2016-08-24 18:20 GMT+03:00 Amos Jeffries <squ...@treenet.co.nz>:

> in src/LogTags.cc:
> * instead of adding new enum entry please extend LogTags with a new bool
> flag and the c_str() to append the "IGNORED" when that flag is true.
>  - TCP_REFRESH should be set when refresh was started.
>  - whoever merges this patch will also need to update the wiki
> SquidFaq/SquidLogs page to document what "IGNORED" means.

Added a new LogTags::ignored for this. I wonder whether the
LogTags assignment operator should copy this member too.

> in src/HttpReply.cc:
> * please use Squid syntax.
>   -  return type on separate line above the method/function name.
> in src/HttpReply.h:
> * please use doxygen syntax "\returns" instead of "returns" in the
> comment text.
> in src/client_side_reply.cc:
> * please remove the "handleIMSReply: " bit from touched debugs messages.

2016-08-24 22:05 GMT+03:00 Alex Rousskov <rouss...@measurement-factory.com>:

> If Eduard does that, he should remove that bit from all related debugs
> messages to keep them all consistent IMO.

Addressed these comments and updated the patch.

Squid should ignore a [revalidation] response with an older Date header.

Before this patch, Squid violated the RFC 7234 section 4 MUST
requirement: "When more than one suitable response is stored, a cache
MUST use the most recent response (as determined by the Date header
field)." This problem may be damaging in cache hierarchies where
parent caches may have different responses. Trusting the older response
may lead to excessive IMS requests, cache thrashing and other problems.

=== modified file 'src/HttpReply.cc'
--- src/HttpReply.cc	2016-07-23 13:36:56 +0000
+++ src/HttpReply.cc	2016-08-25 10:16:52 +0000
@@ -600,30 +600,37 @@
         // warning-value MUST end with quote
         if (p >= item && *p == '"') {
             const char *const warnDateEnd = p;
             while (p >= item && *p != '"') --p; // find the next quote
             const char *warnDateBeg = p + 1;
             while (p >= item && xisspace(*p)) --p; // skip whitespace
             if (p >= item && *p == '"' && warnDateBeg - p > 2) {
                 // found warn-text
                 String warnDate;
                 warnDate.append(warnDateBeg, warnDateEnd - warnDateBeg);
                 const time_t time = parse_rfc1123(warnDate.termedBuf());
                 keep = (time > 0 && time == date); // keep valid and matching date
         if (keep) {
             if (newValue.size())
                 newValue.append(", ");
             newValue.append(item, len);
     return newValue;
+HttpReply::olderThan(const HttpReply *them) const
+    if (!them || !them->date || !date)
+        return false;
+    return date < them->date;

=== modified file 'src/HttpReply.h'
--- src/HttpReply.h	2016-07-23 13:36:56 +0000
+++ src/HttpReply.h	2016-08-25 11:08:10 +0000
@@ -85,60 +85,64 @@
     HttpReply *make304() const;
     void redirect(Http::StatusCode, const char *);
     int64_t bodySize(const HttpRequestMethod&) const;
     /** Checks whether received body exceeds known maximum size.
      * Requires a prior call to calcMaxBodySize().
     bool receivedBodyTooLarge(HttpRequest&, int64_t receivedBodySize);
     /** Checks whether expected body exceeds known maximum size.
      * Requires a prior call to calcMaxBodySize().
     bool expectedBodyTooLarge(HttpRequest& request);
     int validatorsMatch (HttpReply const *other) const;
     void packHeadersInto(Packable * p) const;
     /** Clone this reply.
      *  Could be done as a copy-contructor but we do not want to accidently copy a HttpReply..
     HttpReply *clone() const;
     /// Remove Warnings with warn-date different from Date value
     void removeStaleWarnings();
     virtual void hdrCacheInit();
+    /// whether our Date header value is smaller than theirs
+    /// \returns false if any information is missing
+    bool olderThan(const HttpReply *them) const;
     /** initialize */
     void init();
     void clean();
     void hdrCacheClean();
     void packInto(Packable * p) const;
     /* ez-routines */
     /** \return construct 304 reply and pack it into a MemBuf */
     MemBuf *packed304Reply() const;
     /* header manipulation */
     time_t hdrExpirationTime();
     /** Calculates and stores maximum body size if needed.
      * Used by receivedBodyTooLarge() and expectedBodyTooLarge().
     void calcMaxBodySize(HttpRequest& request) const;
     String removeStaleWarningValues(const String &value);
     mutable int64_t bodySizeMax; /**< cached result of calcMaxBodySize */
     virtual void packFirstLineInto(Packable * p, bool) const { sline.packInto(p); }
     virtual bool parseFirstLine(const char *start, const char *end);

=== modified file 'src/LogTags.cc'
--- src/LogTags.cc	2016-06-02 09:49:19 +0000
+++ src/LogTags.cc	2016-08-25 11:40:12 +0000
@@ -28,52 +28,55 @@
  * This method is documented in http://wiki.squid-cache.org/SquidFaq/SquidLogs#Squid_result_codes
  * Please keep the wiki up to date
 const char *
 LogTags::c_str() const
     static char buf[1024];
     *buf = 0;
     int pos = 0;
     // source tags
     if (oldType && oldType < LOG_TYPE_MAX)
         pos += snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s",Str_[oldType]);
         pos += snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "NONE");
+    if (ignored)
+        pos += snprintf(buf+pos,sizeof(buf)-pos, "_IGNORED");
     // error tags
     if (err.timedout)
         pos += snprintf(buf+pos,sizeof(buf)-pos, "_TIMEDOUT");
     if (err.aborted)
         pos += snprintf(buf+pos,sizeof(buf)-pos, "_ABORTED");
     return buf;
 LogTags::isTcpHit() const
         (oldType == LOG_TCP_HIT) ||
         (oldType == LOG_TCP_IMS_HIT) ||
         (oldType == LOG_TCP_REFRESH_FAIL_OLD) ||
         (oldType == LOG_TCP_REFRESH_UNMODIFIED) ||
         (oldType == LOG_TCP_NEGATIVE_HIT) ||
         (oldType == LOG_TCP_MEM_HIT) ||
         (oldType == LOG_TCP_OFFLINE_HIT);

=== modified file 'src/LogTags.h'
--- src/LogTags.h	2016-06-02 09:49:19 +0000
+++ src/LogTags.h	2016-08-25 12:10:41 +0000
@@ -21,67 +21,70 @@
     LOG_TAG_NONE = 0,
     LOG_TCP_REFRESH_UNMODIFIED, // refresh from origin revalidated existing entry
     LOG_TCP_REFRESH_FAIL_OLD,   // refresh from origin failed, stale reply sent
     LOG_TCP_REFRESH_FAIL_ERR,   // refresh from origin failed, error forwarded
     LOG_TCP_REFRESH_MODIFIED,   // refresh from origin replaced existing entry
     LOG_TCP_REFRESH,            // refresh from origin started, but still pending
     LOG_TCP_TUNNEL,             // a binary tunnel was established for this transaction
 } LogTags_ot;
 class LogTags
-    LogTags(LogTags_ot t) : oldType(t) {assert(oldType < LOG_TYPE_MAX);}
+    LogTags(LogTags_ot t) : ignored(false), oldType(t) {assert(oldType < LOG_TYPE_MAX);}
     LogTags &operator =(const LogTags_ot &t) {assert(t < LOG_TYPE_MAX); oldType = t; return *this;}
     /// compute the status access.log field
     const char *c_str() const;
     /// determine if the log tag code indicates a cache HIT
     bool isTcpHit() const;
     /// error states terminating the transaction
     struct Errors {
         Errors() : timedout(false), aborted(false) {}
         bool timedout; ///< tag: TIMEDOUT - terminated due to a lifetime or I/O timeout
         bool aborted;  ///< tag: ABORTED  - other abnormal termination (e.g., I/O error)
     } err;
+    /// tag: IGNORED - unsuitable results were not used
+    bool ignored;
     /// list of string representations for LogTags_ot
     static const char *Str_[];
 public: // XXX: only until client_db.cc stats are redesigned.
     // deprecated LogTag enum value
     LogTags_ot oldType;
 /// iterator for LogTags_ot enumeration
 inline LogTags_ot &operator++ (LogTags_ot &aLogType)
     int tmp = (int)aLogType;
     aLogType = (LogTags_ot)(++tmp);
     return aLogType;

=== modified file 'src/client_side_reply.cc'
--- src/client_side_reply.cc	2016-08-01 11:11:47 +0000
+++ src/client_side_reply.cc	2016-08-25 12:15:25 +0000
@@ -379,126 +379,138 @@
     clientReplyContext *context = (clientReplyContext *)data;
     /* Get the old request back */
     /* here the data to send is in the next nodes buffers already */
     assert(!EBIT_TEST(http->storeEntry()->flags, ENTRY_ABORTED));
     /* sendMoreData tracks the offset as well.
      * Force it back to zero */
     reqofs = 0;
     StoreIOBuffer tempresult (reqsize, reqofs, next()->readBuffer.data);
 /* This is the workhorse of the HandleIMSReply callback.
  * It is called when we've got data back from the origin following our
  * IMS request to revalidate a stale entry.
 clientReplyContext::handleIMSReply(StoreIOBuffer result)
     if (deleting)
-    debugs(88, 3, "handleIMSReply: " << http->storeEntry()->url() << ", " << (long unsigned) result.length << " bytes" );
+    debugs(88, 3, http->storeEntry()->url() << ", " << (long unsigned) result.length << " bytes" );
     if (http->storeEntry() == NULL)
     if (result.flags.error && !EBIT_TEST(http->storeEntry()->flags, ENTRY_ABORTED))
     /* update size of the request */
     reqsize = result.length + reqofs;
     const Http::StatusCode status = http->storeEntry()->getReply()->sline.status();
     // request to origin was aborted
     if (EBIT_TEST(http->storeEntry()->flags, ENTRY_ABORTED)) {
-        debugs(88, 3, "handleIMSReply: request to origin aborted '" << http->storeEntry()->url() << "', sending old entry to client" );
+        debugs(88, 3, "request to origin aborted '" << http->storeEntry()->url() << "', sending old entry to client" );
         http->logType = LOG_TCP_REFRESH_FAIL_OLD;
     const HttpReply *old_rep = old_entry->getReply();
     // origin replied 304
     if (status == Http::scNotModified) {
         http->logType = LOG_TCP_REFRESH_UNMODIFIED;
         http->request->flags.staleIfHit = false; // old_entry is no longer stale
         // update headers on existing entry
         Store::Root().updateOnNotModified(old_entry, *http->storeEntry());
         // if client sent IMS
         if (http->request->flags.ims && !old_entry->modifiedSince(http->request)) {
             // forward the 304 from origin
-            debugs(88, 3, "handleIMSReply: origin replied 304, revalidating existing entry and forwarding 304 to client");
+            debugs(88, 3, "origin replied 304, revalidating existing entry and forwarding 304 to client");
         } else {
             // send existing entry, it's still valid
-            debugs(88, 3, "handleIMSReply: origin replied 304, revalidating existing entry and sending " <<
+            debugs(88, 3, "origin replied 304, revalidating existing entry and sending " <<
                    old_rep->sline.status() << " to client");
     // origin replied with a non-error code
     else if (status > Http::scNone && status < Http::scInternalServerError) {
-        // forward response from origin
-        http->logType = LOG_TCP_REFRESH_MODIFIED;
-        debugs(88, 3, "handleIMSReply: origin replied " << status << ", replacing existing entry and forwarding to client");
-        if (collapsedRevalidation)
-            http->storeEntry()->clearPublicKeyScope();
-        sendClientUpstreamResponse();
+        const HttpReply *new_rep = http->storeEntry()->getReply();
+        // RFC 7234 section 4: a cache MUST use the most recent response
+        // (as determined by the Date header field)
+        if (new_rep->olderThan(old_rep)) {
+            http->logType.ignored = true;
+            debugs(88, 3, "origin replied " << status <<
+                    " but with an older date header, sending old entry (" <<
+                    old_rep->sline.status() << ") to client");
+            sendClientOldEntry();
+        } else {
+            http->logType = LOG_TCP_REFRESH_MODIFIED;
+            debugs(88, 3, "origin replied " << status <<
+                    ", replacing existing entry and forwarding to client");
+            if (collapsedRevalidation)
+                http->storeEntry()->clearPublicKeyScope();
+            sendClientUpstreamResponse();
+        }
     // origin replied with an error
     else if (http->request->flags.failOnValidationError) {
         http->logType = LOG_TCP_REFRESH_FAIL_ERR;
-        debugs(88, 3, "handleIMSReply: origin replied with error " << status <<
+        debugs(88, 3, "origin replied with error " << status <<
                ", forwarding to client due to fail_on_validation_err");
     } else {
         // ignore and let client have old entry
         http->logType = LOG_TCP_REFRESH_FAIL_OLD;
-        debugs(88, 3, "handleIMSReply: origin replied with error " <<
+        debugs(88, 3, "origin replied with error " <<
                status << ", sending old entry (" << old_rep->sline.status() << ") to client");
 SQUIDCEXTERN CSR clientGetMoreData;
 SQUIDCEXTERN CSD clientReplyDetach;
  * clientReplyContext::cacheHit Should only be called until the HTTP reply headers
  * have been parsed.  Normally this should be a single call, but
  * it might take more than one.  As soon as we have the headers,
  * we hand off to clientSendMoreData, processExpired, or
  * processMiss.
 clientReplyContext::CacheHit(void *data, StoreIOBuffer result)
     clientReplyContext *context = (clientReplyContext *)data;
  * Process a possible cache HIT.
 clientReplyContext::cacheHit(StoreIOBuffer result)
     /** Ignore if the HIT object is being deleted. */
     if (deleting) {

=== modified file 'src/http.cc'
--- src/http.cc	2016-04-01 17:54:10 +0000
+++ src/http.cc	2016-08-25 10:09:18 +0000
@@ -63,61 +63,62 @@
 #include "auth/UserRequest.h"
 #include "DelayPools.h"
 #define SQUID_EXIT_THROWING_CODE(status) \
     status = true; \
     } \
     catch (const std::exception &e) { \
     debugs (11, 1, "Exception error:" << e.what()); \
     status = false; \
 static const char *const crlf = "\r\n";
 static void httpMaybeRemovePublic(StoreEntry *, Http::StatusCode);
 static void copyOneHeaderFromClientsideRequestToUpstreamRequest(const HttpHeaderEntry *e, const String strConnection, const HttpRequest * request,
         HttpHeader * hdr_out, const int we_do_ranges, const HttpStateFlags &);
 HttpStateData::HttpStateData(FwdState *theFwdState) :
-    payloadTruncated(0)
+    payloadTruncated(0),
+    sawDateGoBack(false)
     debugs(11,5,HERE << "HttpStateData " << this << " created");
     ignoreCacheControl = false;
     surrogateNoStore = false;
     serverConnection = fwd->serverConnection();
     // reset peer response time stats for %<pt
     request->hier.peer_http_request_sent.tv_sec = 0;
     request->hier.peer_http_request_sent.tv_usec = 0;
     if (fwd->serverConnection() != NULL)
         _peer = cbdataReference(fwd->serverConnection()->getPeer());         /* might be NULL */
     if (_peer) {
         request->flags.proxying = true;
          * This NEIGHBOR_PROXY_ONLY check probably shouldn't be here.
          * We might end up getting the object from somewhere else if,
          * for example, the request to this neighbor fails.
         if (_peer->options.proxy_only)
      * register the handler to free HTTP state data when the FD closes
@@ -141,132 +142,134 @@
     debugs(11,5, HERE << "HttpStateData " << this << " destroyed; " << serverConnection);
 const Comm::ConnectionPointer &
 HttpStateData::dataConnection() const
     return serverConnection;
 HttpStateData::httpStateConnClosed(const CommCloseCbParams &params)
     debugs(11, 5, "httpStateFree: FD " << params.fd << ", httpState=" << params.data);
     doneWithFwd = "httpStateConnClosed()"; // assume FwdState is monitoring too
 HttpStateData::httpTimeout(const CommTimeoutCbParams &)
     debugs(11, 4, serverConnection << ": '" << entry->url() << "'");
     if (entry->store_status == STORE_PENDING) {
         fwd->fail(new ErrorState(ERR_READ_TIMEOUT, Http::scGatewayTimeout, fwd->request));
+static StoreEntry *
+findPreviouslyCachedEntry(StoreEntry *newEntry) {
+    assert(newEntry->mem_obj);
+    return newEntry->mem_obj->request ?
+        storeGetPublicByRequest(newEntry->mem_obj->request) :
+        storeGetPublic(newEntry->mem_obj->storeId(), newEntry->mem_obj->method);
 /// Remove an existing public store entry if the incoming response (to be
 /// stored in a currently private entry) is going to invalidate it.
 static void
 httpMaybeRemovePublic(StoreEntry * e, Http::StatusCode status)
     int remove = 0;
     int forbidden = 0;
-    StoreEntry *pe;
     // If the incoming response already goes into a public entry, then there is
     // nothing to remove. This protects ready-for-collapsing entries as well.
     if (!EBIT_TEST(e->flags, KEY_PRIVATE))
     switch (status) {
     case Http::scOkay:
     case Http::scNonAuthoritativeInformation:
     case Http::scMultipleChoices:
     case Http::scMovedPermanently:
     case Http::scFound:
     case Http::scGone:
     case Http::scNotFound:
         remove = 1;
     case Http::scForbidden:
     case Http::scMethodNotAllowed:
         forbidden = 1;
     case Http::scUnauthorized:
         forbidden = 1;
          * Any 2xx response should eject previously cached entities...
         if (status >= 200 && status < 300)
             remove = 1;
     if (!remove && !forbidden)
-    assert(e->mem_obj);
-    if (e->mem_obj->request)
-        pe = storeGetPublicByRequest(e->mem_obj->request);
-    else
-        pe = storeGetPublic(e->mem_obj->storeId(), e->mem_obj->method);
+    StoreEntry *pe = findPreviouslyCachedEntry(e);
     if (pe != NULL) {
         assert(e != pe);
         neighborsHtcpClear(e, NULL, e->mem_obj->request, e->mem_obj->method, HTCP_CLR_INVALIDATION);
     /** \par
      * Also remove any cached HEAD response in case the object has
      * changed.
     if (e->mem_obj->request)
         pe = storeGetPublicByRequestMethod(e->mem_obj->request, Http::METHOD_HEAD);
         pe = storeGetPublic(e->mem_obj->storeId(), Http::METHOD_HEAD);
     if (pe != NULL) {
         assert(e != pe);
         neighborsHtcpClear(e, NULL, e->mem_obj->request, HttpRequestMethod(Http::METHOD_HEAD), HTCP_CLR_INVALIDATION);
 HttpStateData::processSurrogateControl(HttpReply *reply)
@@ -303,60 +306,67 @@
     HttpReply const *rep = finalReply();
     HttpHeader const *hdr = &rep->header;
     const char *v;
     const RefreshPattern *R = NULL;
     /* This strange looking define first looks up the refresh pattern
      * and then checks if the specified flag is set. The main purpose
      * of this is to simplify the refresh pattern lookup and USE_HTTP_VIOLATIONS
      * condition
 #define REFRESH_OVERRIDE(flag) \
     ((R = (R ? R : refreshLimits(entry->mem_obj->storeId()))) , \
     (R && R->flags.flag))
 #define REFRESH_OVERRIDE(flag) 0
     if (EBIT_TEST(entry->flags, RELEASE_REQUEST)) {
         debugs(22, 3, "NO because " << *entry << " has been released.");
         return 0;
+    // RFC 7234 section 4: a cache MUST use the most recent response
+    // (as determined by the Date header field)
+    if (sawDateGoBack) {
+        debugs(22, 3, "NO because " << *entry << " has an older date header.");
+        return 0;
+    }
     // Check for Surrogate/1.0 protocol conditions
     // NP: reverse-proxy traffic our parent server has instructed us never to cache
     if (surrogateNoStore) {
         debugs(22, 3, HERE << "NO because Surrogate-Control:no-store");
         return 0;
     // RFC 2616: HTTP/1.1 Cache-Control conditions
     if (!ignoreCacheControl) {
         // XXX: check to see if the request headers alone were enough to prevent caching earlier
         // (ie no-store request header) no need to check those all again here if so.
         // for now we are not reliably doing that so we waste CPU re-checking request CC
         // RFC 2616 section 14.9.2 - MUST NOT cache any response with request CC:no-store
         if (request && request->cache_control && request->cache_control->noStore() &&
                 !REFRESH_OVERRIDE(ignore_no_store)) {
             debugs(22, 3, HERE << "NO because client request Cache-Control:no-store");
             return 0;
         // NP: request CC:no-cache only means cache READ is forbidden. STORE is permitted.
         if (rep->cache_control && rep->cache_control->hasNoCache() && rep->cache_control->noCache().size() > 0) {
             /* TODO: we are allowed to cache when no-cache= has parameters.
              * Provided we strip away any of the listed headers unless they are revalidated
              * successfully (ie, must revalidate AND these headers are prohibited on stale replies).
              * That is a bit tricky for squid right now so we avoid caching entirely.
             debugs(22, 3, HERE << "NO because server reply Cache-Control:no-cache has parameters");
             return 0;
@@ -909,61 +919,64 @@
     /*Allow pinned connections only if the Proxy-support header exists in
       reply and has in its list the "Session-Based-Authentication"
       which means that the peer supports connection pinning.
     if (!hdr->has(Http::HdrType::PROXY_SUPPORT))
         return false;
     header = hdr->getStrOrList(Http::HdrType::PROXY_SUPPORT);
     /* XXX This ought to be done in a case-insensitive manner */
     rc = (strstr(header.termedBuf(), "Session-Based-Authentication") != NULL);
     return rc;
 // Called when we parsed (and possibly adapted) the headers but
 // had not starting storing (a.k.a., sending) the body yet.
     Ctx ctx = ctx_enter(entry->mem_obj->urlXXX());
     HttpReply *rep = finalReply();
     /* Check if object is cacheable or not based on reply code */
     debugs(11, 3, "HTTP CODE: " << rep->sline.status());
-    if (neighbors_do_private_keys)
+    if (const StoreEntry *oldEntry = findPreviouslyCachedEntry(entry))
+        sawDateGoBack = rep->olderThan(oldEntry->getReply());
+    if (neighbors_do_private_keys && !sawDateGoBack)
         httpMaybeRemovePublic(entry, rep->sline.status());
     bool varyFailure = false;
     if (rep->header.has(Http::HdrType::VARY)
             || rep->header.has(Http::HdrType::HDR_X_ACCELERATOR_VARY)
        ) {
         const SBuf vary(httpMakeVaryMark(request, rep));
         if (vary.isEmpty()) {
             if (!fwd->reforwardableStatus(rep->sline.status()))
                 EBIT_CLR(entry->flags, ENTRY_FWD_HDR_WAIT);
             varyFailure = true;
         } else {
             entry->mem_obj->vary_headers = vary;
     if (!varyFailure) {
          * If its not a reply that we will re-forward, then
          * allow the client to get it.
         if (!fwd->reforwardableStatus(rep->sline.status()))
             EBIT_CLR(entry->flags, ENTRY_FWD_HDR_WAIT);
         switch (cacheableReply()) {

=== modified file 'src/http.h'
--- src/http.h	2016-03-25 20:11:29 +0000
+++ src/http.h	2016-08-25 10:09:18 +0000
@@ -102,38 +102,42 @@
     bool maybeMakeSpaceAvailable(bool grow);
     // consuming request body
     virtual void handleMoreRequestBodyAvailable();
     virtual void handleRequestBodyProducerAborted();
     void writeReplyBody();
     bool decodeAndWriteReplyBody();
     bool finishingBrokenPost();
     bool finishingChunkedRequest();
     void doneSendingRequestBody();
     void requestBodyHandler(MemBuf &);
     virtual void sentRequestBody(const CommIoCbParams &io);
     void wroteLast(const CommIoCbParams &io);
     void sendComplete();
     void httpStateConnClosed(const CommCloseCbParams &params);
     void httpTimeout(const CommTimeoutCbParams &params);
     mb_size_t buildRequestPrefix(MemBuf * mb);
     static bool decideIfWeDoRanges (HttpRequest * orig_request);
     bool peerSupportsConnectionPinning() const;
     /// Parser being used at present to parse the HTTP/ICY server response.
     Http1::ResponseParserPointer hp;
     Http1::TeChunkedParser *httpChunkDecoder;
     /// amount of message payload/body received so far.
     int64_t payloadSeen;
     /// positive when we read more than we wanted
     int64_t payloadTruncated;
+    /// Whether we received a Date header older than that of a matching
+    /// cached response.
+    bool sawDateGoBack;
 int httpCachable(const HttpRequestMethod&);
 void httpStart(FwdState *);
 SBuf httpMakeVaryMark(HttpRequest * request, HttpReply const * reply);
 #endif /* SQUID_HTTP_H */

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