On Wed, 31 Mar 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> My name is Tim Rainier.  I'm running squid for the company I work for.  We
> have about 500 users, very small.
> I'm interested in the security areas of squid.  Quite a while back, I
> requested that squid be fixed so that it can't possibly run as an open
> proxy server.  The opinion I got from most of the developers was that this
> was unsatisfactory.
> I'm also interested in new features, concerning the development of squid.
> I'd like to request a subscription for your development mailing list. I'll
> be sending a subscription request shortly.

Hi Tim,

I added you to the subscription list.

How would you propose Squid detects an "open proxy" condition?

Duane W.
  • Re: Request Duane Wessels

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