tis 2006-08-08 klockan 07:51 +0800 skrev Steven:

> I did have one other thought.  If you set max-object-size on a cache_dir,
> it effectively allows an object to use up to max-object-size woth of RAM
> before it will start to swap out.  I can understand this being needed if
> there is no content-length header, but should the following code also do a
> check against the content-length header if the header has given us a size?

>store.c near line 200:
>     if ((e->store_status != STORE_OK) && (swapout_size <
> store_maxobjsize)) {

Not sure. I think COSS wants the object to be spooled to the cache_dir
in one chunk, not small pieces at a time over an extended period of

But if COSS can handle an object being swapped out slowly then sure.

> If e->mem_obj->reply->content_length is > 0, I don;t believe that we need
> to wait for the object to grow too large before we can make a decision on
> where to store it.

Agreed. But that part of the code needs to be audited for the change.


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