On Mon, 7 Aug 2006, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:

> m??n 2006-08-07 klockan 18:26 +0800 skrev Steven:
> > 2006/08/04 16:01:42| WARNING! Your cache is running out of filedescriptors
> > 2006/08/04 16:01:42| comm_call_handlers(): WARNING defer handler for
> > fd=12 (desc=HTTP Socket) does not call commDeferFD() - backing off
> > manually 
> Thinking.. what is the rationale behind having the defer functions call
> commDeferFD instead of letting the comm loop do this? I.e. making that
> check the default rather than the exception..

If you let the defer function call commDeferFD, you don't run through the
comm loop 2 times to cause a FD to back off (once to set the defer/backoff 
flag, and once to actually back off).  The code in the comm loop is there
as a fail-safe, but is not the most optimal solution.


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