
Started by upstream project "template-full-matrix" build number 286
originally caused by:
 Started by user Amos Jeffries
Building remotely on d-ubuntu-trusty (gcc farm Ubuntu-14.04 buildmaster 
amd64-Ubuntu-14.04 amd64-Ubuntu Ubuntu clang 14.04 amd64) in workspace 
[WS-CLEANUP] Deleting project workspace...
Cleaning workspace...
$ bzr branch 
Branched 15066 revisions.
Getting local revision...
$ bzr revision-info -d 
info result: bzr revision-info -d 
 returned 0. Command output: "15066
" stderr: ""
RevisionState revno:15066
[d-ubuntu-trusty] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/
+ tests=
+ bzr revno
+ echo revno: 15066
revno: 15066
+ CC=clang
+ CXX=clang++
+ clang --help
+ test OVERVIEW: clang LLVM compiler USAGE: clang [options] <inputs> OPTIONS: 
-### Print the commands to run for this compilation --analyze Run the static 
analyzer -arcmt-migrate-emit-errors Emit ARC errors even if the migrator can 
fix them -arcmt-migrate-report-output <value> Output path for the plist report 
-cl-kernel-arg-info OpenCL only. This option allows the compiler to store 
information about the arguments of a kernel(s) -cxx-isystem <directory> Add 
directory to the C++ SYSTEM include search path -c Only run preprocess, 
compile, and assemble steps -dD Print macro definitions in -E mode in addition 
to normal output -dependency-dot <value> Filename to write DOT-formatted header 
dependencies to -dependency-file <value> Filename (or -) to write dependency 
output to -dM Print macro definitions in -E mode instead of normal output 
-emit-ast Emit Clang AST files for source inputs -emit-llvm Use the LLVM 
representation for assembler and object files -E Only run the preprocessor 
-faltivec Enable AltiVec vector initializer syntax -fansi-escape-codes Use ANSI 
escape codes for diagnostics -fapple-kext Use Apple's kernel extensions ABI 
-fapple-pragma-pack Enable Apple gcc-compatible #pragma pack handling -fblocks 
Enable the 'blocks' language feature -fborland-extensions Accept non-standard 
constructs supported by the Borland compiler -fbounds-checking Enable run-time 
bounds checks -fcolor-diagnostics Use colors in diagnostics 
-fcomment-block-commands=<arg> Treat each comma separated argument in <arg> as 
a documentation comment block command -fcxx-exceptions Enable C++ exceptions 
-fdata-sections Place each data in its own section (ELF Only) 
-fdebug-types-section Place debug types in their own section (ELF Only) 
-fdelayed-template-parsing Parse templated function definitions at the end of 
the translation unit -fdiagnostics-parseable-fixits Print fix-its in machine 
parseable form -fdiagnostics-print-source-range-info Print source range spans 
in numeric form -fdiagnostics-show-name Print diagnostic name 
-fdiagnostics-show-note-include-stack Display include stacks for diagnostic 
notes -fdiagnostics-show-option Print option name with mappable diagnostics 
-fdiagnostics-show-template-tree Print a template comparison tree for differing 
templates -fdollars-in-identifiers Allow '$' in identifiers -femit-all-decls 
Emit all declarations, even if unused -fexceptions Enable support for exception 
handling -ffast-math Enable the *frontend*'s 'fast-math' mode. This has no 
effect on optimizations, but provides a preprocessor macro __FAST_MATH__ the 
same as GCC's -ffast-math flag -ffixed-r9 Reserve the r9 register (ARM only) 
-ffp-contract=<value> Form fused FP ops (e.g. FMAs): fast (everywhere) | on 
(according to FP_CONTRACT pragma, default) | off (never fuse) -ffreestanding 
Assert that the compilation takes place in a freestanding environment 
-ffunction-sections Place each function in its own section (ELF Only) 
-fgnu-keywords Allow GNU-extension keywords regardless of language standard 
-fgnu-runtime Generate output compatible with the standard GNU Objective-C 
runtime -fgnu89-inline Use the gnu89 inline semantics -finstrument-functions 
Generate calls to instrument function entry and exit -flimit-debug-info Limit 
debug information produced to reduce size of debug binary -fmath-errno Require 
math functions to indicate errors by setting errno -fmodule-map-file= <file> 
Load this module map file -fmodule-maps Read module maps to understand the 
structure of library headers -fmodule-name= <name> Specify the name of the 
module to build -fmodules-cache-path=<directory> Specify the module cache path 
-fmodules-decluse Require declaration of modules used within a module 
-fmodules-ignore-macro=<value> Ignore the definition of the given macro when 
building and loading modules -fmodules-prune-after=<seconds> Specify the 
interval (in seconds) after which a module file will be considered unused 
-fmodules-prune-interval=<seconds> Specify the interval (in seconds) between 
attempts to prune the module cache -fmodules Enable the 'modules' language 
feature -fms-compatibility Enable Microsoft compatibility mode -fms-extensions 
Accept some non-standard constructs supported by the Microsoft compiler 
-fmsc-version=<value> Version of the Microsoft C/C++ compiler to report in 
_MSC_VER (0 = don't define it (default)) -fno-access-control Disable C++ access 
control -fno-assume-sane-operator-new Don't assume that C++'s global operator 
new can't alias any pointer -fno-autolink Disable generation of linker 
directives for automatic library linking -fno-builtin-<value> Disable implicit 
builtin knowledge of a specific function -fno-builtin Disable implicit builtin 
knowledge of functions -fno-common Compile common globals like normal 
definitions -fno-constant-cfstrings Disable creation of CodeFoundation-type 
constant strings -fno-diagnostics-fixit-info Do not include fixit information 
in diagnostics -fno-dollars-in-identifiers Disallow '$' in identifiers 
-fno-elide-constructors Disable C++ copy constructor elision -fno-elide-type Do 
not elide types when printing diagnostics -fno-lax-vector-conversions Disallow 
implicit conversions between vectors with a different number of elements or 
different element types -fno-limit-debug-info Do not limit debug information 
produced to reduce size of debug binary -fno-math-builtin Disable implicit 
builtin knowledge of math functions -fno-merge-all-constants Disallow merging 
of constants -fno-objc-infer-related-result-type do not infer Objective-C 
related result type based on method family -fno-operator-names Do not treat C++ 
operator name keywords as synonyms for operators -fno-reroll-loops Turn off 
loop reroller -fno-rtti Disable generation of rtti information 
-fno-sanitize-blacklist Don't use blacklist file for sanitizers 
-fno-sanitize-recover Disable sanitizer check recovery -fno-show-column Do not 
include column number on diagnostics -fno-show-source-location Do not include 
source location information with diagnostics -fno-signed-char Char is unsigned 
-fno-spell-checking Disable spell-checking -fno-threadsafe-statics Do not emit 
code to make initialization of local statics thread safe -fno-unroll-loops Turn 
off loop unroller -fno-use-cxa-atexit Don't use __cxa_atexit for calling 
destructors -fno-use-init-array Don't use .init_array instead of .ctors 
-fobjc-arc-exceptions Use EH-safe code when synthesizing retains and releases 
in -fobjc-arc -fobjc-arc Synthesize retain and release calls for Objective-C 
pointers -fobjc-exceptions Enable Objective-C exceptions -fobjc-gc-only Use GC 
exclusively for Objective-C related memory management -fobjc-gc Enable 
Objective-C garbage collection -fobjc-runtime=<value> Specify the target 
Objective-C runtime kind and version -fpack-struct=<value> Specify the default 
maximum struct packing alignment -fpascal-strings Recognize and construct 
Pascal-style string literals -fpcc-struct-return Override the default ABI to 
return all structs on the stack -fprofile-sample-use=<value> Enable 
sample-based profile guided optimizations -freg-struct-return Override the 
default ABI to return small structs in registers -freroll-loops Turn on loop 
reroller -fsanitize-address-zero-base-shadow Make AddressSanitizer map shadow 
memory at zero offset -fsanitize-blacklist=<value> Path to blacklist file for 
sanitizers -fsanitize-memory-track-origins Enable origins tracking in 
MemorySanitizer -fsanitize=<check> Enable runtime instrumentation for bug 
detection: address (memory errors) | thread (race detection) | undefined 
(miscellaneous undefined behavior) -fshort-enums Allocate to an enum type only 
as many bytes as it needs for the declared range of possible values 
-fshort-wchar Force wchar_t to be a short unsigned int -fshow-overloads=<value> 
Which overload candidates to show when overload resolution fails: best|all; 
defaults to all -fslp-vectorize-aggressive Enable the BB vectorization passes 
-fslp-vectorize Enable the superword-level parallelism vectorization passes 
-fstrict-enums Enable optimizations based on the strict definition of an enum's 
value range -ftrap-function=<value> Issue call to specified function rather 
than a trap instruction -ftrapv-handler=<function name> Specify the function to 
be called on overflow -ftrapv Trap on integer overflow -funroll-loops Turn on 
loop unroller -fuse-init-array Use .init_array instead of .ctors -fvectorize 
Enable the loop vectorization passes -fvisibility-inlines-hidden Give inline 
C++ member functions default visibility by default -fvisibility-ms-compat Give 
global types 'default' visibility and global functions and variables 'hidden' 
visibility by default -fvisibility=<value> Set the default symbol visibility 
for all global declarations -fwrapv Treat signed integer overflow as two's 
complement -fwritable-strings Store string literals as writable data -F <value> 
Add directory to framework include search path --gcc-toolchain=<value> Use the 
gcc toolchain at the given directory -gdwarf-2 Generate source level debug 
information with dwarf version 2 -gdwarf-3 Generate source level debug 
information with dwarf version 3 -gdwarf-4 Generate source level debug 
information with dwarf version 4 -gline-tables-only Emit debug line number 
tables only -g Generate source level debug information -help Display available 
options -H Show header includes and nesting depth -idirafter <value> Add 
directory to AFTER include search path -iframework <value> Add directory to 
SYSTEM framework search path -imacros <file> Include macros from file before 
parsing -include-pch <file> Include precompiled header file -include <file> 
Include file before parsing -index-header-map Make the next included directory 
(-I or -F) an indexer header map -iprefix <dir> Set the 
-iwithprefix/-iwithprefixbefore prefix -iquote <directory> Add directory to 
QUOTE include search path -isysroot <dir> Set the system root directory 
(usually /) -isystem <directory> Add directory to SYSTEM include search path 
-iwithprefixbefore <dir> Set directory to include search path with prefix 
-iwithprefix <dir> Set directory to SYSTEM include search path with prefix 
-iwithsysroot <directory> Add directory to SYSTEM include search path, absolute 
paths are relative to -isysroot -I <value> Add directory to include search path 
-mcrc Allow use of CRC instructions (ARM only) -mfp32 Use 32-bit floating point 
registers (MIPS only) -mfp64 Use 64-bit floating point registers (MIPS only) 
-MG Add missing headers to dependency list --migrate Run the migrator -mllvm 
<value> Additional arguments to forward to LLVM's option processing 
-mms-bitfields Set the default structure layout to be compatible with the 
Microsoft compiler standard -mmsa Enable MSA ASE (MIPS only) -mno-global-merge 
Disable merging of globals -mno-implicit-float Don't generate implicit floating 
point instructions -mno-msa Disable MSA ASE (MIPS only) -mno-restrict-it Allow 
generation of deprecated IT blocks for ARMv8. It is off by default for ARMv8 
Thumb mode -mno-unaligned-access Force all memory accesses to be aligned (ARM 
only) -mnocrc Disallow use of CRC instructions (ARM only) 
-momit-leaf-frame-pointer Omit frame pointer setup for leaf functions -MP 
Create phony target for each dependency (other than main file) -mqdsp6-compat 
Enable hexagon-qdsp6 backward compatibility -MQ <value> Specify target to quote 
for dependency -mrelax-all (integrated-as) Relax all machine instructions 
-mrestrict-it Disallow generation of deprecated IT blocks for ARMv8. It is on 
by default for ARMv8 Thumb mode. -mrtd Make StdCall calling convention the 
default -msoft-float Use software floating point -mstack-alignment=<value> Set 
the stack alignment -mstackrealign Force realign the stack at entry to every 
function -MT <value> Specify target for dependency -munaligned-access Allow 
memory accesses to be unaligned (ARM only) -nobuiltininc Disable builtin 
#include directories -nostdinc++ Disable standard #include directories for the 
C++ standard library -ObjC++ Treat source input files as Objective-C++ inputs 
-objcmt-atomic-property Make migration to 'atomic' properties 
-objcmt-migrate-all Enable migration to modern ObjC -objcmt-migrate-annotation 
Enable migration to property and method annotations 
-objcmt-migrate-instancetype Enable migration to infer instancetype for method 
result type -objcmt-migrate-literals Enable migration to modern ObjC literals 
-objcmt-migrate-ns-macros Enable migration to NS_ENUM/NS_OPTIONS macros 
-objcmt-migrate-property Enable migration to modern ObjC property 
-objcmt-migrate-protocol-conformance Enable migration to add protocol 
conformance on classes -objcmt-migrate-readonly-property Enable migration to 
modern ObjC readonly property -objcmt-migrate-readwrite-property Enable 
migration to modern ObjC readwrite property -objcmt-migrate-subscripting Enable 
migration to modern ObjC subscripting -objcmt-ns-nonatomic-iosonly Enable 
migration to use NS_NONATOMIC_IOSONLY macro for setting property's 'atomic' 
attribute -objcmt-returns-innerpointer-property Enable migration to annotate 
property with NS_RETURNS_INNER_POINTER -objcmt-white-list-dir-path=<value> Only 
modify files with a filename contained in the provided directory path -ObjC 
Treat source input files as Objective-C inputs -o <file> Write output to <file> 
-pg Enable mcount instrumentation -pipe Use pipes between commands, when 
possible -print-file-name=<file> Print the full library path of <file> 
-print-ivar-layout Enable Objective-C Ivar layout bitmap print trace 
-print-libgcc-file-name Print the library path for "libgcc.a" 
-print-prog-name=<name> Print the full program path of <name> 
-print-search-dirs Print the paths used for finding libraries and programs 
-pthread Support POSIX threads in generated code -P Disable linemarker output 
in -E mode -Qunused-arguments Don't emit warning for unused driver arguments 
-relocatable-pch Whether to build a relocatable precompiled header 
-rewrite-legacy-objc Rewrite Legacy Objective-C source to C++ -rewrite-objc 
Rewrite Objective-C source to C++ -save-temps Save intermediate compilation 
results -serialize-diagnostics <value> Serialize compiler diagnostics to a file 
-std=<value> Language standard to compile for -stdlib=<value> C++ standard 
library to use -S Only run preprocess and compilation steps --target=<value> 
Generate code for the given target -time Time individual commands 
-traditional-cpp Enable some traditional CPP emulation -trigraphs Process 
trigraph sequences -undef undef all system defines -verify Verify output using 
a verifier -v Show commands to run and use verbose output -Wa,<arg> Pass the 
comma separated arguments in <arg> to the assembler -Wl,<arg> Pass the comma 
separated arguments in <arg> to the linker -working-directory <value> Resolve 
file paths relative to the specified directory -Wp,<arg> Pass the comma 
separated arguments in <arg> to the preprocessor -W<warning> Enable the 
specified warning -w Suppress all warnings -Xanalyzer <arg> Pass <arg> to the 
static analyzer -Xassembler <arg> Pass <arg> to the assembler -Xclang <arg> 
Pass <arg> to the clang compiler -Xlinker <arg> Pass <arg> to the linker 
-Xpreprocessor <arg> Pass <arg> to the preprocessor -x <language> Treat 
subsequent input files as having type <language>
/tmp/ 10: test: OVERVIEW:: unexpected operator
+ echo compiler clang is not available
compiler clang is not available
+ exit 1
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
[description-setter] Description set: 
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