Hi Amos,
Amos Jeffries wrote:
> I just spent the afternoon going over Christos full patch for
> squid3-largeobj and only found a few very minor things. Though I still
> don't know squid well enough to tell if there is anything missed out.
Did you use it to download large files? Did you do some tests using it
(just browsing ot something else)? I believe that now it is in good state...

> HttpHdrRange.cc chunk @459
>  - (uint64_t) looks to be obsolete cast now in the if.

And some other thinks needed small changes too...

> Not sure whether these are needed, but its not clear either way without a
> compile test.
> peer_digest.cc chunk @787
>  - (int)
Needed here, else the compiler will produce a warning.....
> store_dir.cc chunk @330
>  - (uint64_t )
Where is it?

> Some formatting niggles:
> access_log.cc chunk @531
> - outoff, and dooff definitions are indented with tab, needs to be space.
> src/Makefile.am chunk @584
>  - makefiles are all tab indented. StoreMetaSTDLFS.h has been spaced.
> (yes its weird, but I think its a carryover from an automake syntax
> requirement)
Done ..

> ufsdump.cc chunk @89
> - I would suggest doing a single static_cast in each of your cases and
> then using the converted pointer. You will need to add {}. That drops 6
> castings down to 2 and makes it more readable.
> - Also, anything streamed should not need casting unless its stored wrong
> (the "(int)x.getType()" )

Typecasting for x.getType() needed because it returns a char type but we
need to print an integer here. But ufsdump is just a debugging tool for
internal use only ....


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