMode bumpMode() {return bumpMode_;} ///< return the bumping mode
+    /// Return true if the Server hello message received
+    bool gotHello() const { return (parsedHandshake && !parseError); }
+    /// Return true if the Server Hello parsing failed
+    bool gotHelloFailed() const { return (parsedHandshake && parseError); }
+    const Security::CertList &serverCertificatesIfAny() { return parser_.serverCertificates; }
     /// \return the TLS Details advertised by TLS server.
     const Security::TlsDetails::Pointer &receivedHelloDetails() const {return parser_.details;}
     int readAndGive(char *buf, const int size, BIO *table);
     int readAndParse(char *buf, const int size, BIO *table);
     int readAndBuffer(BIO *table);
     int giveBuffered(char *buf, const int size);
     /// SSL client features extracted from ClientHello message or SSL object
     Security::TlsDetails::Pointer clientTlsDetails;
     /// TLS client hello message, used to adapt our tls Hello message to the server
     SBuf clientHelloMessage;
     SBuf helloMsg; ///< Used to buffer output data.
     mb_size_t  helloMsgSize;
     bool helloBuild; ///< True if the client hello message sent to the server
     bool allowSplice; ///< True if the SSL stream can be spliced
     bool allowBump;  ///< True if the SSL stream can be bumped
     bool holdWrite_;  ///< The write hold state of the bio.
+    bool holdRead_;  ///< The read hold state of the bio.
     bool record_; ///< If true the input data recorded to rbuf for internal use
     bool parsedHandshake; ///< whether we are done parsing TLS Hello
+    bool parseError; ///< error while parsing server hello message
     Ssl::BumpMode bumpMode_;
     /// The size of data stored in rbuf which passed to the openSSL
     size_t rbufConsumePos;
     Security::HandshakeParser parser_; ///< The TLS/SSL messages parser.
 } // namespace Ssl
 applyTlsDetailsToSSL(SSL *ssl, Security::TlsDetails::Pointer const &details, Ssl::BumpMode bumpMode);
 #endif /* SQUID_SSL_BIO_H */

=== modified file 'src/ssl/'
--- src/ssl/	2016-07-05 17:00:36 +0000
+++ src/ssl/	2016-07-07 08:01:23 +0000
@@ -16,40 +16,43 @@
 #include "acl/FilledChecklist.h"
 #include "anyp/PortCfg.h"
 #include "fatal.h"
 #include "fd.h"
 #include "fde.h"
 #include "globals.h"
 #include "ipc/MemMap.h"
 #include "SquidConfig.h"
 #include "SquidTime.h"
 #include "ssl/bio.h"
 #include "ssl/Config.h"
 #include "ssl/ErrorDetail.h"
 #include "ssl/gadgets.h"
 #include "ssl/support.h"
 #include "URL.h"
 #include <cerrno>
+// TODO: Move ssl_ex_index_* global variables from here.
+int ssl_ex_index_ssl_untrusted_chain = -1;
 Ipc::MemMap *Ssl::SessionCache = NULL;
 const char *Ssl::SessionCacheName = "ssl_session_cache";
 static Ssl::CertsIndexedList SquidUntrustedCerts;
 const EVP_MD *Ssl::DefaultSignHash = NULL;
 const char *Ssl::BumpModeStr[] = {
@@ -453,40 +456,41 @@
     if (::Config.SSL.ssl_engine)
         fatalf("Your OpenSSL has no SSL engine support\n");
     const char *defName = ::Config.SSL.certSignHash ? ::Config.SSL.certSignHash : SQUID_SSL_SIGN_HASH_IF_NONE;
     Ssl::DefaultSignHash = EVP_get_digestbyname(defName);
     if (!Ssl::DefaultSignHash)
         fatalf("Sign hash '%s' is not supported\n", defName);
     ssl_ex_index_server = SSL_get_ex_new_index(0, (void *) "server", NULL, NULL, ssl_free_SBuf);
     ssl_ctx_ex_index_dont_verify_domain = SSL_CTX_get_ex_new_index(0, (void *) "dont_verify_domain", NULL, NULL, NULL);
     ssl_ex_index_cert_error_check = SSL_get_ex_new_index(0, (void *) "cert_error_check", NULL, &ssl_dupAclChecklist, &ssl_freeAclChecklist);
     ssl_ex_index_ssl_error_detail = SSL_get_ex_new_index(0, (void *) "ssl_error_detail", NULL, NULL, &ssl_free_ErrorDetail);
     ssl_ex_index_ssl_peeked_cert  = SSL_get_ex_new_index(0, (void *) "ssl_peeked_cert", NULL, NULL, &ssl_free_X509);
     ssl_ex_index_ssl_errors =  SSL_get_ex_new_index(0, (void *) "ssl_errors", NULL, NULL, &ssl_free_SslErrors);
     ssl_ex_index_ssl_cert_chain = SSL_get_ex_new_index(0, (void *) "ssl_cert_chain", NULL, NULL, &ssl_free_CertChain);
     ssl_ex_index_ssl_validation_counter = SSL_get_ex_new_index(0, (void *) "ssl_validation_counter", NULL, NULL, &ssl_free_int);
+    ssl_ex_index_ssl_untrusted_chain = SSL_get_ex_new_index(0, (void *) "ssl_untrusted_chain", NULL, NULL, &ssl_free_CertChain);
 static void
 ssl_info_cb(const SSL *ssl, int where, int ret)
     if ((where & SSL_CB_HANDSHAKE_DONE) != 0) {
         // disable renegotiation (CVE-2009-3555)
         ssl->s3->flags |= SSL3_FLAGS_NO_RENEGOTIATE_CIPHERS;
 static bool
 configureSslContext(Security::ContextPtr sslContext, AnyP::PortCfg &port)
     int ssl_error;
@@ -1073,149 +1077,246 @@
 void Ssl::addChainToSslContext(Security::ContextPtr sslContext, STACK_OF(X509) *chain)
     if (!chain)
     for (int i = 0; i < sk_X509_num(chain); ++i) {
         X509 *cert = sk_X509_value(chain, i);
         if (SSL_CTX_add_extra_chain_cert(sslContext, cert)) {
             // increase the certificate lock
         } else {
             const int ssl_error = ERR_get_error();
             debugs(83, DBG_IMPORTANT, "WARNING: can not add certificate to SSL context chain: " << ERR_error_string(ssl_error, NULL));
+static const char *
+hasAuthorityInfoAccessCaIssuers(X509 *cert)
+    if (!cert)
+        return nullptr;
+    info = (AUTHORITY_INFO_ACCESS *)X509_get_ext_d2i(cert, NID_info_access, NULL, NULL);
+    if (!info)
+        return nullptr;
+    static char uri[MAX_URL];
+    uri[0] = '\0';
+    for (int i = 0; i < sk_ACCESS_DESCRIPTION_num(info); i++) {
+        ACCESS_DESCRIPTION *ad = sk_ACCESS_DESCRIPTION_value(info, i);
+        if (OBJ_obj2nid(ad->method) == NID_ad_ca_issuers) {
+            if (ad->location->type == GEN_URI) {
+                xstrncpy(uri, (char *)ASN1_STRING_data(ad->location->d.uniformResourceIdentifier), sizeof(uri));
+            }
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    AUTHORITY_INFO_ACCESS_free(info);
+    return uri[0] != '\0' ? uri : nullptr;
 Ssl::loadCerts(const char *certsFile, Ssl::CertsIndexedList &list)
     BIO *in = BIO_new_file(certsFile, "r");
     if (!in) {
         debugs(83, DBG_IMPORTANT, "Failed to open '" << certsFile << "' to load certificates");
         return false;
     X509 *aCert;
     while((aCert = PEM_read_bio_X509(in, NULL, NULL, NULL))) {
         static char buffer[2048];
         X509_NAME_oneline(X509_get_subject_name(aCert), buffer, sizeof(buffer));
         list.insert(std::pair<SBuf, X509 *>(SBuf(buffer), aCert));
     debugs(83, 4, "Loaded " << list.size() << " certificates from file: '" << certsFile << "'");
     return true;
-/// quickly find a certificate with a given issuer in Ssl::CertsIndexedList.
+/// quickly find the issuer certificate of a certificate cert in the
+/// Ssl::CertsIndexedList list
 static X509 *
-findCertByIssuerFast(X509_STORE_CTX *ctx, Ssl::CertsIndexedList &list, X509 *cert)
+findCertIssuerFast(Ssl::CertsIndexedList &list, X509 *cert)
     static char buffer[2048];
     if (X509_NAME *issuerName = X509_get_issuer_name(cert))
         X509_NAME_oneline(issuerName, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
         return NULL;
     const auto ret = list.equal_range(SBuf(buffer));
     for (Ssl::CertsIndexedList::iterator it = ret.first; it != ret.second; ++it) {
         X509 *issuer = it->second;
-        if (ctx->check_issued(ctx, cert, issuer)) {
+        if (X509_check_issued(cert, issuer)) {
             return issuer;
     return NULL;
-/// slowly find a certificate with a given issuer using linear search
+/// slowly find the issuer certificate of a given cert using linear search
+static bool
+findCertIssuer(Security::CertList const &list, X509 *cert)
+    for (Security::CertList::const_iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) {
+        if (X509_check_issued(it->get(), cert) == X509_V_OK)
+            return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+const char *
+Ssl::uriOfIssuerIfMissing(X509 *cert, Security::CertList const &serverCertificates)
+    if (!cert || !serverCertificates.size())
+        return nullptr;
+    if (!findCertIssuer(serverCertificates, cert)) {
+        //if issuer is missing
+        if (!findCertIssuerFast(SquidUntrustedCerts, cert)) {
+            // and issuer not found in local untrusted certificates database 
+            if (const char *issuerUri = hasAuthorityInfoAccessCaIssuers(cert)) {
+                // There is a URI where we can download a certificate.
+                // Check to see if this is required.
+                return issuerUri;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return nullptr;
+Ssl::missingChainCertificatesUrls(std::queue<SBuf> &URIs, Security::CertList const &serverCertificates)
+    if (!serverCertificates.size())
+        return;
+    for (Security::CertList::const_iterator it = serverCertificates.begin(); it != serverCertificates.end(); ++it) {
+        if (const char *issuerUri = uriOfIssuerIfMissing(it->get(), serverCertificates))
+            URIs.push(SBuf(issuerUri));
+    }
+Ssl::SSL_add_untrusted_cert(SSL *ssl, X509 *cert)
+    STACK_OF(X509) *untrustedStack = static_cast <STACK_OF(X509) *>(SSL_get_ex_data(ssl, ssl_ex_index_ssl_untrusted_chain));
+    if (!untrustedStack) {
+        untrustedStack = sk_X509_new_null();
+        if (!SSL_set_ex_data(ssl, ssl_ex_index_ssl_untrusted_chain, untrustedStack)) {
+            sk_X509_pop_free(untrustedStack, X509_free);
+            throw TextException("Failed to attach untrusted certificates chain");
+        }
+    }
+    sk_X509_push(untrustedStack, cert);
+/// Search for the issuer certificate of cert in sk list.
 static X509 *
-findCertByIssuerSlowly(X509_STORE_CTX *ctx, STACK_OF(X509) *sk, X509 *cert)
+sk_x509_findIssuer(STACK_OF(X509) *sk, X509 *cert)
+    if (!sk)
+        return NULL;
     const int skItemsNum = sk_X509_num(sk);
     for (int i = 0; i < skItemsNum; ++i) {
         X509 *issuer = sk_X509_value(sk, i);
-        if (ctx->check_issued(ctx, cert, issuer))
+        if (X509_check_issued(issuer, cert) == X509_V_OK)
             return issuer;
     return NULL;
 /// add missing issuer certificates to untrustedCerts
 static void
 completeIssuers(X509_STORE_CTX *ctx, STACK_OF(X509) *untrustedCerts)
     debugs(83, 2,  "completing " << sk_X509_num(untrustedCerts) << " OpenSSL untrusted certs using " << SquidUntrustedCerts.size() << " configured untrusted certificates");
     int depth = ctx->param->depth;
     X509 *current = ctx->cert;
     int i = 0;
     for (i = 0; current && (i < depth); ++i) {
-        if (ctx->check_issued(ctx, current, current)) {
+        if (X509_check_issued(current, current)) {
             // either ctx->cert is itself self-signed or untrustedCerts
             // aready contain the self-signed current certificate
         // untrustedCerts is short, not worth indexing
-        X509 *issuer = findCertByIssuerSlowly(ctx, untrustedCerts, current);
+        X509 *issuer = sk_x509_findIssuer(untrustedCerts, current);
         if (!issuer) {
-            if ((issuer = findCertByIssuerFast(ctx, SquidUntrustedCerts, current)))
+            if ((issuer = findCertIssuerFast(SquidUntrustedCerts, current)))
                 sk_X509_push(untrustedCerts, issuer);
         current = issuer;
     if (i >= depth)
         debugs(83, 2,  "exceeded the maximum certificate chain length: " << depth);
 /// OpenSSL certificate validation callback.
 static int
 untrustedToStoreCtx_cb(X509_STORE_CTX *ctx,void *data)
     debugs(83, 4,  "Try to use pre-downloaded intermediate certificates\n");
+    SSL *ssl = (SSL *)X509_STORE_CTX_get_ex_data(ctx, SSL_get_ex_data_X509_STORE_CTX_idx());
+    STACK_OF(X509) *sslUntrustedStack = static_cast <STACK_OF(X509) *>(SSL_get_ex_data(ssl, ssl_ex_index_ssl_untrusted_chain));
     // OpenSSL already maintains ctx->untrusted but we cannot modify
     // internal OpenSSL list directly. We have to give OpenSSL our own
     // list, but it must include certificates on the OpenSSL ctx->untrusted
     STACK_OF(X509) *oldUntrusted = ctx->untrusted;
     STACK_OF(X509) *sk = sk_X509_dup(oldUntrusted); // oldUntrusted is always not NULL
-    completeIssuers(ctx, sk);
+    for (int i = 0; i < sk_X509_num(sslUntrustedStack); ++i) {
+        X509 *cert = sk_X509_value(sslUntrustedStack, i);
+        sk_X509_push(sk, cert);
+    }
+    // If the local untrusted certificates internal database is used
+    // run completeIssuers to add missing certificates if possible.
+    if (SquidUntrustedCerts.size() > 0)
+        completeIssuers(ctx, sk);
     X509_STORE_CTX_set_chain(ctx, sk); // No locking/unlocking, just sets ctx->untrusted
     int ret = X509_verify_cert(ctx);
     X509_STORE_CTX_set_chain(ctx, oldUntrusted); // Set back the old untrusted list
     sk_X509_free(sk); // Release sk list
     return ret;
 Ssl::useSquidUntrusted(SSL_CTX *sslContext)
-    if (SquidUntrustedCerts.size() > 0)
-        SSL_CTX_set_cert_verify_callback(sslContext, untrustedToStoreCtx_cb, NULL);
-    else
-        SSL_CTX_set_cert_verify_callback(sslContext, NULL, NULL);
+    SSL_CTX_set_cert_verify_callback(sslContext, untrustedToStoreCtx_cb, NULL);
 Ssl::loadSquidUntrusted(const char *path)
     return Ssl::loadCerts(path, SquidUntrustedCerts);
     if (SquidUntrustedCerts.size()) {
         for (Ssl::CertsIndexedList::iterator it = SquidUntrustedCerts.begin(); it != SquidUntrustedCerts.end(); ++it) {

=== modified file 'src/ssl/support.h'
--- src/ssl/support.h	2016-07-05 17:00:36 +0000
+++ src/ssl/support.h	2016-07-07 08:01:23 +0000
@@ -10,40 +10,41 @@
 #include "base/CbDataList.h"
 #include "sbuf/SBuf.h"
 #include "security/forward.h"
 #include "ssl/gadgets.h"
 #include <openssl/x509v3.h>
 #include <openssl/err.h>
 #include <openssl/engine.h>
+#include <queue>
 #include <map>
  \defgroup ServerProtocolSSLAPI Server-Side SSL API
  \ingroup ServerProtocol
 // Custom SSL errors; assumes all official errors are positive
 #define SQUID_X509_V_ERR_CERT_CHANGE -3
 // All SSL errors range: from smallest (negative) custom to largest SSL error
 // Maximum certificate validation callbacks. OpenSSL versions exceeding this
 // limit are deemed stuck in an infinite validation loop (OpenSSL bug #3090)
 // and will trigger the SQUID_X509_V_ERR_INFINITE_VALIDATION error.
 // Can be set to a number up to UINT32_MAX
@@ -165,40 +166,86 @@
 enum BumpMode {bumpNone = 0, bumpClientFirst, bumpServerFirst, bumpPeek, bumpStare, bumpBump, bumpSplice, bumpTerminate, /*bumpErr,*/ bumpEnd};
 enum BumpStep {bumpStep1, bumpStep2, bumpStep3};
  \ingroup  ServerProtocolSSLAPI
  * Short names for ssl-bump modes
 extern const char *BumpModeStr[];
  \ingroup ServerProtocolSSLAPI
  * Return the short name of the ssl-bump mode "bm"
 inline const char *bumpMode(int bm)
     return (0 <= bm && bm < Ssl::bumpEnd) ? Ssl::BumpModeStr[bm] : NULL;
+/// certificates indexed by issuer name
+typedef std::multimap<SBuf, X509 *> CertsIndexedList;
+ \ingroup ServerProtocolSSLAPI
+ * Load PEM-encoded certificates from the given file.
+ */
+bool loadCerts(const char *certsFile, Ssl::CertsIndexedList &list);
+ \ingroup ServerProtocolSSLAPI
+ * Load PEM-encoded certificates to the squid untrusteds certificates
+ * internal DB from the given file.
+ */
+bool loadSquidUntrusted(const char *path);
+ \ingroup ServerProtocolSSLAPI
+ * Removes all certificates from squid untrusteds certificates
+ * internal DB and frees all memory
+ */
+void unloadSquidUntrusted();
+ \ingroup ServerProtocolSSLAPI
+ * Add the certificate cert to ssl object untrusted certificates.
+ * Squid uses an attached to SSL object list of untrusted certificates,
+ * with certificates which can be used to complete incomplete chains sent
+ * by the SSL server.
+ */
+void SSL_add_untrusted_cert(SSL *ssl, X509 *cert);
+ \ingroup ServerProtocolSSLAPI
+ * Searches in serverCertificates list for the cert issuer and if not found
+ * and Authority Info Access of cert provides a URI return it.
+ */
+const char *uriOfIssuerIfMissing(X509 *cert,  Security::CertList const &serverCertificates);
+ \ingroup ServerProtocolSSLAPI
+ * Fill URIs queue with the uris of missing certificates from serverCertificate chain
+ * if this information provided by Authority Info Access.
+ */
+void missingChainCertificatesUrls(std::queue<SBuf> &URIs, Security::CertList const &serverCertificates);
   \ingroup ServerProtocolSSLAPI
   * Generate a certificate to be used as untrusted signing certificate, based on a trusted CA
 bool generateUntrustedCert(Security::CertPointer & untrustedCert, EVP_PKEY_Pointer & untrustedPkey, Security::CertPointer const & cert, EVP_PKEY_Pointer const & pkey);
 /// certificates indexed by issuer name
 typedef std::multimap<SBuf, X509 *> CertsIndexedList;
  \ingroup ServerProtocolSSLAPI
  * Load PEM-encoded certificates from the given file.
 bool loadCerts(const char *certsFile, Ssl::CertsIndexedList &list);
  \ingroup ServerProtocolSSLAPI
  * Load PEM-encoded certificates to the squid untrusteds certificates
  * internal DB from the given file.
@@ -262,40 +309,47 @@
   \ingroup ServerProtocolSSLAPI
   * Read private key and certificate from memory and set it to SSL object
   * using their.
 bool configureSSLUsingPkeyAndCertFromMemory(SSL *ssl, const char *data, AnyP::PortCfg &port);
   \ingroup ServerProtocolSSLAPI
   * Adds the certificates in certList to the certificate chain of the SSL context
 void addChainToSslContext(Security::ContextPtr sslContext, STACK_OF(X509) *certList);
   \ingroup ServerProtocolSSLAPI
   * Configures sslContext to use squid untrusted certificates internal list
   * to complete certificate chains when verifies SSL servers certificates.
 void useSquidUntrusted(SSL_CTX *sslContext);
+  \ingroup ServerProtocolSSLAPI
+  * Configures sslContext to use squid untrusted certificates internal list
+  * to complete certificate chains when verifies SSL servers certificates.
+ */
+void useSquidUntrusted(SSL_CTX *sslContext);
  \ingroup ServerProtocolSSLAPI
  *  Read certificate, private key and any certificates which must be chained from files.
  * See also: Ssl::readCertAndPrivateKeyFromFiles function,  defined in gadgets.h
  * \param certFilename name of file with certificate and certificates which must be chainned.
  * \param keyFilename name of file with private key.
 void readCertChainAndPrivateKeyFromFiles(Security::CertPointer & cert, EVP_PKEY_Pointer & pkey, X509_STACK_Pointer & chain, char const * certFilename, char const * keyFilename);
    \ingroup ServerProtocolSSLAPI
    * Iterates over the X509 common and alternate names and to see if  matches with given data
    * using the check_func.
    \param peer_cert  The X509 cert to check
    \param check_data The data with which the X509 CNs compared
    \param check_func The function used to match X509 CNs. The CN data passed as ASN1_STRING data
    \return   1 if any of the certificate CN matches, 0 if none matches.
 int matchX509CommonNames(X509 *peer_cert, void *check_data, int (*check_func)(void *check_data,  ASN1_STRING *cn_data));

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