tor 2006-11-09 klockan 12:39 +0100 skrev Christophe Boyanique:

> > eof in ICAP is that 0 chunk... so something is not right here in the
> > ICAP patch.
> The problem is that this 0\r\n arrives after the first read of the 27 
> first bytes.

Which should not be a problem in therms of ICAP. It's in fact quite
normal to see this in an ICAP stream.

> I understand that but the problem is that we have this bug in production 
> on heavy loaded site (we took several weeks to find it out) and we have 
> to correct it anyway (and I don't think think that targetting Squid3 is 
> possible (I thought Squid3 was considered beta?)).

Well.. so is the unofficial ICAP patch for 2.6. Just the bugs are
different ;-)


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