Adrian Chadd wrote:
On Wed, May 02, 2007, Robert Collins wrote:
On Wed, 2007-05-02 at 14:05 +1200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Without knowing a lot about the sourceforge compile farm it seems to
me we
could possible leverage that.

Has anyone looked at it before?
Not anymore:
"As of 2007-02-08, Compile Farm service has been
officially discontinued. "

Pick what hardware you'd like to play with and stuff can be arranegd.
HP have some test machines you can get accounts on; the local computer
club has access to reasonably diverse platforms and I can also add
a machine or two to my server rack at home.

Ah d'rats.

Thanks Adrian, I was thinking ore in the line of something that could be added easily to the site and running semi-automatically.


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