On 17/07/17 06:14, Alex Rousskov wrote:
On 07/16/2017 06:40 AM, Amos Jeffries wrote:
On 16/07/17 16:43, Alex Rousskov wrote:
I tried to "lock" the
official repository on Github to prevent commits (without pull
requests), but I have not tested whether that lock was successful.

Assuming the way you locked it was to require PR review, it seems to
be working:

Well, the PR requirement was intentional while the review requirement
was a surprise side effect.

I actually like that side effect! Since we will switch to PR-only commit
path (for master) as soon as Eduard's CI integration is ready, I suggest
that we keep the current review-required setup to practice. We can
always undo/relax it if we discover problems, and it is better to
discover as much of them as possible _now_, in a simplified environment
without CI.

Do you think testing the PR review requirement before CI is ready is a
good idea?

I'm not sure what the problem you hint at might be, but testing to find out is definitely a good idea whatever it is.

I was envisioning the CI to be an extra pre-commit test done in parallel with manual review so CI results are just treated in our process as an automatic reviewer vote for/against commit - not as automatic acceptance of all PR changes into master.

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