tor 2006-09-21 klockan 07:57 +0800 skrev Steven Wilton:

> OK, here it is.  It compiles cleanly now, and worked fine before I had to
> merge it with the weight support patch that was applied 3 days ago.  I'm
> going to upgrade our caches to the latest 2.6 snapshot + this patch and test
> with both hash and mask assignments.
> If it works fine, I'll commit later today.

Looks quite fine. Still some blanks to fill in about the undocumented
mask assignment identity fields. Maybe things will clear up over time..

But squid.conf notes on wccp2_assignment_method is a little confusing..

+       Currently (as of IOS 12.4) cisco routers only support assignment.
+       Cisco switches support the L2 redirect assignment method.

Think this means to read something like:

        Currently (as of IOS 12.4) cisco routers only support hash assignment
        and Cisco switches only support mask assignment method.


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