sön 2006-02-26 klockan 19:13 +0100 skrev Guido Serassio:

> I like to fix the 2.5 and 3.0 helper stats oddities of  bug #1506.
> What is your opinion about my recently  proposed changes ?

Haven't really looked at the problem yet. Didn't consider it important
for 2.5, and a little reluctant about changing cachemgr output incase
someone is using it for external statistics.. From what I understand the
only problem in 2.5 is that unused helpers gets listed "oddly", or was
there anything else?

But please Fix it in 3.0.

> And what about #1347

Should go into 3.0.

>  #1454

2.5 & 3.0. Due to the unspecified version this fell outside my bugzilla
filters for 2.5 maintenance.

>  #1434 ?

It's already one of the few I am still considering. Just not considered
very important..


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