mån 2006-04-24 klockan 21:46 +0200 skrev Guido Serassio:

> Probably on your machine sasl.h is placed in /usr/local/include
> You can temporary fix the problem adding 
> CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include" before the configure command.
> We must change things in config.test files.

As I said earlier the config.test thingy is only to make life easy for
the majority of users, not meant to be a foolprof thing always enabling
the exact right list of helpers. There is always the option to either

a) Specify to configure the exact list of helpers you want to have

b) Go into the directory of the needed helper and run "make install".

As it's easy for the user to add helpers when needed the config.test
files should be very conservative in when a helper is automatically
enabled. If there is any reason to doubt it's much much better it
reports no than a false positive causing the build to fail. Users
needing a helper not built by default always have motivation how to
figure out how to build the needed helper, but users who see the build
failing in something they don't need and didn't ask for only gets
irritated claiming it's a bug that must be fixed..


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