
My name is Domingos Novo, and I work as a system engineer at Terra Networks Brasil. We are using squid as a web accelerator on a Vignette 6 based CMS.

In our solution, squid is used basically to store pre generated content, which is considered "fresh" (by means of refresh_pattern) until it receives a "PURGE" request from our CMS servers.

Our solution uses the external "purge" tool to do this task, and it usually works as expected. But, running as a external tool, it doesn't have enough information to do this PURGE in a performance wise and lightweight way.

        To solve this issue, we are working on two tasks:

1 - Create a new "cache_mgr:" interface, just to list/search for objects in the cache. The object in this list must be referenced by its complete URL, and this list must contain all objects present on the cache (that is, memory and disk caches).

2 - Modify the PURGE request, or create a new one, which would add support to pcre enabled URLs (and preferably in the form of a post, giving the possibility to add a list of URLs to be purged).

Please let us know if any of those functionalities makes sense for squid (or by any means, if there is anyone interested in something related).


Domingos Parra Novo
Coordenador de Projetos
Terra Networks Brasil S/A
Tel: +55(51)3284-4275

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