> > ii. function httpReplyValidatorsMatch().
> >
> >  It is called when server responded with 304 Not Modified and squid
> > decides whether to pass this 304 to requesting client, or to return old
> > cached entry... to be more exact there is an if:
> >        if (!httpReplyValidatorsMatch(..
> >  we analised the code and we think there is no possibility that in thath
> > place this function would return false... is it true?
> Hmm.. in what function? There is many such ifs with somewhat different 
> purpose.
sorry... I wasn't looking at the source whlie writing this mail
and i hoped the question wouldn't be ambiguous... apparently i was 
its in
 clientReplyContext::clientGetsOldEntry() in client_side_reply.cc

thx for other answers they will help us :),

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