On 10/19/06, Henrik Nordstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
ons 2006-10-18 klockan 18:32 +0200 skrev Tsachi:

> Is there a problem to download large file ( > 2 GB) from IE 6 while
> the traffic is being intercepted by squid ?
> I know squid 2.5 was enhanced to support large files some time ago.

Yes.. 2.5.STABLE9 I think. or maybe it was STABLE10.

> When I am trying to download "Window Vista RC1" (2.52 GB) from
> Microsoft I am getting this strange behavior:
> 1.Clicking the link to download the file opens the save dialog box,
> Choosing save and only 1KB of the file is been saved!?

Sounds like some other problem. The >2GB problem usually gave other

Yes seems like a different problem from the original 2GB problem.
In the old version I saw that "StoreEntryValidLength()" had
calculation issue (long var etc…).
This is not the case now.

> 2. Sometimes clicking the link open a gibberish page (I guess the
> ASCII content of the binary file)
> 3. Right clicking the file and choosing "save target as…" saves the
> all file but the dialog doesn't says its size!?  (not always work
> too:))

What does access.log say, with "log_mime_hdrs on"?
Strange?! I enabled the log_mime_hdrs, but there is no entry in the
access.log for the failed download operation.
To be clear the access.log is working fine and I can see other entries
with the header information.
Might relate to the problem?

Have you tried with another browser such as Firefox?
Both FireFox and Wget are working fine, and the large file is being
downloaded successfully.

Anything else that might help ?


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