This question belongs on squid-users, not squid-dev. Moving the discussion there.

On Mon, 1 Aug 2005, mohinder garg wrote:

I am trying to run squid in transparent mode. it works fine using the
iptables but i want to run it without using there
any other way to run it in transparent mode....becouse the system that
i m trying to build does not has iptables support.

This is mainly a host OS question, not a Squid question.

You need some method of making your host OS accept the TCP/IP sessions and send them to Squid as if the requests were sent to the Squid port on the host.

iptables or other NAT function can do this quite fine. The limitation is that if you NAT on another device or by means not supported by Squid then HTTP/1.0 requests without the Host header won't work. Nearly all HTTP clients sends the Host header these days so that's rarely a problem. In such configuration set httpd_accel_host to your main web site (not virtual).

But there is no means whereby Squid would make your host OS intercept traffic without having this support in the host OS or nearby NAT device/firewall.


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