ons 2006-04-19 klockan 07:38 +0800 skrev Steven Wilton:

> When I was sending the "Connection: Proxy-support" header, IE only sent the
> initial request, and never actually tried to complete the NTLM
> authentication handshake.  Removing this header made everything work again.


> I still have the "Proxy-Support: Session-Based-Authentication" header (as
> specified in the document fragment that you posted to the list).  I'm not
> sure if that makes any difference for child proxies, and IE works both with
> and without this header.

The reason to this header is child proxies not having support for this
kind of connections. By having it in the Connection header such child
proxies won't forward the header to it's clients.

Hmm.. are you running transparent interception? If so then none of this
applies. The header is only relevant on proxied connections, not
intercepted connections.


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