I have no need for authentication and so I have no references to any auth 
options in my 2.5S13 configuration.  Despite this, library auth/libbasic.a 
is always built and linked into the squid executable.

My configuration looks like this:

%configure \
   --exec_prefix=/usr \
   --bindir=%{_sbindir} \
   --libexecdir=%{_libdir}/squid \
   --localstatedir=/var \
   --sysconfdir=/etc/squid \
   --enable-removal-policies="heap,lru" \
   --enable-storeio="aufs,coss,diskd,null,ufs" \
   --enable-ssl \
   --with-openssl=/usr/kerberos \
   --enable-linux-netfilter \
   --with-pthreads \
   --enable-useragent-log \
   --enable-referer-log \
   --disable-dependency-tracking \
   --enable-cachemgr-hostname=localhost \
   --disable-ident-lookups \
   --datadir=%{_datadir} \

(The above was snipped from a RPM spec file, hence the %{variable} 
references.  I think you get the idea, though.)

This library is not just built.  It is required to successfully link the 
squid executable.

The root cause of this is the following in the configure script:

   if test -z "$AUTH_MODULES"; then

If no authentication has been explicitly configured then AUTH_MODULES will 
not have been set when we get down to here in the script.  Effectively, no 
authentication specifies basic authentication.

Adding the --disable-auth switch to the config command line fixes this 
problem by avoiding those 2 lines above.  Alas, it creates a new problem 
as the auth/Makefile isn't smart enough to know that there is nothing to 

Making all in auth
make[3]: Entering directory 
make[4]: Entering directory 
make[4]: *** No rule to make target `lib.a', needed by `all-am'.  Stop.
make[4]: Leaving directory 
make[3]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1


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