A preview of this patch originally discussed under the "[PATCH] Bug 4430 Squid crashes on shutdown while cleaning up idle ICAP connections" mail thread on squid-dev:

We fixed the patch so I hope it handles most of the Amos objections for the first patch.

Patch description:

The global Adaptation::Icap::TheConfig object is automatically destroyed when Squid exits. Its destructor destroys Icap::ServiceRep objects that, in turn, close all open connections in the idle connections pool. Since this happens after comm_exit has destroyed all Comm structures associated with those connections, Squid crashes.

This patch uses updated RegisteredRunners API to close all connections in existing connections pools before Squid cleans up the Comm subsystem.

Also added a new IndependentRunner class to the RegistersRunner API, which must be used for runners that are destroyed by external forces, possibly while still being registered. IndependentRunner objects unregister themselves from Runners registry when they are destroyed.

The finishShutdown() method is now virtual and may be overloaded to implement independent runner cleanup during main loop (and/or to support complex cleanup actions that require calling other virtual methods). The method is still called for all registered runners but it no longer destroys the runner. For dependent runners, the destruction happens soon after the finishShutdown event ends but also during the main loop (unless the runner has managed to register after the main loop ended).

This patch replaces the r14575 temporary fix.

This is a Measurement Factory project.

Squid crashes on shutdown while cleaning up idle ICAP connections.

The global Adaptation::Icap::TheConfig object is automatically destroyed
when Squid exits. Its destructor destroys Icap::ServiceRep objects that,
in turn, close all open connections in the idle connections pool. Since
this happens after comm_exit has destroyed all Comm structures
associated with those connections, Squid crashes.

This patch uses updated RegisteredRunners API to close all connections
in existing connections pools before Squid cleans up the Comm subsystem.

Also added a new IndependentRunner class to the RegistersRunner API,
which must be used for runners that are destroyed by external forces,
possibly while still being registered. IndependentRunner objects
unregister themselves from Runners registry when they are destroyed.

The finishShutdown() method is now virtual and may be overloaded to
implement independent runner cleanup during main loop (and/or to support
complex cleanup actions that require calling other virtual methods). The
method is still called for all registered runners but it no longer
destroys the runner. For dependent runners, the destruction happens soon
after the finishShutdown event ends but also during the main loop
(unless the runner has managed to register after the main loop ended).

This patch replaces the r14575 temporary fix.

This is a Measurement Factory project.

=== modified file 'src/base/RunnersRegistry.cc'
--- src/base/RunnersRegistry.cc	2016-01-01 00:12:18 +0000
+++ src/base/RunnersRegistry.cc	2016-09-07 08:39:10 +0000
@@ -1,62 +1,96 @@
  * Copyright (C) 1996-2016 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors
  * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes
  * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations.
  * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details.
 #include "squid.h"
 #include "base/RunnersRegistry.h"
 #include <set>
 /// a collection of unique runners, in no particular order
 typedef std::set<RegisteredRunner*> Runners;
 /// all known runners
 static Runners *TheRunners = NULL;
+/// used to avoid re-creating deleted TheRunners after shutdown finished.
+static bool RunnersGone = false;
-/// safely returns registered runners, initializing structures as needed
-static Runners &
+/// creates the registered runners container if needed
+/// \return either registered runners (if they should exist) or nil (otherwise)
+static Runners *
-    if (!TheRunners)
+    if (!TheRunners && !RunnersGone)
         TheRunners = new Runners;
-    return *TheRunners;
+    return TheRunners;
-RegisterRunner(RegisteredRunner *rr)
+static inline void
+GetRidOfRunner(RegisteredRunner *rr)
-    Runners &runners = GetRunners();
-    runners.insert(rr);
-    return runners.size();
+    if (!dynamic_cast<IndependentRunner*>(rr))
+        delete rr;
+    // else ignore; IndependentRunner 
-DeregisterRunner(RegisteredRunner *rr)
+RegisterRunner(RegisteredRunner *rr)
-    Runners &runners = GetRunners();
-    runners.erase(rr);
-    return runners.size();
+    if (Runners *runners = FindRunners()) {
+        runners->insert(rr);
+        return true;
+    }
+    // past finishShutdown
+    GetRidOfRunner(rr);
+    return false;
-RunRegistered(const RegisteredRunner::Method &m)
+RunRegistered(const RegisteredRunner::Method &event)
-    Runners &runners = GetRunners();
-    typedef Runners::iterator RRI;
-    for (RRI i = runners.begin(); i != runners.end(); ++i)
-        ((*i)->*m)();
-    if (m == &RegisteredRunner::finishShutdown) {
-        delete TheRunners;
-        TheRunners = NULL;
+    if (Runners *runners = FindRunners()) {
+        // Many things may happen during the loop below. We copy to withstand
+        // runner removal/addition and avoid surprises due to registrations from
+        // parent constructors (with a half-baked "this"!). This copy also
+        // simplifies overall RR logic as it guarantees that registering a
+        // runner during event X loop does not execute runner::X().
+        Runners oldRunners(*runners);
+        for (auto runner: oldRunners) {
+            if (runners->find(runner) != runners->end()) // still registered
+                (runner->*event)();
+        }
+    if (event != &RegisteredRunner::finishShutdown)
+        return;
+    // this is the last event; delete registry-dependent runners (and only them)
+    if (Runners *runners = FindRunners()) {
+        RunnersGone = true;
+        TheRunners = nullptr;
+        // from now on, no runners can be registered or unregistered
+        for (auto runner: *runners)
+            GetRidOfRunner(runner); // leaves a dangling pointer in runners
+        delete runners;
+    }
+/* IndependentRunner */
+    if (Runners *runners = FindRunners())
+        runners->erase(this);
+    // else it is too late, finishShutdown() has been called
 UseThisStatic(const void *)
     return true;

=== modified file 'src/base/RunnersRegistry.h'
--- src/base/RunnersRegistry.h	2016-01-01 00:12:18 +0000
+++ src/base/RunnersRegistry.h	2016-09-07 08:40:43 +0000
@@ -60,54 +60,63 @@
     /// Called after parsing squid.conf during reconfiguration.
     /// Meant for adjusting the module state based on configuration changes.
     virtual void syncConfig() {}
     /* Shutdown events */
     /// Called after receiving a shutdown request and before stopping the main
     /// loop. At least one main loop iteration is guaranteed after this call.
     /// Meant for cleanup and state saving that may require other modules.
     virtual void startShutdown() {}
     /// Called after shutdown_lifetime grace period ends and before stopping
     /// the main loop. At least one main loop iteration is guaranteed after
     /// this call.
     /// Meant for cleanup and state saving that may require other modules.
     virtual void endingShutdown() {}
     /// Called after stopping the main loop and before releasing memory.
     /// Meant for quick/basic cleanup that does not require any other modules.
     virtual ~RegisteredRunner() {}
-    /// exists to simplify caller interface; override the destructor instead
-    void finishShutdown() { delete this; }
+    /// Meant for cleanup of services needed by the already destroyed objects.
+    virtual void finishShutdown() {}
     /// a pointer to one of the above notification methods
     typedef void (RegisteredRunner::*Method)();
-/// registers a given runner with the given registry and returns registry count
-int RegisterRunner(RegisteredRunner *rr);
-/// de-registers a given runner with the given registry and returns registry count
-int DeregisterRunner(RegisteredRunner *rr);
+/// registers a given runner with the given registry and returns true on success
+bool RegisterRunner(RegisteredRunner *rr);
 /// Calls a given method of all runners.
 /// All runners are destroyed after the finishShutdown() call.
 void RunRegistered(const RegisteredRunner::Method &m);
+/// A RegisteredRunner with lifetime determined by forces outside the Registry.
+class IndependentRunner: public RegisteredRunner
+    virtual ~IndependentRunner() { unregisterRunner(); }
+    void registerRunner() {RegisterRunner(this);}
+    void unregisterRunner(); ///< unregisters self; safe to call multiple times
 /// convenience macro to describe/debug the caller and the method being called
 #define RunRegisteredHere(m) \
     debugs(1, 2, "running " # m); \
 /// convenience function to "use" an otherwise unreferenced static variable
 bool UseThisStatic(const void *);
 /// convenience macro: register one RegisteredRunner kid as early as possible
 #define RunnerRegistrationEntry(Who) \
     static const bool Who ## _Registered_ = \
         RegisterRunner(new Who) > 0 && \
         UseThisStatic(& Who ## _Registered_);

=== modified file 'src/client_side.cc'
--- src/client_side.cc	2016-09-04 21:29:19 +0000
+++ src/client_side.cc	2016-09-05 09:51:55 +0000
@@ -570,41 +570,40 @@
         auth_ = NULL;
         // this is a fatal type of problem.
         // Close the connection immediately with TCP RST to abort all traffic flow
     /* NOT REACHABLE */
 // cleans up before destructor is called
     debugs(33, 2, HERE << clientConnection);
     flags.readMore = false;
-    DeregisterRunner(this);
     clientdbEstablished(clientConnection->remote, -1);  /* decrement */
     Server::swanSong(); // closes the client connection
     // NP: do this bit after closing the connections to avoid side effects from unwanted TCP RST
     setAuth(NULL, "ConnStateData::SwanSong cleanup");
     flags.swanSang = true;
 ConnStateData::isOpen() const
     return cbdataReferenceValid(this) && // XXX: checking "this" in a method
            Comm::IsConnOpen(clientConnection) &&
@@ -1026,44 +1025,40 @@
     // RegisteredRunner API callback - Squid has been shut down
     // if connection is idle terminate it now,
     // otherwise wait for grace period to end
     if (pipeline.empty())
     // RegisteredRunner API callback - Squid shutdown grace period is over
     // force the client connection to close immediately
     // swanSong() in the close handler will cleanup.
     if (Comm::IsConnOpen(clientConnection))
-    // deregister now to ensure finalShutdown() does not kill us prematurely.
-    // fd_table purge will cleanup if close handler was not fast enough.
-    DeregisterRunner(this);
 char *
 skipLeadingSpace(char *aString)
     char *result = aString;
     while (xisspace(*aString))
     return result;
  * 'end' defaults to NULL for backwards compatibility
  * remove default value if we ever get rid of NULL-terminated
  * request buffers.
 const char *
 findTrailingHTTPVersion(const char *uriAndHTTPVersion, const char *end)

=== modified file 'src/client_side.h'
--- src/client_side.h	2016-08-01 11:11:47 +0000
+++ src/client_side.h	2016-09-05 09:50:32 +0000
@@ -45,41 +45,41 @@
  *     So Must() is not safe to use.
  * Multiple requests (up to pipeline_prefetch) can be pipelined.
  * This object is responsible for managing which one is currently being
  * fulfilled and what happens to the queue if the current one causes the client
  * connection to be closed early.
  * Act as a manager for the client connection and passes data in buffer to a
  * Parser relevant to the state (message headers vs body) that is being
  * processed.
  * Performs HTTP message processing to kick off the actual HTTP request
  * handling objects (Http::Stream, ClientHttpRequest, HttpRequest).
  * Performs SSL-Bump processing for switching between HTTP and HTTPS protocols.
  * To terminate a ConnStateData close() the client Comm::Connection it is
  * managing, or for graceful half-close use the stopReceiving() or
  * stopSending() methods.
-class ConnStateData : public Server, public HttpControlMsgSink, public RegisteredRunner
+class ConnStateData : public Server, public HttpControlMsgSink, private IndependentRunner
     explicit ConnStateData(const MasterXaction::Pointer &xact);
     virtual ~ConnStateData();
     /* ::Server API */
     virtual void receivedFirstByte();
     virtual bool handleReadData();
     virtual void afterClientRead();
     virtual void afterClientWrite(size_t);
     /* HttpControlMsgSink API */
     virtual void sendControlMsg(HttpControlMsg);
     /// Traffic parsing
     bool clientParseRequests();
     void readNextRequest();
     /// try to make progress on a transaction or read more I/O

=== modified file 'src/pconn.cc'
--- src/pconn.cc	2016-01-01 00:12:18 +0000
+++ src/pconn.cc	2016-09-07 08:44:48 +0000
@@ -14,105 +14,110 @@
 #include "comm/Connection.h"
 #include "comm/Read.h"
 #include "fd.h"
 #include "fde.h"
 #include "globals.h"
 #include "mgr/Registration.h"
 #include "neighbors.h"
 #include "pconn.h"
 #include "PeerPoolMgr.h"
 #include "SquidConfig.h"
 #include "Store.h"
 #define PCONN_FDS_SZ    8   /* pconn set size, increase for better memcache hit rate */
 //TODO: re-attach to MemPools. WAS: static MemAllocator *pconn_fds_pool = NULL;
 PconnModule * PconnModule::instance = NULL;
 /* ========== IdleConnList ============================================ */
-IdleConnList::IdleConnList(const char *key, PconnPool *thePool) :
+IdleConnList::IdleConnList(const char *aKey, PconnPool *thePool) :
-    hash.key = xstrdup(key);
-    hash.next = NULL;
+    //Initialize hash_link members
+    key = xstrdup(aKey);
+    next = NULL;
     theList_ = new Comm::ConnectionPointer[capacity_];
+    RegisterRunner(this);
 // TODO: re-attach to MemPools. WAS: theList = (?? *)pconn_fds_pool->alloc();
     if (parent_)
     if (size_) {
         parent_ = NULL; // prevent reentrant notifications and deletions
     delete[] theList_;
-    xfree(hash.key);
+    xfree(key);
 /** Search the list. Matches by FD socket number.
  * Performed from the end of list where newest entries are.
  * \retval <0   The connection is not listed
  * \retval >=0  The connection array index
 IdleConnList::findIndexOf(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn) const
     for (int index = size_ - 1; index >= 0; --index) {
         if (conn->fd == theList_[index]->fd) {
             debugs(48, 3, HERE << "found " << conn << " at index " << index);
             return index;
     debugs(48, 2, HERE << conn << " NOT FOUND!");
     return -1;
 /** Remove the entry at specified index.
  * May perform a shuffle of list entries to fill the gap.
  * \retval false The index is not an in-use entry.
 IdleConnList::removeAt(int index)
     if (index < 0 || index >= size_)
         return false;
     // shuffle the remaining entries to fill the new gap.
     for (; index < size_ - 1; ++index)
         theList_[index] = theList_[index + 1];
     theList_[--size_] = NULL;
     if (parent_) {
         if (size_ == 0) {
-            debugs(48, 3, HERE << "deleting " << hashKeyStr(&hash));
+            debugs(48, 3, HERE << "deleting " << hashKeyStr(this));
             delete this;
     return true;
 // almost a duplicate of removeFD. But drops multiple entries.
 IdleConnList::closeN(size_t n)
     if (n < 1) {
         debugs(48, 2, HERE << "Nothing to do.");
     } else if (n >= (size_t)size_) {
         debugs(48, 2, HERE << "Closing all entries.");
         while (size_ > 0) {
             const Comm::ConnectionPointer conn = theList_[--size_];
             theList_[size_] = NULL;
@@ -129,41 +134,41 @@
             const Comm::ConnectionPointer conn = theList_[index];
             theList_[index] = NULL;
             if (parent_)
         // shuffle the list N down.
         for (index = 0; index < (size_t)size_ - n; ++index) {
             theList_[index] = theList_[index + n];
         // ensure the last N entries are unset
         while (index < ((size_t)size_)) {
             theList_[index] = NULL;
         size_ -= n;
     if (parent_ && size_ == 0) {
-        debugs(48, 3, HERE << "deleting " << hashKeyStr(&hash));
+        debugs(48, 3, HERE << "deleting " << hashKeyStr(this));
         delete this;
 IdleConnList::clearHandlers(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn)
     debugs(48, 3, HERE << "removing close handler for " << conn);
     comm_read_cancel(conn->fd, IdleConnList::Read, this);
 IdleConnList::push(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn)
     if (size_ == capacity_) {
         debugs(48, 3, HERE << "growing idle Connection array");
         capacity_ <<= 1;
         const Comm::ConnectionPointer *oldList = theList_;
         theList_ = new Comm::ConnectionPointer[capacity_];
@@ -220,59 +225,59 @@
         // finally, a match. pop and return it.
         Comm::ConnectionPointer result = theList_[i];
         /* may delete this */
         return result;
     return Comm::ConnectionPointer();
  * XXX this routine isn't terribly efficient - if there's a pending
  * read event (which signifies the fd will close in the next IO loop!)
  * we ignore the FD and move onto the next one. This means, as an example,
  * if we have a lot of FDs open to a very popular server and we get a bunch
  * of requests JUST as they timeout (say, it shuts down) we'll be wasting
  * quite a bit of CPU. Just keep it in mind.
-IdleConnList::findUseable(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &key)
+IdleConnList::findUseable(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &aKey)
     // small optimization: do the constant bool tests only once.
-    const bool keyCheckAddr = !key->local.isAnyAddr();
-    const bool keyCheckPort = key->local.port() > 0;
+    const bool keyCheckAddr = !aKey->local.isAnyAddr();
+    const bool keyCheckPort = aKey->local.port() > 0;
     for (int i=size_-1; i>=0; --i) {
         if (!isAvailable(i))
         // local end port is required, but dont match.
-        if (keyCheckPort && key->local.port() != theList_[i]->local.port())
+        if (keyCheckPort && aKey->local.port() != theList_[i]->local.port())
         // local address is required, but does not match.
-        if (keyCheckAddr && key->local.matchIPAddr(theList_[i]->local) != 0)
+        if (keyCheckAddr && aKey->local.matchIPAddr(theList_[i]->local) != 0)
         // our connection timeout handler is scheduled to run already. unsafe for now.
         // TODO: cancel the pending timeout callback and allow re-use of the conn.
         if (fd_table[theList_[i]->fd].timeoutHandler == NULL)
         // finally, a match. pop and return it.
         Comm::ConnectionPointer result = theList_[i];
         /* may delete this */
         return result;
     return Comm::ConnectionPointer();
 /* might delete list */
@@ -297,40 +302,46 @@
     if (flag == Comm::ERR_CLOSING) {
         debugs(48, 3, HERE << "Comm::ERR_CLOSING from " << conn);
         /* Bail out on Comm::ERR_CLOSING - may happen when shutdown aborts our idle FD */
     IdleConnList *list = (IdleConnList *) data;
     /* may delete list/data */
 IdleConnList::Timeout(const CommTimeoutCbParams &io)
     debugs(48, 3, HERE << io.conn);
     IdleConnList *list = static_cast<IdleConnList *>(io.data);
     /* may delete list/data */
+    closeN(size_);
 /* ========== PconnPool PRIVATE FUNCTIONS ============================================ */
 const char *
 PconnPool::key(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &destLink, const char *domain)
     LOCAL_ARRAY(char, buf, SQUIDHOSTNAMELEN * 3 + 10);
     destLink->remote.toUrl(buf, SQUIDHOSTNAMELEN * 3 + 10);
     if (domain) {
         const int used = strlen(buf);
         snprintf(buf+used, SQUIDHOSTNAMELEN * 3 + 10-used, "/%s", domain);
     debugs(48,6,"PconnPool::key(" << destLink << ", " << (domain?domain:"[no domain]") << ") is {" << buf << "}" );
     return buf;
 PconnPool::dumpHist(StoreEntry * e) const
@@ -394,72 +405,72 @@
 PconnPool::push(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn, const char *domain)
     if (fdUsageHigh()) {
         debugs(48, 3, HERE << "Not many unused FDs");
     } else if (shutting_down) {
         debugs(48, 3, HERE << "Squid is shutting down. Refusing to do anything");
     // TODO: also close used pconns if we exceed peer max-conn limit
     const char *aKey = key(conn, domain);
     IdleConnList *list = (IdleConnList *) hash_lookup(table, aKey);
     if (list == NULL) {
         list = new IdleConnList(aKey, this);
-        debugs(48, 3, HERE << "new IdleConnList for {" << hashKeyStr(&list->hash) << "}" );
-        hash_join(table, &list->hash);
+        debugs(48, 3, HERE << "new IdleConnList for {" << hashKeyStr(list) << "}" );
+        hash_join(table, list);
     } else {
-        debugs(48, 3, HERE << "found IdleConnList for {" << hashKeyStr(&list->hash) << "}" );
+        debugs(48, 3, HERE << "found IdleConnList for {" << hashKeyStr(list) << "}" );
     LOCAL_ARRAY(char, desc, FD_DESC_SZ);
     snprintf(desc, FD_DESC_SZ, "Idle server: %s", aKey);
     fd_note(conn->fd, desc);
     debugs(48, 3, HERE << "pushed " << conn << " for " << aKey);
     // successful push notifications resume multi-connection opening sequence
 PconnPool::pop(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &dest, const char *domain, bool keepOpen)
     const char * aKey = key(dest, domain);
     IdleConnList *list = (IdleConnList *)hash_lookup(table, aKey);
     if (list == NULL) {
         debugs(48, 3, HERE << "lookup for key {" << aKey << "} failed.");
         // failure notifications resume standby conn creation after fdUsageHigh
         notifyManager("pop failure");
         return Comm::ConnectionPointer();
     } else {
-        debugs(48, 3, HERE << "found " << hashKeyStr(&list->hash) <<
+        debugs(48, 3, HERE << "found " << hashKeyStr(list) <<
                (keepOpen ? " to use" : " to kill"));
     /* may delete list */
     Comm::ConnectionPointer popped = list->findUseable(dest);
     if (!keepOpen && Comm::IsConnOpen(popped))
     // successful pop notifications replenish standby connections pool
     return popped;
 PconnPool::notifyManager(const char *reason)
     if (mgr.valid())
         PeerPoolMgr::Checkpoint(mgr, reason);
@@ -472,41 +483,41 @@
     // close N connections, one per list, to treat all lists "fairly"
     for (int i = 0; i < n && count(); ++i) {
         hash_link *current = hash_next(hid);
         if (!current) {
             current = hash_next(hid);
             Must(current); // must have one because the count() was positive
         // may delete current
 PconnPool::unlinkList(IdleConnList *list)
     theCount -= list->count();
     assert(theCount >= 0);
-    hash_remove_link(table, &list->hash);
+    hash_remove_link(table, list);
 PconnPool::noteUses(int uses)
     if (uses >= PCONN_HIST_SZ)
         uses = PCONN_HIST_SZ - 1;
 /* ========== PconnModule ============================================ */
  * This simple class exists only for the cache manager
 PconnModule::PconnModule(): pools()

=== modified file 'src/pconn.h'
--- src/pconn.h	2016-01-01 00:12:18 +0000
+++ src/pconn.h	2016-09-07 08:47:36 +0000
@@ -1,95 +1,95 @@
  * Copyright (C) 1996-2016 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors
  * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes
  * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations.
  * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details.
 #ifndef SQUID_PCONN_H
 #define SQUID_PCONN_H
 #include "base/CbcPointer.h"
+#include "base/RunnersRegistry.h"
 #include "mgr/forward.h"
 #include <set>
  \defgroup PConnAPI Persistent Connection API
  \ingroup Component
  \todo CLEANUP: Break multiple classes out of the generic pconn.h header
 class PconnPool;
 class PeerPoolMgr;
 #include "cbdata.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 /* for IOCB */
 #include "comm.h"
 /// \ingroup PConnAPI
 #define PCONN_HIST_SZ (1<<16)
 /** \ingroup PConnAPI
  * A list of connections currently open to a particular destination end-point.
-class IdleConnList
+class IdleConnList: public hash_link, private IndependentRunner
     IdleConnList(const char *key, PconnPool *parent);
     /// Pass control of the connection to the idle list.
     void push(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn);
     /// get first conn which is not pending read fd.
     Comm::ConnectionPointer pop();
     /** Search the list for a connection which matches the 'key' details
      * and pop it off the list.
      * The list is created based on remote IP:port hash. This further filters
      * the choices based on specific local-end details requested.
      * If nothing usable is found the a nil pointer is returned.
     Comm::ConnectionPointer findUseable(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &key);
     void clearHandlers(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn);
     int count() const { return size_; }
     void closeN(size_t count);
+    // IndependentRunner API
+    virtual void endingShutdown();
     bool isAvailable(int i) const;
     bool removeAt(int index);
     int findIndexOf(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn) const;
     void findAndClose(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn);
     static IOCB Read;
     static CTCB Timeout;
-    hash_link hash;             /** must be first */
     /** List of connections we are holding.
      * Sorted as FIFO list for most efficient speeds on pop() and findUsable()
      * The worst-case pop() and scans occur on timeout and link closure events
      * where timing is less critical. Occasional slow additions are okay.
     Comm::ConnectionPointer *theList_;
     /// Number of entries theList can currently hold without re-allocating (capacity).
     int capacity_;
     ///< Number of in-use entries in theList
     int size_;
     /** The pool containing this sub-list.
      * The parent performs all stats accounting, and
      * will delete us when it dies. It persists for the
      * full duration of our existence.
     PconnPool *parent_;

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