[don't crosspost wildly thanks]

fre 2007-02-16 klockan 20:03 +0530 skrev Siddhesh PaiRaikar:

>    1. I am trying to scan the web page content that comes in from squid.
>    The content is received in a variable buf in store.c by default , so
>    wat we do is to scan buf for some words. wen we open any page with squid
>    initially it works just fine and detects all the words that we want to. as
>    it goes on proceeding futher and more and more pages are opened. we get an
>    error.. segmentation fault : code dumped. there is a core file created in
>    the directory /usr/local/squid/var/cache where the pages are cached.

Then you did someting wrong in your added code.. Without seeing what you
added to Suqid it's hard to comment on what the error may be.

>  wen we view the core file it shows a lot of text in columns sumthing like 
> this

code files is analyzed with the help of debuggers. Please grab a
tutorial on how to develop and debug UNIX applications.


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