* Henrik Nordstrom ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> tis 2007-03-20 klockan 19:40 +0100 skrev Thomas-Martin Seck:
> > Ack! Please address this, either by fixing the bugs or if this is not
> > possible for whatever reason by telling users about them. I'll stick a
> > big red warning sign to the port, too if needed.
> The main problem in fixing these is that there is no developers actively
> working on the Squid-2 ICAP patch, just barely enough to maintain it.
> Additionally the approach taken by the patch in how to hook in the data
> flows is considered a bit of a dead end not encouraging it to be
> actively developed much further..

Hm, sorry to hear that. I'll see whether I can integrate prominent
warnings into the port. It's a pity that I cannot fix even obvious
issues myself because I am not at all familiar with the Squid codebase
and besides you are probably not really inclined to fix any bugs I add
all by myself...

> We would all love to see a stable and fully ICAP capable Squid. And at
> the moment Squid-3 is the most promising for this I think.

Since I received some requests for a Squid 3 port from users, I'll
guess I start tracking Squid 3 with PRE6. PRE5 plus a bunch of
changesets would be doable but I would rather wait for PRE6 if it's due
to be put out soon.

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