On Sun, 21 Dec 2003, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:

> There is a section in the clientProcessRequest2() on cache hit processing
> relating to the no-cache flags on requests for STORE_PENDING objects which
> I do not quite get what it is about, and the CVS log comment does not make
> me any wiser.. what is done simply looks wrong to me, or at least missing
> some condition explaining when it should be done.

The only thing I can think of is this:

On the IRCache proxies I used to see some very aggressive (probably
non browser) user agents.  Every request had the 'no-cache' directive
and it seems like it was re-issuing the request often, say after a
short timeout.  When the URL was some big file on a far away server,
Squid accumulates numerous parallel downloads of the same object.
Depending on quick_abort settings, could be bad news.

So the hack was put in place to accomodate this broken client
(if it is the situation I am thinking of).

Duane W.

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