On Sat, 2006-12-30 at 16:49 +0800, Adrian Chadd wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 30, 2006, Robert Collins wrote:
> > As we all recommend that users have a minimal config - just the actually
> > set settings, why dont we install that by default ?
> What I'd actually like to see is a default squid.conf file with well-explained
> options - "Here's your LAN addresses", "here's some default refresh patterns",
> "here's an example UFS/AUFS/DISKD and COSS configuration", "Here's the 
> sections
> to enable for Basic authentication with ncsa_auth", that kind of thing.
> squid.conf.default is pretty daunting..

I think that would be fine too - but *not* the full list. And not the
complete set of options either for a specific area, just the ones that
are common.

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