mån 2006-07-03 klockan 20:07 -0300 skrev Giancarlo Razzolini:

> First sorry for the late, it were 2 weeks of tests in my university, so
> i was busiest that never. Now that i'm on vacation from university, i do
> have more free time.

No problem.

> Now, to the patch. For doing what you want, i'll have do do major
> changes to the code. Because if using shadow, i declare a pointer to the
> spwd struct, and if using getpwnam, i declare a pointer to the passwd
> struct. To fail back, i'll have to do some big changes to the code. I'm
> even thinking in using functions inside the code to do the auth. Want to
> know if you agree with it or not.

Didn't look that big to me... a few lines only.


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