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On Fri, 10 Feb 2006 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

There is no guarantee there is a MemObject attached to the StoreEntry here. Quite likely e->mem_obj is NULL.

yeah.u are right,i've checked the e->mem_obj again and it's NULL when i restart squid.but i'd thought this function is to write record to swap.state,why it was called during initialization? Thank you for your help

It's a low level function for adding a record to swap.state, and is called whenever a record needs to be added to the current swap.state log.

- Object added (here the MemObject usually is attached, but not really guaranteed)

- Object removed (here there usually is no MemObject)

- Object timestamps updated (may have a MemObject I think, but not guaranteed).

- And during writing a clean index. (usually no MemObject).


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