mån 2007-05-07 klockan 22:38 +0100 skrev Markus Moeller:
> Is there anywhere a guide for creating helper programs ?

Not really.

For the simpler helpers such as url rewriter, basic auth helpers, acl's
etc there hasn't really been a need for a guide beyond what is said in
the squid.conf comments and the existing helpers as examples.

The NTLM and Negotiate schemes is a bit more complex with their
statefullness, but it's also not something very many people are going to
implement helpers for so it's easier to deal with on a case by case
basis there. Just fire whatever questions you have to

The NTLM helper protocol was defined by Squid some years ago.

The Negotiate helper protocol was defined by Samba, based on the Squid
NTLM helper protocol.


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