mån 2006-08-21 klockan 17:23 +0200 skrev Kinkie:

> This said, I'm not opposing the idea; I'd just like to get more reasons
> to do it :)

The main reason is that the FAQ is not a document, it's a collection of
very many small notes, loosely coupled together in sections to try to
make some order out of them. Very often it is not at all obvious in
which section an answer to a given question is to be found.

The summary currently missing from the expanded index is mainly a matter
of moving it there. Preferably automated (see below)

Having it fully automated would be great, and the section summary should
be snarfed from the subsection page title I think. The FAQ does not
really have a concise order of the chapters. It's a bag of things.

Ideally I would see the "chapters" as category indexes to the questions,
with a single question belonging to N categories. But that's probably
outside what can be done nicely in a wiki.


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