Hi there,

I'm back with this task (again).

Jon: you are far more advanced than I am on understanding squid.  I can start helping 
content compression writing GzipCoder, if you want to.

(Already discussed) About TE/Transfer-Encoding vs Accept-Encoding/Content-Encoding:  
Content-Encoding implementation (even if it bends standards) seems to be the 
reasonable choice, since TE/Transfer-Encoding is not available on most common browsers.

If implemented as Content-Encoding the following headers should be altered before 

Content-Length: deleted (could be updated to actual gzipped content length, but it is 
too much trouble i guess).
ETag: modified (appending "CEgz", for instance?)
Vary: append Accept-Encoding (if not already there)
Connection: if client is 1.1, could be set to keep-alive, but Transfer-Encoding 
chunked should be added/checked.

Hope this provides some light about possible encoding options.


Gonzalo Arana

Florida 537 Piso 6, Buenos Aires, Argentina 
+54-11-4321-9110 ext 2543

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