On 02/02/2017 03:16 πμ, Alex Rousskov wrote:
On 02/01/2017 01:42 PM, Christos Tsantilas wrote:
must take in account that some openSSL calls
returns locket objects, and some other unlocked objects.

Does the patch start using shared pointers for any objects in the
second, "returned unlocked" category? AFAICT, only the SSL connection
object (shared_ptr<SSL>) is currently affected. That object is always
given to Squid locked by OpenSSL, right?


However this patch changes Security::SessionPointer from a LockingPointer which was actually a wrapper for OpenSSL locking system to be a shared_ptr<> which uses its own locking system.

It should not exist any problem (this is why I did not make more tests), just I am referring to this.

We would have to remember to ask ourselves these questions for every new
OpenSSL-lockable type that we start using inside a shared_ptr, of
course, but if OpenSSL always returns locked SSL objects, those should
be "safe to share" AFAICT.

Thank you,


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