On Thu, 3 Nov 2005 23:17:12 +0100 (CET)
 Henrik Nordstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Thu, 3 Nov 2005, Evgeny Kotsuba wrote:

* UI patches (!) including usage of sound at errors/warnings and visual effects at errror/warning ( as sample - http://www.laser.ru/evgen/soft/Squid2/squid2screan.gif )

We are not going to add this to 2.6. These kind of things belongs in a log viewer, not the log format as such.
This thing was not intended for log viewer, but as debug and/or squid's admin's sound warning: - If we change config and make error, then we don't see what is wrong in case if (a) we start squid in daemon mode (detach mode for me) i.e. without stdout to console (b) there is a lot of characters on console, so we can't select fast what's wrong (c) there is still no info in squid 2.5 in some cases for some errors. I.e. right user's message for config's error should be like ("ERROR: Some trouble is %n line of config (%s)", nLine, strLine); (I have fogot about this in proposed additions)

In case of detach/daemon mode admin can't see , but still can hear beeps. Why not use this ? Beeps can be done via" \a " for unixes and xxxBeep(freq, duration) for some other systems, color output to console - via standard ANSI sequences

Well , all stuff can  be  enabled/disabled  in config.

But patches making the log format more consistent in indicating the serverity of a message is welcome.
The idea is that if we have "ERROR" or "WARNING" as first word in message, than we can use color and/or beeps for this message, but don't write this to logs. The next idea is that "ERROR and "WARNING" is more noticeably than "error" and "warning"


Evgeny Kotsuba

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