On Wed, 8 Jun 2005, Rafael Martinez Torres wrote:

2.- Just a question... cf_parser.h is generating by cf_gen preprocessing
cf.data...  I need to insert some default IPv6 addresses ( actually I
modifiy on hand cf_parser.h )

Does cf.data format accept #ifdef directives ? Any idea on how to
selectively add default IPv6 address ?

Hmm.. everything in cf.data.pre can be overridden by squid.conf. If just provides defaults where suitable.

What requires you to provide some default IPv6 address?

Some of the directives like tcp_outgoing_address etc needs to be extended with an IPv6 variant, but no default is really needed for either IP version.

The acl "all" probably should be redefined to really mean "all" regardless of the IP version of the client. I am fine with having this acl hardcoded, or actually the "all" and "none" acls hardcoded to always true or false respectively. Today there is a lot of user confusion by redefining the "all" acl wrongly causing problems in other directives relying on "all" for their default settings..

What else do you have problems with the defaults of?


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