mån 2006-08-07 klockan 14:44 +0200 skrev Guido Serassio:

> What about an optional tag allowing a minimum length override ?

If we go to the tagged/guided form there will most likely be no lower
limits other than there must be a title and a following description. 

For now I thinkt I'll just ignore the issue, and instead remind everyone
that it's a good idea to write same commit messages. For me it's good
enough, and if all goes well the commit rate should continue to decline
rapidly in 2.6 now.

For Squid-3 it isn't even set in stone which version control tool should
be used. The "fight" is currently between CVS (or maybe SVN to keep with
the same philosophy but better engine) and Baz.  With CVS we have a
server enforcing rules on us, with baz it's less controlled with the
benefit of being able to easily branch anywhere in any means desired
without loosing track.

monotone has already been disqualified, at least in it's current
incarnation. It's main benefit compared to baz would be the multihead
support which allows delayed conflict resolution allowing any developer
to resolve the conflict and not only the last one to commit and seamless
flow of information, but it fell badly in cross-branch merge support
with no cherrypicking and failure to at all handle files added on two
branches in a sane manner, not even providing sane diff capabilities to
compare the two copies in such cases. Also the seamless flow of
information feels a bit scary for the uninvited.


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