On Mon, 7 Mar 2005, Tsantilas Christos wrote:

I just complete the merging of main squid 2.5 tree to the icap-2_5 branch.
It looks ok, but I must look more on it, and examine
the code again. Seems that icap branch developed for long time

It has been left without a maintainer for some time yes, and there has been quite extensive changes around 2.5.STABLE8 quite likely conflicting with the parts of the icap branch.. but the bulk of these changes has happened within the latest 2 months.

PS. I want to rm -f all CVS repositories on the world .....

Won't solve many problems I am afraid. But there is better source revision management tools around these days. The main Squid developments are on the edge of switching to bazaar to overcome some of the limitations/shortcomings of CVS.


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