So, chatting with Adrian today, and some friends, I have some thoughts
about what precisely 3.0 should be.

I think 3.0 STABLE1 when release should be:
 * more functional than 2.6 STABLEX - there should be no regressions in
 * within 10-15% of the speed of 2.6 STABLEX.

these two points are the primary things I can think of that will stop
people adopting squid-3.0. And what we want is for developers to feel
that 3.0 is a good bet for getting their code deployed. which means
users deploying it :)

Why the speed requirement? Because a slow 3.0 will turn people off it,
and thats hard to recover from. "Last time I tried squid-3.x it was dog
slow, blech."

So heres a proposal: end of october, presuming all bugs are contained,
we release 3.0 FC-1 - which stands for 'Feature Complete'. From now to
then is just bugfixen etc.

After october, every month or two - lets set a predictable window - we
do FC-2, etc.

We do *whatever it takes* architecturally and code wise to fix the
release blocking bugs, and to get 3.0's speed sufficiently fast that we
are all happy to call FC-??? STABLE-1.

That means that large changes which are aimed at performance will be
considered ok during the FC series. 

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