On Tue, 21 Feb 2006 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

ok - well these should do things smaller, faster,
and without 13-100MB of perl installation.  Thank you :)

# tested with gawk, mawk, and nawk.
# drop-in replacement for mk-globals-c.pl.

Almost, but some work remains. There is some stuff in the source header which should not be in the translated C file...

The header define wrapper:


+#endif /* SQUID_GLOBALS_H */

Uninitialized arrays:

+char *IcpOpcodeStr[];
(etc.. several of them)

I have attached the output of the perl program for your reference.

# tested with gawk, mawk, and nawk.
# drop-in replacement for mk-string-arrays.pl.
# creates "enum.c" (on stdout) from "enum.h".

Seems to be incomplete (closing brace missing). Also the output has some issues:

a) The closing brace of the generated arrays missing. Easily fixed by adding a 'print "};"' in the outer te loop.

b) Output of the elements not correct. Should be

additionally the awk script seems to skip over some enums..



looking at the source these have comments..

c) delete array is not posix standard, and will wail on some platforms.. (did on Solaris awk)

d) sub is not supported in Solaris awk (but is defined in POSIX...)

e) !expr not supported in patterns in Solaris awk. Use var != 1 instead.

my attempt in fixing up mk-string-arrays.awk attached. Please verify. Have tested this version using gawk --posix and Solaris awk and nawk.

#include "squid.h"
 * $Id$
 * SQUID Web Proxy Cache          http://www.squid-cache.org/
 * ----------------------------------------------------------
 *  Squid is the result of efforts by numerous individuals from
 *  the Internet community; see the CONTRIBUTORS file for full
 *  details.   Many organizations have provided support for Squid's
 *  development; see the SPONSORS file for full details.  Squid is
 *  Copyrighted (C) 2001 by the Regents of the University of
 *  California; see the COPYRIGHT file for full details.  Squid
 *  incorporates software developed and/or copyrighted by other
 *  sources; see the CREDITS file for full details.
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA.
FILE *debug_log = NULL;
SquidConfig Config;
SquidConfig2 Config2;
char *ConfigFile = NULL;
const char *dns_error_message = NULL;
char tmp_error_buf[ERROR_BUF_SZ];
char *volatile debug_options = NULL;
char ThisCache[SQUIDHOSTNAMELEN << 1];
char ThisCache2[SQUIDHOSTNAMELEN << 1];
char config_input_line[BUFSIZ];
const char *AclMatchedName = NULL;
const char *DefaultConfigFile = DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE;
const char *cfg_filename = NULL;
const char *const appname = "squid";
const char *const dash_str = "-";
const char *const localhost = "";
const char *const null_string = "";
const char *const version_string = VERSION;
const char *const full_appname_string = PACKAGE "/" VERSION;
const char *const w_space = " \t\n\r";
fde *fd_table = NULL;
int Biggest_FD = -1;
int Number_FD = 0;
int Opening_FD = 0;
int HttpSockets[MAXHTTPPORTS];
int NDnsServersAlloc = 0;
int NHttpSockets = 0;
int Squid_MaxFD = SQUID_MAXFD;
int config_lineno = 0;
int debugLevels[MAX_DEBUG_SECTIONS];
int do_mallinfo = 0;
int opt_reuseaddr = 1;
int icmp_sock = -1;
int neighbors_do_private_keys = 1;
int opt_catch_signals = 1;
int opt_debug_stderr = -1;
int opt_dns_tests = 1;
int opt_foreground_rebuild = 0;
int opt_forwarded_for = 1;
int opt_reload_hit_only = 0;
int opt_syslog_enable = 0;
int opt_udp_hit_obj = 0;
int opt_create_swap_dirs = 0;
int opt_store_doublecheck = 0;
int syslog_enable = 0;
int theInIcpConnection = -1;
int theOutIcpConnection = -1;
int DnsSocket = -1;
int theInSnmpConnection = -1;
int theOutSnmpConnection = -1;
char *snmp_agentinfo;
int vhost_mode = 0;
int vport_mode = 0;
int n_disk_objects = 0;
iostats IOStats;
struct _acl_deny_info_list *DenyInfoList = NULL;
struct in_addr any_addr;
struct in_addr local_addr;
struct in_addr no_addr;
struct in_addr theOutICPAddr;
struct in_addr theOutSNMPAddr;
struct timeval current_time;
struct timeval squid_start;
time_t squid_curtime = 0;
int shutting_down = 0;
int reconfiguring = 0;
int store_dirs_rebuilding = 1;
int store_swap_size = 0;
unsigned long store_mem_size = 0;
time_t hit_only_mode_until = 0;
StatCounters statCounter;
double request_failure_ratio = 0.0;
double current_dtime;
int store_hash_buckets = 0;
hash_table *store_table = NULL;
dlink_list ClientActiveRequests;
const String StringNull = { 0, 0, NULL };
const MemBuf MemBufNull = MemBufNULL;
int hot_obj_count = 0;
int _db_level;
const int CacheDigestHashFuncCount = 4;
CacheDigest *store_digest = NULL;
const char *StoreDigestFileName = "store_digest";
const char *StoreDigestMimeStr = "application/cache-digest";
const Version CacheDigestVer = { 5, 3 };
const char *MultipartMsgBoundaryStr = "Unique-Squid-Separator";
icpUdpData *IcpQueueHead = NULL;
int refresh_nocache_hack = 0;
request_flags null_request_flags;
int store_open_disk_fd = 0;
authscheme_entry_t *authscheme_list = NULL;
storefs_entry_t *storefs_list = NULL;
storerepl_entry_t *storerepl_list = NULL;
int store_swap_low = 0;
int store_swap_high = 0;
int store_pages_max = 0;
squid_off_t store_maxobjsize = -1;
RemovalPolicy *mem_policy;
hash_table *proxy_auth_username_cache = NULL;
int incoming_sockets_accepted;
#if defined(_SQUID_MSWIN_) || defined(_SQUID_CYGWIN_)
unsigned int WIN32_OS_version = 0;
char *WIN32_OS_string = NULL;
void *sbrk_start = 0;
int opt_send_signal = -1;
int opt_no_daemon = 0;
# tested with gawk, mawk, and nawk.
# drop-in replacement for mk-string-arrays.pl.
# creates "enum.c" (on stdout) from "enum.h".
# invoke similarly: perl -f mk-string-arrays.pl  enum.h
#               -->  awk -f mk-string-arrays.awk enum.h
# 2006 by Christopher Kerr.

BEGIN { # converted to "const char *"TypedefEnum[?]"_str[]"
        TypedefEnum["err_type"] = 1
        TypedefEnum["lookup_t"] = 1
        TypedefEnum["icp_opcode"] = 1
        TypedefEnum["swap_log_op"] = 1

/^ \*\/$/ && Copyright != 1     { print; Copyright = 1; next }
Copyright != 1                  { print; next }
/^typedef/                      { e = 0; next }

/^[ \t]*[A-Z]/ {
        split($1, t, ",");
        Element[++e] = t[1]; next }

/^} / {
        split($2, t, ";");
        type = t[1];
        if (TypedefEnum[type]) {
                print "\nconst char *" type "_str[] = {"
                for ( i = 1; i < e; ++i)
                        print "\t\"" Element[i] "\","
                print "\t\"" Element[i] "\""
                print "};"

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