On Mon, 2006-08-14 at 10:32 +0200, Guido Serassio wrote:

> err->request = requestLink(request);
> But not always err->request is linked to a request, it could be a problem ?

You have found places where err->request is assigned without a link?

> >   ->src_addr
> Some confusion here, sometimes:
> err->src_addr = conn->peer.sin_addr;
> or err->src_addr = http->conn->peer.sin_addr;
> some other times:
> err->src_addr = request->client_addr;
> What is correct ?

request when you have a request. The few places where errorCon is called
before we have a request NULL can be passed, and the caller has to fill
in the available details after as is done now.

> In client_side.c (clientAccessCheckDone()) there is:
>          if (http->conn->auth_user_request)
>              err->auth_user_request = http->conn->auth_user_request;
>          else if (http->request->auth_user_request)
>              err->auth_user_request = http->request->auth_user_request;
> where http is a clientHttpRequest.

I think we always have request->auth_user_request now even on connection
oriented auth. If not that should be easy to fix.


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