This patch uses the the "--long-options" ACLs feature which posted to squid-dev under the mailthread:
 "PATCH] Adds support for --long-acl-options"

Patch description:

Many popular servers use certificates with several "alternative subject names" (SubjectAltName). Many of those names are wildcards. For example, a certificate currently includes * and 50+ other subject names, most of which are wildcards.

Often, admins want server_name to match any of the subject names. This is useful to match any server belonging to a large conglomerate of companies, all including some * name in their certificates. The existing server_name functionality addresses this use case well.

The new ACL options address several other important use cases:

--consensus allows matching a part of the conglomerate when the part's subject name is included in certificates used by many other conglomerate parts (e.g., matching Google but not Youtube).

--client-requested allows both (a) SNI-based matching even after Squid obtains the server certificate and (b) pinpointing a particular server in a group of different servers all using the same wildcard certificate (e.g., matching but not when the certificate for has * subject).

--server-provided allows matching only after Squid obtains the server certificate and matches any of the conglomerate parts.

Also this patch fixes squid to log client SNI when client-first bumping mode is used too.

This is a Measurement Factory project
ssl::server_name options to control matching logic.

Many popular servers use certificates with several "alternative subject
names" (SubjectAltName). Many of those names are wildcards. For example,
a certificate currently includes * and 50+
other subject names, most of which are wildcards.

Often, admins want server_name to match any of the subject names. This
is useful to match any server belonging to a large conglomerate of
companies, all including some * name in their certificates.
The existing server_name functionality addresses this use case well.

The new ACL options address several other important use cases:

--consensus allows matching a part of the conglomerate when the part's
  subject name is included in certificates used by many other conglomerate
  parts (e.g., matching Google but not Youtube).

--client-requested allows both (a) SNI-based matching even after
  Squid obtains the server certificate and (b) pinpointing a particular
  server in a group of different servers all using the same wildcard
  certificate (e.g., matching but not when the certificate for has * subject).

--server-provided allows matching only after Squid obtains the server
  certificate and matches any of the conglomerate parts.

Also this patch fixes squid to log client SNI when client-first bumping mode
is used too.

This is a Measurement Factory project.

=== modified file 'src/acl/'
--- src/acl/	2017-05-14 18:19:54 +0000
+++ src/acl/	2017-05-26 08:52:11 +0000
@@ -75,44 +75,89 @@
     char *s = reinterpret_cast<char *>(cn_data->data);
     char *d = cn;
     for (int i = 0; i < cn_data->length; ++i, ++d, ++s) {
         if (*s == '\0')
             return 1; // always a domain mismatch. contains 0x00
         *d = *s;
     cn[cn_data->length] = '\0';
     debugs(28, 4, "Verifying certificate name/subjectAltName " << cn);
     if (data->match(cn))
         return 0;
     return 1;
 ACLServerNameStrategy::match (ACLData<MatchType> * &data, ACLFilledChecklist *checklist)
     assert(checklist != NULL && checklist->request != NULL);
     const char *serverName = nullptr;
-    SBuf serverNameKeeper; // because c_str() is not constant
+    SBuf clientSniKeeper; // because c_str() is not constant
     if (ConnStateData *conn = checklist->conn()) {
-        if (conn->serverBump()) {
-            if (X509 *peer_cert = conn->serverBump()->serverCert.get())
-                return Ssl::matchX509CommonNames(peer_cert, (void *)data, check_cert_domain<MatchType>);
-        }
-        if (conn->sslCommonName().isEmpty()) {
+        const char *clientRequestedServerName = nullptr;
+        clientSniKeeper = conn->tlsClientSni();
+        if (clientSniKeeper.isEmpty()) {
             const char *host = checklist->request->;
             if (host && *host) // paranoid first condition: host() is never nil
-                serverName = host;
-        } else {
-            serverNameKeeper = conn->sslCommonName();
-            serverName = serverNameKeeper.c_str();
+                clientRequestedServerName = host;
+        } else
+            clientRequestedServerName = clientSniKeeper.c_str();
+        if (useConsensus) {
+            X509 *peer_cert = conn->serverBump() ? conn->serverBump()->serverCert.get() : nullptr;
+            // use the client requested name if it matches the server
+            // certificate or if the certificate is not available
+            if (!peer_cert || Ssl::checkX509ServerValidity(peer_cert, clientRequestedServerName))
+                serverName = clientRequestedServerName;
+        } else if (useClientRequested)
+            serverName = clientRequestedServerName;
+        else { // either no options or useServerProvided
+            if (X509 *peer_cert = (conn->serverBump() ? conn->serverBump()->serverCert.get() : nullptr))
+                return Ssl::matchX509CommonNames(peer_cert, (void *)data, check_cert_domain<MatchType>);
+            if (!useServerProvided)
+                serverName = clientRequestedServerName;
     if (!serverName)
         serverName = "none";
     return data->match(serverName);
+const Acl::Options &
+    static const Acl::BooleanOption ClientRequested;
+    static const Acl::BooleanOption ServerProvided;
+    static const Acl::BooleanOption Consensus;
+    static const Acl::Options MyOptions = {
+        {"--client-requested", &ClientRequested},
+        {"--server-provided", &ServerProvided},
+        {"--consensus", &Consensus}
+    };
+    ClientRequested.linkWith(&useClientRequested);
+    ServerProvided.linkWith(&useServerProvided);
+    Consensus.linkWith(&useConsensus);
+    return MyOptions;
+ACLServerNameStrategy::valid() const
+    int optionCount = 0;
+    if (useClientRequested)
+        optionCount++;
+    if (useServerProvided)
+        optionCount++;
+    if (useConsensus)
+        optionCount++;
+    if (optionCount > 1) {
+        debugs(28, DBG_CRITICAL, "ERROR: Multiple options given for the server_name ACL");
+        return false;
+    }
+    return true;

=== modified file 'src/acl/ServerName.h'
--- src/acl/ServerName.h	2017-05-14 18:19:54 +0000
+++ src/acl/ServerName.h	2017-05-26 08:51:21 +0000
@@ -11,25 +11,31 @@
 #include "acl/Acl.h"
 #include "acl/DomainData.h"
 #include "acl/Strategy.h"
 class ACLServerNameData : public ACLDomainData {
     ACLServerNameData() : ACLDomainData() {}
     virtual bool match(const char *);
     virtual ACLData<char const *> *clone() const;
 class ACLServerNameStrategy : public ACLStrategy<char const *>
     /* ACLStrategy API */
     virtual int match (ACLData<MatchType> * &, ACLFilledChecklist *);
     virtual bool requiresRequest() const {return true;}
+    virtual const Acl::Options &options();
+    virtual bool valid() const;
+    Acl::BooleanOptionValue useClientRequested; ///< Ignore server-supplied names?
+    Acl::BooleanOptionValue useServerProvided; ///< Ignore client-supplied names?
+    Acl::BooleanOptionValue useConsensus; ///< Ignore mismatching names?

=== modified file 'src/'
--- src/	2017-05-24 08:24:11 +0000
+++ src/	2017-05-26 10:01:53 +0000
@@ -1324,51 +1324,81 @@
 	acl aclname server_cert_fingerprint [-sha1] fingerprint
 	  # match against server SSL certificate fingerprint [fast]
 	  # The fingerprint is the digest of the DER encoded version 
 	  # of the whole certificate. The user should use the form: XX:XX:...
 	  # Optional argument specifies the digest algorithm to use.
 	  # The SHA1 digest algorithm is the default and is currently
 	  # the only algorithm supported (-sha1).
 	acl aclname at_step step
 	  # match against the current step during ssl_bump evaluation [fast]
 	  # Never matches and should not be used outside the ssl_bump context.
 	  # At each SslBump step, Squid evaluates ssl_bump directives to find
 	  # the next bumping action (e.g., peek or splice). Valid SslBump step
 	  # values and the corresponding ssl_bump evaluation moments are:
 	  #   SslBump1: After getting TCP-level and HTTP CONNECT info.
 	  #   SslBump2: After getting SSL Client Hello info.
 	  #   SslBump3: After getting SSL Server Hello info.
-	acl aclname ssl::server_name ...
+	acl aclname ssl::server_name [option] ...
 	  # matches server name obtained from various sources [fast]
-	  # The server name is obtained during Ssl-Bump steps from such sources
-	  # as CONNECT request URI, client SNI, and SSL server certificate CN.
-	  # During each Ssl-Bump step, Squid may improve its understanding of a
-	  # "true server name". Unlike dstdomain, this ACL does not perform
-	  # DNS lookups.
-	  # The "none" name can be used to match transactions where Squid
+	  # The ACL computes server name(s) using such information sources as
+	  # CONNECT request URI, TLS client SNI, and TLS server certificate 
+	  # subject (CN and SubjectAltName). The computed server name(s) usually
+	  # change with each SslBump step, as more info becomes available:
+	  # * SNI is used as the server name instead of the request URI,
+	  # * subject name(s) from the server certificate (CN and
+	  #   SubjectAltName) are used as the server names instead of SNI.
+	  #
+	  # When the ACL computes multiple server names, matching any single
+	  # computed name is sufficient for the ACL to match.
+	  #
+	  # The "none" name can be used to match transactions where the ACL
 	  # could not compute the server name using any information source
-	  # already available at the ACL evaluation time.
+	  # that was both available and allowed to be used by the ACL options at
+	  # the ACL evaluation time.
+	  #
+	  # Unlike dstdomain, this ACL does not perform DNS lookups.
+	  #
+	  # An ACL option below may be used to restrict what information 
+	  # sources are used to extract the server names from:
+	  #
+	  # --client-requested
+	  #   The server name is SNI regardless of what the server says.
+	  # --server-provided
+	  #   The server name(s) are the certificate subject name(s), regardless
+	  #   of what the client has requested. If the server certificate is
+	  #   unavailable, then the name is "none".
+	  # --consensus
+	  #   The server name is either SNI (if SNI matches at least one of the
+	  #   certificate subject names) or "none" (otherwise). When the server
+	  #   certificate is unavailable, the consensus server name is SNI.
+	  #
+	  # Combining multiple options in one ACL is a fatal configuration
+	  # error.
+	  #
+	  # For all options: If no SNI is available, then the CONNECT request
+	  # target (a.k.a. Host header or URI) is used instead of SNI (for an
+	  # intercepted connection, this target is the destination IP address).
 	acl aclname ssl::server_name_regex [-i] \.foo\.com ...
 	  # regex matches server name obtained from various sources [fast]
 	acl aclname connections_encrypted
 	  # matches transactions with all HTTP messages received over TLS
 	  # transport connections. [fast]
 	  # The master transaction deals with HTTP messages received from
 	  # various sources. All sources used by the master transaction in the
 	  # past are considered by the ACL. The following rules define whether
 	  # a given message source taints the entire master transaction,
 	  # resulting in ACL mismatches:
 	  #  * The HTTP client transport connection is not TLS.
 	  #  * An adaptation service connection-encryption flag is off.
 	  #  * The peer or origin server transport connection is not TLS.
 	  # Caching currently does not affect these rules. This cache ignorance
 	  # implies that only the current HTTP client transport and REQMOD
@@ -4403,43 +4433,41 @@
 		Sh	Squid hierarchy status (DEFAULT_PARENT etc)
 	SSL-related format codes:
 		ssl::bump_mode	SslBump decision for the transaction:
 				For CONNECT requests that initiated bumping of
 				a connection and for any request received on
 				an already bumped connection, Squid logs the
 				corresponding SslBump mode ("server-first" or
 				"client-first"). See the ssl_bump option for
 				more information about these modes.
 				A "none" token is logged for requests that
 				triggered "ssl_bump" ACL evaluation matching
 				either a "none" rule or no rules at all.
 				In all other cases, a single dash ("-") is
-		ssl::>sni	SSL client SNI sent to Squid. Available only
-				after the peek, stare, or splice SSL bumping
-				actions.
+		ssl::>sni	SSL client SNI sent to Squid.
 				The Subject field of the received client
 				SSL certificate or a dash ('-') if Squid has
 				received an invalid/malformed certificate or
 				no certificate at all. Consider encoding the
 				logged value because Subject often has spaces.
 				The Issuer field of the received client
 				SSL certificate or a dash ('-') if Squid has
 				received an invalid/malformed certificate or
 				no certificate at all. Consider encoding the
 				logged value because Issuer often has spaces.
 				The list of certificate validation errors
 				detected by Squid (including OpenSSL and
 				certificate validation helper components). The
 				errors are listed in the discovery order. By

=== modified file 'src/'
--- src/	2017-03-02 01:26:30 +0000
+++ src/	2017-05-25 08:47:53 +0000
@@ -3138,42 +3138,41 @@
     catch (const std::exception &ex) {
         debugs(83, 2, "error on FD " << clientConnection->fd << ": " << ex.what());
         unsupportedProtocol = true;
     parsingTlsHandshake = false;
     if (mayTunnelUnsupportedProto())
         preservedClientData = inBuf;
     // Even if the parser failed, each TLS detail should either be set
     // correctly or still be "unknown"; copying unknown detail is a no-op.
     Security::TlsDetails::Pointer const &details = tlsParser.details;
     if (details && !details->serverName.isEmpty()) {
-        if (sslServerBump)
-            sslServerBump->clientSni = details->serverName;
+        tlsClientSni_ = details->serverName;
     // We should disable read/write handlers
     Comm::SetSelect(clientConnection->fd, COMM_SELECT_READ, NULL, NULL, 0);
     Comm::SetSelect(clientConnection->fd, COMM_SELECT_WRITE, NULL, NULL, 0);
     if (unsupportedProtocol) {
         Http::StreamPointer context = pipeline.front();
         Must(context && context->http);
         HttpRequest::Pointer request = context->http->request;
         debugs(83, 5, "Got something other than TLS Client Hello. Cannot SslBump.");
         sslBumpMode = Ssl::bumpNone;
         if (!clientTunnelOnError(this, context, request, HttpRequestMethod(), ERR_PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN))
     if (!sslServerBump || sslServerBump->act.step1 == Ssl::bumpClientFirst) { // Either means client-first.
@@ -3353,42 +3352,42 @@
     debugs(33, 2, "Request tunneling for " << reason);
     ClientHttpRequest *http = buildFakeRequest(method, connectHost, connectPort, payload);
     HttpRequest::Pointer request = http->request;
     request->flags.forceTunnel = true;
     http->calloutContext = new ClientRequestContext(http);
     clientProcessRequestFinished(this, request);
     return true;
 ConnStateData::fakeAConnectRequest(const char *reason, const SBuf &payload)
     debugs(33, 2, "fake a CONNECT request to force connState to tunnel for " << reason);
     SBuf connectHost;
     const unsigned short connectPort = clientConnection->local.port();
-    if (serverBump() && !serverBump()->clientSni.isEmpty())
-        connectHost.assign(serverBump()->clientSni);
+    if (!tlsClientSni_.isEmpty())
+        connectHost.assign(tlsClientSni_);
         static char ip[MAX_IPSTRLEN];
         connectHost.assign(clientConnection->local.toStr(ip, sizeof(ip)));
     ClientHttpRequest *http = buildFakeRequest(Http::METHOD_CONNECT, connectHost, connectPort, payload);
     http->calloutContext = new ClientRequestContext(http);
     HttpRequest::Pointer request = http->request;
     clientProcessRequestFinished(this, request);
     return true;
 ClientHttpRequest *
 ConnStateData::buildFakeRequest(Http::MethodType const method, SBuf &useHost, unsigned short usePort, const SBuf &payload)
     ClientHttpRequest *http = new ClientHttpRequest(this);

=== modified file 'src/client_side.h'
--- src/client_side.h	2017-03-05 06:46:20 +0000
+++ src/client_side.h	2017-05-26 09:34:52 +0000
@@ -227,40 +227,41 @@
      * \param[in] isNew if generated certificate is new, so we need to add this certificate to storage.
     void getSslContextDone(Security::ContextPointer &, bool isNew = false);
     /// Callback function. It is called when squid receive message from ssl_crtd.
     static void sslCrtdHandleReplyWrapper(void *data, const Helper::Reply &reply);
     /// Proccess response from ssl_crtd.
     void sslCrtdHandleReply(const Helper::Reply &reply);
     void switchToHttps(HttpRequest *request, Ssl::BumpMode bumpServerMode);
     void parseTlsHandshake();
     bool switchedToHttps() const { return switchedToHttps_; }
     Ssl::ServerBump *serverBump() {return sslServerBump;}
     inline void setServerBump(Ssl::ServerBump *srvBump) {
         if (!sslServerBump)
             sslServerBump = srvBump;
             assert(sslServerBump == srvBump);
     const SBuf &sslCommonName() const {return sslCommonName_;}
     void resetSslCommonName(const char *name) {sslCommonName_ = name;}
+    const SBuf &tlsClientSni() const { return tlsClientSni_; }
     /// Fill the certAdaptParams with the required data for certificate adaptation
     /// and create the key for storing/retrieve the certificate to/from the cache
     void buildSslCertGenerationParams(Ssl::CertificateProperties &certProperties);
     /// Called when the client sends the first request on a bumped connection.
     /// Returns false if no [delayed] error should be written to the client.
     /// Otherwise, writes the error to the client and returns true. Also checks
     /// for SQUID_X509_V_ERR_DOMAIN_MISMATCH on bumped requests.
     bool serveDelayedError(Http::Stream *);
     Ssl::BumpMode sslBumpMode; ///< ssl_bump decision (Ssl::bumpEnd if n/a).
     /// Tls parser to use for client HELLO messages parsing on bumped
     /// connections.
     Security::HandshakeParser tlsParser;
     bool switchedToHttps() const { return false; }
     /// handle a control message received by context from a peer and call back
     virtual bool writeControlMsgAndCall(HttpReply *rep, AsyncCall::Pointer &call) = 0;
@@ -356,40 +357,41 @@
     bool proxyProtocolError(const char *reason);
     /// whether PROXY protocol header is still expected
     bool needProxyProtocolHeader_;
     /// some user details that can be used to perform authentication on this connection
     Auth::UserRequest::Pointer auth_;
     /// the parser state for current HTTP/1.x input buffer processing
     Http1::RequestParserPointer parser_;
     bool switchedToHttps_;
     bool parsingTlsHandshake; ///< whether we are getting/parsing TLS Hello bytes
     /// The SSL server host name appears in CONNECT request or the server ip address for the intercepted requests
     String sslConnectHostOrIp; ///< The SSL server host name as passed in the CONNECT request
     SBuf sslCommonName_; ///< CN name for SSL certificate generation
+    SBuf tlsClientSni_; ///< the TLS client SNI name
     String sslBumpCertKey; ///< Key to use to store/retrieve generated certificate
     /// HTTPS server cert. fetching state for bump-ssl-server-first
     Ssl::ServerBump *sslServerBump;
     Ssl::CertSignAlgorithm signAlgorithm; ///< The signing algorithm to use
     /// the reason why we no longer write the response or nil
     const char *stoppedSending_;
     /// the reason why we no longer read the request or nil
     const char *stoppedReceiving_;
     /// Connection annotations, clt_conn_tag and other tags are stored here.
     /// If set, are propagated to the current and all future master transactions
     /// on the connection.
     NotePairs::Pointer theNotes;
 void setLogUri(ClientHttpRequest * http, char const *uri, bool cleanUrl = false);
 const char *findTrailingHTTPVersion(const char *uriAndHTTPVersion, const char *end = NULL);

=== modified file 'src/format/'
--- src/format/	2017-03-03 12:12:01 +0000
+++ src/format/	2017-05-26 09:36:03 +0000
@@ -1219,43 +1219,45 @@
             if (X509 *cert = al->cache.sslClientCert.get()) {
                 if (X509_NAME *subject = X509_get_subject_name(cert)) {
                     X509_NAME_oneline(subject, tmp, sizeof(tmp));
                     out = tmp;
             if (X509 *cert = al->cache.sslClientCert.get()) {
                 if (X509_NAME *issuer = X509_get_issuer_name(cert)) {
                     X509_NAME_oneline(issuer, tmp, sizeof(tmp));
                     out = tmp;
         case LFT_SSL_CLIENT_SNI:
             if (al->request && al->request->clientConnectionManager.valid()) {
-                if (Ssl::ServerBump * srvBump = al->request->clientConnectionManager->serverBump()) {
-                    if (!srvBump->clientSni.isEmpty())
-                        out = srvBump->clientSni.c_str();
+                if (const ConnStateData *conn = al->request->clientConnectionManager.get()) {
+                    if (!conn->tlsClientSni().isEmpty()) {
+                        sb = conn->tlsClientSni();
+                        out = sb.c_str();
+                    }
             if (al->request && al->request->clientConnectionManager.valid()) {
                 if (Ssl::ServerBump * srvBump = al->request->clientConnectionManager->serverBump()) {
                     const char *separator = fmt->data.string ? fmt->data.string : ":";
                     for (const Security::CertErrors *sslError = srvBump->sslErrors(); sslError; sslError = sslError->next) {
                         if (!sb.isEmpty())
                         if (const char *errorName = Ssl::GetErrorName(sslError->element.code))
                             sb.append(sslErrorName(sslError->element.code, tmp, sizeof(tmp)));
                         if (sslError->element.depth >= 0)
                             sb.appendf("@depth=%d", sslError->element.depth);
                     if (!sb.isEmpty())
                         out = sb.c_str();

=== modified file 'src/ssl/ServerBump.h'
--- src/ssl/ServerBump.h	2017-01-12 13:26:45 +0000
+++ src/ssl/ServerBump.h	2017-05-25 08:42:05 +0000
@@ -30,31 +30,30 @@
     explicit ServerBump(HttpRequest *fakeRequest, StoreEntry *e = NULL, Ssl::BumpMode mode = Ssl::bumpServerFirst);
     void attachServerSession(const Security::SessionPointer &); ///< Sets the server TLS session object
     const Security::CertErrors *sslErrors() const; ///< SSL [certificate validation] errors
     /// faked, minimal request; required by Client API
     HttpRequest::Pointer request;
     StoreEntry *entry; ///< for receiving Squid-generated error messages
     /// HTTPS server certificate. Maybe it is different than the one
     /// it is stored in serverSession object (error SQUID_X509_V_ERR_CERT_CHANGE)
     Security::CertPointer serverCert;
     struct {
         Ssl::BumpMode step1; ///< The SSL bump mode at step1
         Ssl::BumpMode step2; ///< The SSL bump mode at step2
         Ssl::BumpMode step3; ///< The SSL bump mode at step3
     } act; ///< bumping actions at various bumping steps
     Ssl::BumpStep step; ///< The SSL bumping step
-    SBuf clientSni; ///< the SSL client SNI name
     Security::SessionPointer serverSession; ///< The TLS session object on server side.
     store_client *sc; ///< dummy client to prevent entry trimming
 } // namespace Ssl

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