On 10/05/20 7:53 pm, Amos Jeffries wrote:
> On 10/05/20 7:02 pm, Christos Tsantilas wrote:
>> On 8/5/20 5:50 μ.μ., Amos Jeffries wrote:
>>> Does this change resolve the issue for you?
>> It is a step but this is not enough.
>> I am attaching a patch which finally solved the issue. However still it
>> is not enough, there are other similar cases need to be fixed in
>> squid-util.m4 and probably in configure.ac
> That configure.ac change is wrong. It really should be checking for ' =
> "xyes" ' because this library is supposed to be auto-disabled. eg for
> the default value of nil.
> The defun'd macro line "set with_$squid_auto_lib = yes" should be
> changing with_openssl to "yes". If not, that is a bug.

Your patch helped me track it down though. The whitespace around "+=" is
breaking those assignments.

I will submit a PR fixing this shortly.

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