On Wed, 2003-08-27 at 14:31, Duane Wessels wrote:
> > Here's a fun suggestion from our friend Robert - how about creating a
> > _directory_ instead of a file for the COSS cachedir? Then we can place
> > the store logfile in there, the coss storefile in there _and_ any other
> > metadata. It'd make life a whole lot easier and mean you won't get bitten
> > by the requirement to specify swaplog paths..
> The only reason not to do that is if we want to eventually support
> using raw devices/partitions for COSS storage.  I think it was one
> of the original plans.

Well, the specific file could be specified via a coss specific option.
i.e. 'coss-file=', with the swapdir path used for the default location +
the logs.

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