I've been somewhat inactive here recently. Given that I'm meant to be
doing the squid-3 release management, thats, well, bad.

So this is just a quick apology to folk : I got overcommitted with
customers for a while. For the next month, that won't change. After
that, I hope to be doing a bit less frenetic role, with much more
predictable hours, allowing me some time to focus on squid.

I haven't reviewed bugzilla recently, but when I last did, the only real
killer bug in squid-3, that prevents usage equivalent to squid-2.5
(modulo the not forward ported fixes) is the range bug.

The range bug: given a request to an offset in a range, under some
conditions squid will request from the store an unavailable memory
range. This triggers an assert that dumps the available ranges and

This is caused because we have no sane notification for new data - data
can only arrive at a predicted offset - yet http allows for arbitrary
offsets to arrive.

Henrik and I disagree on the right fix here. See the previous thread for
details. However, after reviewing the HTTP 100 series support for a
prospect a few months back, I'm convinced that Henriks 'easy' solution
won't cut it in the long run. Arbitrary 1xx support requires
notification to the client of both the nature of the message, and it's
content. That same notification can allow use to deliver the real byte
ranges that have been made available to us, before triggering the read.

There is a related design issue in passing that info down the client
streams path, but that part is IMO not hard.

Anyway, thats my current thoughts on the matter. I'm not going anywhere,
but while I wrap up current commitments I will be even more frenetic
than usual, which is roughly for the next 3 weeks.


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