On Sun, 2007-03-18 at 21:32 -0700, Alex Rousskov wrote:
> On Sat, 2006-05-06 at 12:08 +1200, Doug Dixon wrote:
> > And as Henrik says, if you've got new stuff in the pipeline, please  
> > shout now. We just need to agree which PRE it goes into - whether 4  
> > or later. 
> The BodyPipe-related changes that currently live in squid3-icap branch
> are pretty much ready for being committed to HEAD. Those changes affect
> Squid core (as well as ICAP) and are meant to fix several POST-related
> bugs in Squid3. I hope these changes will be copied to HEAD in 14 days
> or so.

Ha! Replying to messages sorted by subject can be humiliating: I did not
realize the above thread is almost a year old until I sent the carefully
crafted response :-). I should have listened to the inner voice being
surprised by the low Squid PRE number being discussed on that thread!

Sorry for the noise,


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