ons 2006-05-31 klockan 09:57 -0700 skrev Jason Titus:
> I would love to but don't think have the time (or perhaps even the  
> skills) to switch it over.

Well, for it to happen someone needs to find the time... and I know my
Squid-2 features time is depleted for some time needing to focus on
Squid-3 and my business again.

I honestly do not think it's a difficult task if you have used libevent
a bit.

>  Having used memcached a fair amount it  
> just seems like libevent performs very well and makes it much easier  
> to manage all the various event systems.

Agreed. Once you have the libevent interface going you immediately gain
support for the event systems supported by libevent now and future..


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